
Thursday, December 27, 2007

MM #88: How Far Did You Come in 2007?

1. Announcements/Offers

Is it time to upgrade or create your keynote speech?

Internationally renowned speaker Marcia Reynolds is holding her keynote retreat on January 24-26 in Phoenix. She holds this retreat only once a year for 6-8 participants.

She says, "I guarantee that if you attend the retreat, you will walk away with a speech that you are passionate about, that includes a powerful opening and closing and is structured as a keynote (not a mini seminar). You will get individual coaching and chance to practice and develop your stories."

For more information, call Marcia at 602-954-9030 or email her at Marcia@covisioning.com.

What People are Saying About '10 Super Coaches'

To 10 Super Coachesfind out how 10 ordinary coaches are earning $30,000 to $1.4 million per year, and how you can do it too, click here:

10 Super Coaches

"I was working on a marketing strategy that was going to cost quite a bit of money when I bought the ebook. It made me realise there is a MUCH more direct, and less expensive method. Saved me several hundred pounds and gave me a kick up the rear end to do something else. Thanks!"

Neil Gilbranch, United Kingdom

"Why re-invent the wheel when you can see how successful people are already producing results you want? Don't hesitate, buy it today. The '10 Super Coaches' ebook has given me the confidence and inner strength I needed to build my business, I have been able to fine-tune my fees, and I have offered sample sessions with success."

Denise Simons, New Zealand

RELATE Coaching

Visit 10 SuperCoaches

2. FEATURE: How far did you come in 2007?

Before you go on to conquer the world in 2008, don't you think it's important to celebrate how far you have come this year.

Look back.

What have you accomplished?

What are you proud of?

And so importantly - what are you grateful for? (Because gratitude not only feels good - it generates growth.)

I'll start. Below I'll share what I'm proud to have accomplished this year, and what I'm grateful for.

But don't read it passively. Oh no.

At the bottom I'm going to ask you to write YOUR Celebratory.

As you read mine, ideas will spark for what you can celebrate this year.

I'll ask you to go straight to the blog and post for the world to see.

And I'll ask you to forward to everyone you care about, so they can join you in the process; you can read their celebratory, and congratulate them.

* * *


Health & Lifestyle

  • Huge personal breakthrough in which I felt feelings so intense I thought I might die, instead of using sleeping pills to send them away.

  • Body is lean and healthy; rarely do I get sick

  • Dipped my toe in the 'global warming' waters, and set to take action in 2008. No longer a rebel without a cause ;-)

  • Nominated to Transformational Leadership Council


  • Made some wonderful new, close friends (Ezra, Nicole, Reese, Racheli, Magalie, Alex - to name a few)

  • Am well supported by my old friends (Jon, Bron, Sonja, Reid, Beth, Kye, Flaven, Cindy, Gerry, Maria - to name a few)

  • Celebrated one year with my partner Kristina!

  • Began new business relationships - and in some cases friendships, with Alex Mandossian (who has been invaluable on the business and personal front), John Gray (valuable support and introductions), Harv Eker, Chet Holmes, Joel Comm, Donna Steinhorn and Michael Gerber.

  • Incredibly fortunate to have the support of Beth Dargis, Kimberly Marlow, and Terri Carey, - without whom you wouldn't even get to read this newsletter.

Finance & Business & Career

  • Contributed to two anthologies, one with foreword by Mark Victor Hansen

  • Completed book proposal and sent to agent

  • Increased combined subscribers to 70,000

  • Increased revenue 70% over previous year

  • Landed on the national speaking stage with a bang, speaking to audiences of 1,000 and selling products in the mid-six-figures range.

  • Learned 105 things that don't work

* * *

Action - now it's time for YOU

Don't just read my Celebratory, make this valuable for you.

Post your Celebratory where we can all acknowledge you, here.

Whether you spend 1 minute or 1 day on it doesn't matter.

Just post it.

Remember, where there is gratitude and appreciation, there is growth. It's critical to chew and swallow what you've received this year, before asking for more.

If you find yourself judging your achievements - good! This is an opportunity to look deeper at what you can be grateful for. AND - to light the fire in your belly to really make 2008 count.

Go ahead - post your Celebratory now.

Your Friends

I really want to read what my friends are celebrating this year. So I'm going to forward this invitation to them and ask them all to post as well.

If you really want to start a gratitude movement, I invite you to do the same.

(Hint: be sure and tell them to add their name to the post, so you can find it on the blog!)

Love and gratitude,

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Stop Global Warming - what's our move?

I'm a newbie to the global warming issue, and committed to making a BIG impact by HELPING people to change mass behaviour.


Here's my current thinking. Would appreciate you adding to it:

a) watch one key video (call it THE VIDEO)
b) reduce their own carbon imprint to zero
c) contact their lawmaker on a piece of key legislation

a) have 100 friends watch THE VIDEO
b) have 100 of their friends to reduce imprint to zero
c) have 100 of their friends contact their lawmaker

I figure THEN we'll have a movement, with integrity. Perhaps when people can check off the above list they can call themselves a 'climate champion' or whatever label we come up with.

Rather than start our own, or my own charity, I'm thinking to find an existing charity that:
a) uses publicity and email communication effectively
b) motivates people to take the above actions
c) is open to help re: strategy, internet marketing, etc (i.e. will listen)

...and then we can support that charity as much as possible, driving traffic to their site and email capture.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Craziness? Please post your comment below.

As I said, I'm new, and could use all your help as I clarify my thinking - and before we ask the 70,000 people on my list to act.




Monday, December 24, 2007

I quit!

I just quit my job.

Which might sound strange since I work for myself.

I'm burned out - been working too hard, to the point where every waking and sleeping moment was about work. Everything blurred to the point that I forget what a day off looks like.

The results got too important - I got attached to the outcome, and started to feel a lot of pressure to make things happen. (Which is ridiculous!)

So I quit. At least for the next four days I'm only going to do what I want to do. As my good friend Nicole Daedone said: "It just has to feel good".

If I don't want to speak to groups - I won't speak. If it feels like too much pressure to put the pitch and sales stuff together, I won't worry whether I sell anything at the end of the speech. I'm done going for book endorsements unless they feel natural and fun. And I've chilled out about selling it to a publisher. (In my mind it's already sold and published, and it will do how it's going to do).

I don't have to earn any money in the next 12 months. I don't have to sell one product. I don't have to travel anywhere I don't want to, or for longer than I want. I don't have to hang out with anyone I don't want to - regardless of the business opportunity they might bring. I don't ~need~ to write a book, and if I do, I don't need anyone to buy it.

Being hyperfocused can be a gift. I get enormous things done in a short period of time. And...there's balance.

Will this last past Dec 27? I don't know. But it's feeling good right now, and I'm enjoying LOST and reading up on the environment.

So I quit.

I quit my own job.


Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Chillin’ with Nicolas Cage and Wonder Woman

I generally look down on groupies. People chasing celebrities just to get a spark of their energy, or a moment of fame because someone who IS somebody spoke to them.And yet there I was at the After Party for National Treasure II.

Thinking it pretty boring, I was about to leave when my friend suggested we head towards the middle where there were more people. I almost missed Ed Harris walking right past me, and then spotted Nick Cage and John Voight in a knot of 50 people. At this stage I was still adamant I was ‘above it all’, but I gravitated towards the stars just to be at the centre of this celebrity-nova. And then it happened.

As Nicholas brushed right past me, a voice that wasn’t mine said: “Are you spent, or could you do one more photo Mr. Cage?” A few words with Nick, a few words with John Voight, and then it was all a blur until I came to and found myself hugging and posing for pictures with Wonder Woman (who by the way was just a darling, and had very nice things to say about red heads).

Now I think I’m hooked. I had such a good time I’d like to go to more of these functions – to see all the hype and pomp – to play with it – to see who I connect with. And to get pictures with people simply because a lot of people know their face. Oh my God, I’m a groupie! Where can I get help?

Oh, how’d I get into the after party?

I asked. As people left the theatre after the premiere I asked them (a lot of them) if they were going to the after party. Eventually a couple said they were too tired and going home, so I said: “Oh, my friend and I are short two passes if you wouldn’t mind us using them”.

Book Outline - Chapter Headings

I'm interested to know what else you would add? What would you take away?

Chapter 1--Is it truly possible? Busting the 5 Myths
Chapter 2--Your Life Experience is Valuable
Chapter 3--The ‘David 7 Step’ – an overview
Chapter 4--Step #1: How to Uncover Your True Niche
Chapter 5--Step #2: How to Set Up Your Web Site in 7 Days
Chapter 6--Choose Courage, not FearChapter 7--Step #3: The Foundation of Your Empire - Your Newsletter
Chapter 8--Step #4: A Short Cut to Product Creation – save 6 months!
Chapter 9--Your Key to Playing Big
Chapter 10--Step #5: Build Your Coaching or Consulting Revenue Stream
Chapter 11--Step #6: How to Drive Massive Traffic to Your SiteChapter 12--Step #7: How to Create Your Own Product in 14 days
Bonus Chapter--How to Build a Massive Email List
Conclusion: Getting Paid for Who You Are

Interested in what you would add or take away...



Monday, December 17, 2007

MM 88: Create Your Speaking Process


Friday, December 14, 2007

It's raining agents

An agent I approached over 2 months ago about a SEPARATE book, on relationships, just got back to me with a YES. They would like to represent it.

This puts me in a bit of an awkward position as I've already approached another agent about both books, and won't know for a while if she's on board or not. Hmmmm....

Meanwhile a third agent has heard about the book and is interested, but I just can't see there's a lot of point in shopping around for agents, can you?

Meanwhile I've heard of a great publisher - an entrepreneurial publisher - which would be straight forward and not even require an agent. I'll keep you posted as things develop.....


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The latest endorsements

Continuing my mission to include you in the entire process of writing a best-selling book...

I'm happy to announce the latest book endorsements are from good friends:

- Marcia Reynolds, Past President International Coach Federation and author of Outsmart Your Brain (who wrote a very personal, heartfelt endorsement), and

- Marcia Wieder, author of Making Your Dreams Come True

Jay Abraham has graciously agreed to take a look at the book outline, and I'm approaching the wonderful Deepak Chopra, Neale Donald Walsch, Steve Wynn, Richard Branson, and maybe Jack Welch, I haven't decided yet. Plus one more mystery person who shall remain nameless until I know the result.

The proposal is being edited as we speak, and I still intend to mail it out to my agent of choice December 14.




Sunday, December 09, 2007

Join our new facebook group!

It's now open!

1) Join the facebook fan group here:


(Hint: if not a member, then take 5 min to signup for facebook)

2) Introduce yourself by responding to the discussion board post 'Introduce yourself - what's your niche?'.

3) Add me as a friend:


Hint: For a 5 minute video message from me guiding you through it, click here. <-- video message

See you on the 'book!

PS Any trouble please post your comments here.


John Gray kindly said 'yes'

I'm really happy to see that my friends and colleagues are loving the book, and rallying behind it.

We now have endorsements from:

- John Gray (Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus)
- Alex Mandossian (http://www.teleseminarsolution.com/ )
- Michael Port (Book Yourself Solid)
- Joel Comm (The Adsense Code)

and an intention to endorse from Chet Holmes and Michael Gerber.

Waiting to hear back from Steve Wynn.

The proposal gets mailed to the publisher this week!



Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Mentor Monthly #87: Professionals - Add Coaching To Your Services


Free Listing in Links Directory
We have a links directory for coaches, trainers, counselors, therapists, fitness trainers, consultants and other service professionals. Get yourself listed - for free! All you need to do is link back to our site. This increases both your link popularity and ours with Google - meaning we both come up higher when people do a web search.

To submit your site to our directory, visit:

Thanks Ken Wright for a fantastic, informative call Thursday!
You can find more about this coach, who made 6 figures in his first year of coaching, here:

(And you can sign up for his newsletter, "Tips to Lead the Wright Way", on the front page, bottom right)

How Did These Coaches Set Up Their Businesses So Quickly?
You can save yourself the hundreds or thousands of dollars you may have paid a mentor coach or training school. After personally mentoring sixty coaches and founding a coach training school, I've compiled everything I know about starting a successful coaching practice in one easy-to-follow Manual.

And it's wonderful to see such huge results like this:

"I can't think of a better investment or more profitable long term step for an aspiring coach to take other than purchase and devour the CoachStart Manual. I used this guide as my Bible when commencing my coaching business and my first 12 months generated revenues over 6 figures....well in excess of my plans and expectations. For a fast start to your business I strongly recommend its use, you'll gain confidence and turn your dreams into reality."

Ken Wright, US

“I wish I had known about the CoachStart Manual before I signed up with my training school. I could have saved myself almost £600!”

Clare Evans, UK

"I 'inhaled' the manual and loved it. You give very practical advice and I particularly liked the 'sample' dialogues that a coach might have with a prospect (warm and hot invitations) and the sample script. I practice it every chance I get. Thanks for such a great and inspiring Manual!"

Midgie Thompson, UK

So, let's get started! Get your CoachStart Manual in the next 5 minutes at http://www.coachstart.com/, and start building!

FEATURE: Professionals - Add Coaching To Your Services

Have you thought of entering the coaching industry? Are you a teacher, trainer, counselor, therapist, financial planner or other professional and feel coaching could be a great new career or add on to your current service?


Advantages of adding coaching to your repertoire include:

  • possible cross-selling from your current services (i.e. they hire you as a trainer, and you upsell them to your coaching. You've been coaching someone for 3 months, and they bring you into their company as a trainer)

  • adding variety to your work which may help maintain creativity in your work

  • you have an existing client base to begin offering your new services!

Adding coaching to your current services can help you build your practice and increase your income by adding more value to your current services.

What's the difference?

Some people ask "What's the difference between coaching, and what I already do?"Sometimes the line is blurred. You could actually offer the exact same service under the label of coaching, and you might make more sales. For example, people might be reluctant to hire a therapist fearing people will think something is wrong with them. But if they see you offer 'coaching', they might jump on it.

However, there really is a difference. As a coach, you're not being an expert. You might slip in expert advice, but you're really just asking the right questions, to help the client see their own answers. (For more on how to structure a coaching service, see The CoachStart™ Manual).

Easy Strategy

One easy strategy is to offer every one of your current and past clients a complimentary coaching session with no obligation. Make the offer for a specific limited time as a thank you for being a client.

During the trial session, you can introduce them to your new service. Plus you will want to ask them for their feedback and invite them to more sessions if they enjoy it.

Gift Sessions

At the end of the trial session, you may offer them three additional complimentary coaching session vouchers to share with their friends and colleagues. Ask them if there is anyone they'd like to give this gift to and give suggestions - someone contemplating a major life change, someone interested in self-help topics, someone needing a little extra support or someone who might enjoy trying out a session.

These trial sessions with your current clients also give you the opportunity to feel out if coaching is right for you. They will help you decide if coaching is something you want to continue as an additional service or even help you transition into full-time coaching.

If you would like the full chapter on entering the coaching profession or if you would like to see the other chapters included in The CoachStart Manual™, you can find them here.


  1. If you are a professional thinking of coaching, create your warm invitation script. (i.e. what will you say when you get someone on the phone?)

  2. Write down a goal of how many current clients you will contact this week about coaching.

  3. For accountability, post your goal at the blog. Post again when you have accomplished your goal.

  4. For current coaches, how many contacts will you call to offer an introductory session? Post it at the blog. Then post again when you have accomplished your goal.

* * *

P.S. Got a comment on this article? Please add it to the blog.