
Monday, November 28, 2005

MM #50: A Clever Strategy

1. Announcements/Offers
What People are Saying About '10 Super Coaches'10 Super Coaches

To find out how 10 ordinary coaches are earning $30,000 to $1.4 million per year, and how you can do it too, click here:


"I was working on a marketing strategy that was going to cost quite a bit of money when I bought the ebook. It made me realise there is a MUCH more direct, and less expensive method. Saved me several hundred pounds and gave me a kick up the rear end to do something else. Thanks!"

Neil Gilbranch, United Kingdom

"Why re-invent the wheel when you can see how successful people are already producing results you want? Don't hesitate, buy it today. The '10 Super Coaches' ebook has given me the confidence and inner strength I needed to build my business, I have been able to fine-tune my fees, and I have offered sample sessions with success."

Denise Simons, New Zealand
RELATE Coaching

Get your copy at:


How to effortlessly and ethically draw clients to your practice using a marketing strategy you will feel good about

Create your own tests, quizzes and assessments to bring people to your site. Milana's Assessment Generator is a great way to do this inexpensively, and fast. Register here:



2. FEATURE: A Clever Strategy
Suppose you got 1,000 visitors to your web site today.

How many would give you their email address so you can stay in touch?

5? 200?

And will they be engaged? Inspired to do a coaching session with you?

In this article I'll tell you a very simple, yet clever strategy, which will engage your visitors in an interactive way, AND get their email address.

Start a relationship
People don't tend to plunk down money the first time they visit a site. And they don't want to become a client until they feel they know you a little better. So to get them interested in you and your site, try free downloads, articles and other freebies. These are excellent ways to bring people to the top of your marketing funnel.

Once you start a relationship by giving them something, it will be easier to convert your visitors to clients or sell your products.

Assessments as freebies
Assessments are a fantastic way to attract visitors. Assessments are quizzes and questionnaires that create an interactive experience for your prospects. "How Successful Are You?" "Are You Ready for a Relationship?" "Are You Stressed?"

People love to fill them out and better yet, they like to pass them on to their friends. And assessments can be powerful tools to help people learn more about themselves. In other words, they are already being coached!

Lyle Johnson, a client in my Coachstart™ Mentoring Program took this idea and turbo charged it. He created 38 assessments in one week!

I'm serious - 38 assessments, 30 questions each, and SIX EMAILS in an autoresponder series to follow up every assessment individually!


He used the Assessment Generator to get his assessments up that quickly (it does the programming for you).

Now I don't expect you to be as prolific as Lyle, but you could definitely whack one up there in the next few days, and send the link to your colleagues and friends.

Get their email address
Once you have a visitor's email, you can contact them more to build the relationship you started with the give away. And you get a chance to show them what else you can offer them (i.e. coaching, an information product, a teleclass, etc.).

Lyle has a great system for following up with potential clients who take the quizzes. He asks for their name and email address before they hit the score button. He tells them where they are based on their score, and then follows up 6 times via an autoresponder specific to that quiz! The autoresponder messages are to upsell to his coaching.

How do you set up the autoresponders? Well - that's a topic for another article. To save you from overwhelm, I'd suggest you just start with the quiz. But for those of you ready to go to the next step - you can check out the system I recommend here.

Can you see the potential? Set up this system once and then you don't have to email each prospect, each time. Just some tweaks here and there every so often.

What's your freebie?
Now that you know how important having something to give away is to attracting potential clients and customers to your site, what are you going to do?

What kind of freebie do you want to use? Can you think of a fun quiz that would suit your niche? As an alternative to the Assessment Generator - which let's you customize your own questions - we offer you a ready made quiz that you can place on your web site without any fuss: Free Goals Report. With our compliments.

1) Brainstorm a list of 10 assessments or freebies you could offer which match your niche.

2) Think about what you want to upsell to (i.e. coaching, products, a course).

3) Post the name of the assessment you will create in the comments area:

Post and Comment here

* * *



Abina - an unusual being

I've met an amazing lady.

You ever hang out with someone, and think how lucky you are that they want to hang with you?
A good friend of mine, Cindy Joseph, said once: "I see how much I've grown, and how wonderful I've become, by looking at the amazing people I'm attracting into my life".

This is true for me - it's hard to see myself. But by looking at Abina, in a way I see who I must be 'being', for her to hang out with me. Which is pretty cool!

Ready to meet her?

Abina is smart, and wise, present, still, clear, and beautiful, and loving, and fun.....
She's so interested in and curious about people.
She's from Vermont and likes apples with almond butter, dagoba lavender dark chocolate, carrot burdock kinpura, and decaf soy lattes.
She loves to laugh.
And to get her hands covered in dirt while gardening.
She's a snow boarder, trained yoga teacher, has adopted families in Africa, and manages the curriculum for a major nutritional school.
She finds everything perfect (mostly), is a perfectionist, asks for what she wants, and let's me know every single time I do or say something that she likes.
More importantly, she's responsible for me touring the Ben and Jerry's factory last month!

We pressed each others buttons, and stayed in communication through it all. In the end, she wanted lots of time apart and I wanted lots of time together, so we let go the structure of 'committed relationship'. A painful parting for me, yet - it was truly a wonderful three months.

And now I'm even clearer on what I want. Yay!

Monday, November 14, 2005

MM #49: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind - Part 3

1. Announcements/Offers
"How to Get 95% of Your Clients From The Internet"
If you missed this information-packed call you're probably kicking yourself. Terri Levine grilled me non-stop and we had a lot of fun outlining the steps to create an automated client stream, and passive revenue using the internet.

Plus, only listeners to the call can get the free gift, and very special offer to access the professional training program.

Look, you may already be too late. But if you're reading this prior to Midnight Thursday November 17 - email Beth at support @ solutionbox.com (no spaces) straight away. If the email is sent before that time and date, Beth will give you access to the recording, and the special bonus link.

$297 training special
Since choosing the perfect coach training school can be such a difficult task these days, and SolutionBox™ doesn't offer training, we help you through the process.

At our site http://www.becomeacoach.com/ we have reviews of top training schools. We've even negotiated training specials for you up to US$300 in value.

Find out more about the training specials and schools, and our school chooser wizard, here:

Whatever you do, never sign up for a school without going to BecomeaCoach.com first. Why miss out on a free bonus?

Did you get your fr'ee CD yet?
Last week, we emailed you about our new discovery: The Holosync Program. We received quite a few emails from people who were already using the program and absolutely love it. If you didn't get one, it's not too late:

Bill Harris, owner of Holosync, is offering to send you a Holosync demo CD and Spec'ial Report - with our compliments. You can get yours here:

ICF Conference
What fun! Met up with Andrea Lee, Suzanne Falter Barnes, Stephen Fairlee, Travis Greelee, Michele Schubnel, Marcia Wieder, Sandy Vilas, Steve Mitten (outgoing ICF President), Pam Richarde (incoming ICF president), Cheryl Richardson, Laura Berman Fortgang, and Ginger Cockerham....just to name a few! I hope to have pics ready for you soon - there may be a few surprises there!

It really was fun, and I'm so happy to be forming real friendships with some of these guys - they really are a great bunch of people.

2. FEATURE: Secrets of the Million'aire Mind - Part 3
Here is the final instalment of our popular series. If you missed the first two parts you can find them here:
Part 1
Part 2

We love hearing how you are implementing these strategies. Great job!

And now on to Part 3 - thanks again to my good friend Birgitte Philipedes of New York for her help on this. (And inspired by "Secrets of the Million'aire Mind" by T. Harv Eker. However any errors or omissions are purely our own.)

Million'aire Mind Notes - Part 3

  • Never have a ceiling on your income
  • The majority of millionaires became rich by being in their own business
  • When you own a business, you can save a small fortune in taxes by writing off portions of your expenses for car, travel, education, home, etc
  • Selling is one of the world's highest paid professions
  • You'll never get rich working on a straight salary for someone else
  • Rich people live in a world of abundance
  • You can be kind, loving, caring, generous and spiritual person - and be rich
  • The true measure of wealth is your net worth, NOT your income
  • The four net worth factors are:
    1. Income
    2. Savings
    3. Investments
    4. Simplification
  • Rich people take the time and energy to learn about investing and investments
  • Simplification = consciously creating a lifestyle in which you need less money to live on
  • Expenses will always rise in direct proportion to income
  • Know your net worth
  • To master money you must manage money
  • Rich people are good at managing their money
  • Start properly handling the money that you already have
  • You must acquire skills and habits of managing a small amount of money before you can have a large amount
  • When you begin to manage your money, you'll have plenty of it

Don't just read this information, do something!
Go to our comments section and:
1) Let us know what ACTION (if any) you took as a result of Part 2
2) Post TWO nuggets from above that most strike you
3) Pick ONE action you will take out of reading Part 3, and post it for the world to see.
Post and Comment here

* * *


Friday, November 04, 2005

Create #39 - Passive Income

1. Announcements/Offers
Fre'e Ecourse on Creating Pass'ive In'come
Would you like to learn how to create pass'ive in'come? Try this fre'e ecourse and learn:

  • Where can you get clients?
  • Don't make this major mistake
  • Find out if there is a demand for your product or service
  • Learn how to turn information into products
  • Get a great web address that works for you

Cl*ck here to get your ecourse:
How to Get 95% of Your Clients from the Internet 'Taster' ecourse

2. FEATURE: Pass'ive In'come - is it really possible?

I recently had an IM chat with our resident relationship coach Jon Webster. We thought you might pull some helpful insights from our talk.

Jon: I really wanted to go on Wednesday, but I still have this job thing.

David: Job? Is that a fruit? A dance move?

Jon: In the industrial age, capital was employed by building large factories filled with machines for the production of products. These ancient machines were operated by human beings, rather than computers, and the humans were scheduled in rigid time slots to operate the machines.

The humans participated in these ventures in exchange for "mon'ey" a representation of value for the purposes of abstract exchange. This was known as "working" at a "job".

David: Was this legal?

Jon: There was a full system of laws to prevent abuse, which of course indicates that abuse was inherent in the system.

David: It doesn't sound very nice. Why doesn't everyone just set up pass'ive in'come and travel?

Jon: What is pass'ive in'come?

David: Pass'ive in'come is mon'ey paid to you while you are not doing anything to earn it. You set up a system to provide value to people while you are asleep or on vacation. They pay mon'ey into your bank account automatically.


How about you? Do you only make money when you work? Do you find work eating up more and more of your time? Then it may be time to create some passive income - invest, create products, even become an affiliate.

Last week I was at the ICF conference in California, visiting Harbin Hot Springs and taking a seminar on creating more pleasure, all while bringing in pass'ive in'come from things I have already created to serve people. So yes - it's possible!


David: I think this discourse would be a great newsletter or blog posting - OK by you?

Jon: I'm already copying it to my blog

David: I've emailed my assistant to expand it into a newsletter.

Hey Jon - this is a great example of creating value for people from your everyday living, thoughts, examples, interactions. Recording teleclasses, dialing a number and recording a thought, copying an email to a friend – it’s all IP – all potential product. Maybe one day we'll just think and mon'ey will come in?


If you want to learn more about making your own pass'ive in'come, come visit to take our new, updated, fr'ee ecourse:

How to Get 95% of Your Clients from the Internet 'Taster' ecourse

3. The Personal Touch

Things are flying at their regular pace...

I mentioned last time taking a few weeks to heal from what seems the final Bronnie breakup in August. Proposing, and getting a 'no', was an intense experience. But I trust she knows what is right for her and us, I still love her dearly, and I think the whole process prepared me for commitment. I then arrived in New York to run straight into the life of an amazing being - Abina. Yes - it all sounds way too soon - yet we're thrilled to have met each other, seem perfect for each other, and have committed to a relationship together and having life be as fun as possible. Look for more on this amazing lady on the

I paid homage to Wavy Gravy at the Ben & Jerry's factory in Vermont. And got myself a 2.5 gallon tub of it. Bliss!

Just spent a packed two weeks doing a course on pleasure, visiting Harbin, meeting awesome people at the ICF coaching conference (stay tuned for photos on the blog) and swinging lots of deals, and hanging out with people of the More House in Lafayette.

SolutionBox is going through the roof - with record sales this week (like triple), and a whopping 4,900 new subscribers in a 24 hour period! (Yes of course I'll send out a newsletter sharing how we did it - just make sure you're on the MentorMonthly newsletter list here.)

Oh - and I've rented a lovely apartment on Roosevelt Island! I'm so happy to feel settled and safe for the first time in a long time. Looks like New York will be my base for quite a while to come. And yes - I'll post pics on the blog.


P.S. If you have any comments on this newsletter, we'd love you to share them