
Monday, November 14, 2005

MM #49: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind - Part 3

1. Announcements/Offers
"How to Get 95% of Your Clients From The Internet"
If you missed this information-packed call you're probably kicking yourself. Terri Levine grilled me non-stop and we had a lot of fun outlining the steps to create an automated client stream, and passive revenue using the internet.

Plus, only listeners to the call can get the free gift, and very special offer to access the professional training program.

Look, you may already be too late. But if you're reading this prior to Midnight Thursday November 17 - email Beth at support @ solutionbox.com (no spaces) straight away. If the email is sent before that time and date, Beth will give you access to the recording, and the special bonus link.

$297 training special
Since choosing the perfect coach training school can be such a difficult task these days, and SolutionBox™ doesn't offer training, we help you through the process.

At our site http://www.becomeacoach.com/ we have reviews of top training schools. We've even negotiated training specials for you up to US$300 in value.

Find out more about the training specials and schools, and our school chooser wizard, here:

Whatever you do, never sign up for a school without going to BecomeaCoach.com first. Why miss out on a free bonus?

Did you get your fr'ee CD yet?
Last week, we emailed you about our new discovery: The Holosync Program. We received quite a few emails from people who were already using the program and absolutely love it. If you didn't get one, it's not too late:

Bill Harris, owner of Holosync, is offering to send you a Holosync demo CD and Spec'ial Report - with our compliments. You can get yours here:

ICF Conference
What fun! Met up with Andrea Lee, Suzanne Falter Barnes, Stephen Fairlee, Travis Greelee, Michele Schubnel, Marcia Wieder, Sandy Vilas, Steve Mitten (outgoing ICF President), Pam Richarde (incoming ICF president), Cheryl Richardson, Laura Berman Fortgang, and Ginger Cockerham....just to name a few! I hope to have pics ready for you soon - there may be a few surprises there!

It really was fun, and I'm so happy to be forming real friendships with some of these guys - they really are a great bunch of people.

2. FEATURE: Secrets of the Million'aire Mind - Part 3
Here is the final instalment of our popular series. If you missed the first two parts you can find them here:
Part 1
Part 2

We love hearing how you are implementing these strategies. Great job!

And now on to Part 3 - thanks again to my good friend Birgitte Philipedes of New York for her help on this. (And inspired by "Secrets of the Million'aire Mind" by T. Harv Eker. However any errors or omissions are purely our own.)

Million'aire Mind Notes - Part 3

  • Never have a ceiling on your income
  • The majority of millionaires became rich by being in their own business
  • When you own a business, you can save a small fortune in taxes by writing off portions of your expenses for car, travel, education, home, etc
  • Selling is one of the world's highest paid professions
  • You'll never get rich working on a straight salary for someone else
  • Rich people live in a world of abundance
  • You can be kind, loving, caring, generous and spiritual person - and be rich
  • The true measure of wealth is your net worth, NOT your income
  • The four net worth factors are:
    1. Income
    2. Savings
    3. Investments
    4. Simplification
  • Rich people take the time and energy to learn about investing and investments
  • Simplification = consciously creating a lifestyle in which you need less money to live on
  • Expenses will always rise in direct proportion to income
  • Know your net worth
  • To master money you must manage money
  • Rich people are good at managing their money
  • Start properly handling the money that you already have
  • You must acquire skills and habits of managing a small amount of money before you can have a large amount
  • When you begin to manage your money, you'll have plenty of it

Don't just read this information, do something!
Go to our comments section and:
1) Let us know what ACTION (if any) you took as a result of Part 2
2) Post TWO nuggets from above that most strike you
3) Pick ONE action you will take out of reading Part 3, and post it for the world to see.
Post and Comment here

* * *



At 9:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This issue had real meaning for me. I come from a poverty based childhood and haven't shaken the scarcity belief when I am not earning an income. I've started my business and have been trying to control outgoings and ignore 'doing the books'. So, "as income rises so do expenses" and "you can't have more money until you manage what you have" thoughts hit home.

I'm heading offline now to get my finances back on track!

At 9:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would make Snake Oil salesman proud! , November 11, 2005

Sargon "of Akkad" (Canada) - See all my reviews
I went to T. Harvey Ecker's "free" seminars. He is a low grade con artist in my opinion that tends to attract some low grade groupies and offers low grade products/information. Russ Whitney move over, Harvey Ecker is in town and he offers even less than you do. Such a deal! Yup, Harvey Ecker is the last person I'd ask how to improve my financial circumstances. There are better books out there and much better methods.

In one of his seminars about 4 years ago he claimed his book "Millionaire Mind" was a bestseller. I didn't believe him (a gut feeling) and investigated: NOT! I told the groupie who nagged me to go to his seminar, her response was that of a deer caught in a headlight and she rushed to the table in the back (at the second seminar I went with her out of curiosity) and spent $3000 maxing out her credit card (deep financial debt due to a divorce) to go to some "warrior" training camp which he contracts out to some outfit. Needless to say she was of the "needy personality". She went to every one of his "free" seminars that he had when in town and would hover around the stage like a dazed & confused school girl - it was surreal. He was supposed to make an appearance at his *paid* "warrior" training camp but was too busy "shaking the foundations" with his message. Yeah, right!

Why did I go? I'm openminded and inquisitive but know a carnie when I see one. Been around lots of them. Folks, this guy is your typical purveyor of BS who I highly doubt has ever operated a business (we only have HIS 'word" on this) and does seminars and "workshops" but has never actually applied them to the real world. He operates mostly in Canada because he's too low grade to mingle with the big boys in the USA. You want to improve your life? Like I say there are better people out there to read and advise you. I'm just informing you that this guy ain't one of them. His goal, and his only goal, is to give you repackaged horsehooey disguised as profound wisdom and mark it up 1000% all the while making unsubstantiated claims to the truly desperate. If you're that stupid, after reading this heads up, to buy T. Harv Ecker's books and attend his "Sucker Born Every Minute" seminars, please be my guest.

For the record I scanned this book and his Millionaire Mind one. As Dr, Phil would say, "Past behavior is a good indicator of future behavior." In this case, his books, like his seminars, are fluff packaging for the desperate and why I'm doing this review. I hate to see people being shafted bearing in the mind the above paragraph. In addition, I noticed some positive reviews from authors (i.e. Kevin Hogan) who actually are good and i'm disappointed but in a society of "let's endorse everyone so they'll endorse me", it isn't surprising. How anyone could legitimately endorse this guy and keep a straight face is beyond me. I guess standards keep on falling and Ecker's "products" will keep on rising.

Let me reiterate, if you desire financial success look other places and read other books. Here you'll find deceptive methodology, expensive programs that are designed to open your wallet and give you as little as possible and books that are marginal at best, useless at worst. Obviously, I'm talking to those whom I have described. I have seen first hand the damage guys like this can do to thos ewho are desperate and gullible.

At 9:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would make Snake Oil salesman proud! , November 11, 2005

Sargon "of Akkad" (Canada) - See all my reviews
I went to T. Harvey Ecker's "free" seminars. He is a low grade con artist in my opinion that tends to attract some low grade groupies and offers low grade products/information. Russ Whitney move over, Harvey Ecker is in town and he offers even less than you do. Such a deal! Yup, Harvey Ecker is the last person I'd ask how to improve my financial circumstances. There are better books out there and much better methods.

In one of his seminars about 4 years ago he claimed his book "Millionaire Mind" was a bestseller. I didn't believe him (a gut feeling) and investigated: NOT! I told the groupie who nagged me to go to his seminar, her response was that of a deer caught in a headlight and she rushed to the table in the back (at the second seminar I went with her out of curiosity) and spent $3000 maxing out her credit card (deep financial debt due to a divorce) to go to some "warrior" training camp which he contracts out to some outfit. Needless to say she was of the "needy personality". She went to every one of his "free" seminars that he had when in town and would hover around the stage like a dazed & confused school girl - it was surreal. He was supposed to make an appearance at his *paid* "warrior" training camp but was too busy "shaking the foundations" with his message. Yeah, right!

Why did I go? I'm openminded and inquisitive but know a carnie when I see one. Been around lots of them. Folks, this guy is your typical purveyor of BS who I highly doubt has ever operated a business (we only have HIS 'word" on this) and does seminars and "workshops" but has never actually applied them to the real world. He operates mostly in Canada because he's too low grade to mingle with the big boys in the USA. You want to improve your life? Like I say there are better people out there to read and advise you. I'm just informing you that this guy ain't one of them. His goal, and his only goal, is to give you repackaged horsehooey disguised as profound wisdom and mark it up 1000% all the while making unsubstantiated claims to the truly desperate. If you're that stupid, after reading this heads up, to buy T. Harv Ecker's books and attend his "Sucker Born Every Minute" seminars, please be my guest.

For the record I scanned this book and his Millionaire Mind one. As Dr, Phil would say, "Past behavior is a good indicator of future behavior." In this case, his books, like his seminars, are fluff packaging for the desperate and why I'm doing this review. I hate to see people being shafted bearing in the mind the above paragraph. In addition, I noticed some positive reviews from authors (i.e. Kevin Hogan) who actually are good and i'm disappointed but in a society of "let's endorse everyone so they'll endorse me", it isn't surprising. How anyone could legitimately endorse this guy and keep a straight face is beyond me. I guess standards keep on falling and Ecker's "products" will keep on rising.

Let me reiterate, if you desire financial success look other places and read other books. Here you'll find deceptive methodology, expensive programs that are designed to open your wallet and give you as little as possible and books that are marginal at best, useless at worst. Obviously, I'm talking to those whom I have described. I have seen first hand the damage guys like this can do to thos ewho are desperate and gullible.

At 10:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you must aquire the skills to manage small amounts of money before you can have large amounts.

start properly handling the money you already have.

At 4:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How did Cohelio say it about when you want something really bad? Well the phrase out of part 3 "You'll never get rich working on a straight salary for someone else" is right on. Today at 12 p.m. I have decided to give in my resignation from Executive Director of a world organization as I am starting my own Business Consulting business!!!

At 7:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

KNOW the source - You become as those with whom you associate.

Accentuate the POSITIVE - turn away from the negative.

What you focus on E X P A N D S

At 10:55 AM, Blogger David Wood said...

I appreciate the snakeoil salesman comment. I haven't heard anything else back about Ecker, but I'll keep my ears open. And it reminds us all - check out information for yourself.
I know people who thought his seminars were great. At the same time, I know a lot of people spend thousands on these things, and don't make change in their life. But you can make great change just from a couple of books - no need to spend the thousands.

And way to go the person who is resigning! Gave me a great start to my day. Drop me a line if you see this post letting me know how you go!


At 1:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next week I will register for real estate classes

At 12:18 PM, Blogger Inside Investigator said...

D you want to know what really goes on with Peak Potentials Training before you opening your wallet. It is not a sales site, only the details of my first hand experience.

Inside Peak Potentials Training

I hope it helps.

At 11:26 AM, Blogger David Wood said...

Inside Investigator - thanks very much for your comments. Very useful site.


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