
Thursday, August 31, 2006

MM #68: A Coaching Technique (Part II)

1. Announcements/Offers

More Clients than You Can Handle

If you're really ready for advanced marketing, I recommend you go to the web site right now and get a copy of my advanced marketing CD program. It ships within 2 business days, and you get immediate online access so you can listen in straight away.

EXPLODE YOUR COACHING PRACTICE™: Proven Practice Building Secrets to Give You More Clients Than You Can Handle.

These are actual recordings of my very best mentoring sessions with fast up-and-coming coaches over the past four years. And - it's now loaded with bonuses!


12 Core Dynamics of Common Problems

Price $179.00

Everyone wants more out of life. We want to make progress in our career and relationships but it's as if some invisible resistance is keeping us from having the life we really desire.

This seminar led by Tom Stone provides new insights and personal development techniques to 'debug' and 'upgrade' your inner human software. The Core Dynamics model is part of an emerging new field called Human Software Engineering. The insights, techniques and skills presented here can help you liberate yourself from the invisible but powerful influences of your early childhood conditioning.

Now you can easily find and open the door to the prison of your conditioning and step out into a life of freedom, progress and joy. You'll be amazed to discover how the Core Dynamics can transform your life!

5 compact discs, manual and Venn diagrams included

Special Bonus when you order this CD set now, you will also receive access to an audio recording via the web of Tom Stone taking you through one of the Five Pure Awareness techniques called the GAP exercise. GAP stands for Greater Awareness Place and it teaches you how to experience the essential nature of your own Pure Awareness simply and easily.

Click here to order

2. FEATURE: A Coaching Technique (Part II)

Tom Stone has led the way in the field of coaching and we are very excited he has offered to share his expertise on core dynamics coaching with us.
In Part 1 we learned that to align yourself with nature's principle involves three things:
  1. Becoming aware of the tendency to make impulsive decisions

  2. Noticing when you are about to decide impulsively and "unplugging" from making that decision or taking that action

  3. Waiting until you have that natural sense of quiet certainty.

What if waiting feels hard?

If you fear that waiting will be uncomfortable, or that you might miss out on something, sometimes it is and sometimes you will. But the discomforts that you go through while waiting are the very things that you need to experience in order to get to the place of clarity about your decision. And think about some of those things that you were afraid that you would miss out on, and then they turned out to not be what you wanted after all.

Waiting isn't always uncomfortable. For example, everyone I've asked about it has had one or more experiences that they can remember of having a desire for something, forgetting about it and not doing anything to fulfill that desire, and then all of a sudden, at a certain point, the fulfillment of your desire just showed up! If you think about it, you will probably be able to identify several such experiences in your own life.

This is beautiful. This is the ideal of waiting for clarity because sometimes the universe and the laws of nature can organize the fulfillment of our desires far better than we can even imagine.

Wouldn't it be cool if your whole life could be aligned with the principle of least action so that everything in your life was like that? Have the desire, let it go and watch the universe bring it about? Now, don't get me wrong here, sometimes the laws of nature need to be acting through your body, mind and personality in order to bring about the fulfillment of your desires.

But when this is happening you are truly in the Zone. Everything that you do feels like you aren't even doing it. You feel as if you are watching it happen and you are just along for the ride. Pretty much everyone has had that kind of experience either in sports or in some other area of life.

Can you say more about the benefits?

As you practice this (and you can start right away) you will start to notice that as you wait for the clarity often times it will become obvious that it wasn't such a good idea after all and you will save yourself tons of time and energy and money that you didn't waste on chasing after something that was only an emotional impulse and not something that would really bring you the fulfillment that you seek.

Another thing that will happen is that you will start to notice that sometimes the longer you wait, if it is something that you thought you were going to have to "do", more and more of it will get organized by nature. This is because when you are aligned with what is truly right for you, then you are naturally in sync with the law of least effort.

Lots of times things will simply take care of themselves much like the experience of having a desire and having the laws of nature organize the whole thing for you. You might call it doing less and accomplishing more. Or even, doing nothing and accomplishing everything!

Tom, can you give us an example?

A good personal example of waiting for clarity that I'll share with you is the process that I went through in writing this article. When David invited me to contribute an article, I wasn't sure at first what to write about. He said that he'd like it to be about something that people interested in coaching would be able to use right away. But some of the things that we teach in Core Dynamics Coach Training really require a more thorough process of actually giving people specific new experiences, so they aren't as easy to teach through articles as they would be through live or recorded audio or video training.

So I waited for clarity. After waiting about two weeks, I was having a conversation with my wife, telling her about some preliminary thoughts for the article when the idea of explaining how to align yourself with this powerful universal law of least effort just came to me.

That was the moment when it just clicked into place. I was experiencing the very thing that I was going to write about. The natural and appropriate time for the right idea had arrived. Then sitting down to write the article was totally effortless. It just flowed out like it wasn't even me writing it! Well, I guess it's a good idea to walk your talk!


"Waiting for Clarity" is one of five unique experiential techniques that we teach people in Core Dynamics Coach Training. The technique of "Unplugging" that I mentioned in the second step in the process is another one of these five techniques. You can also learn how to use this "unplugging" technique to dismantle any unwanted habits that you have had difficulty in changing in the past. All five of these new experiential coaching techniques are taught in the Core Dynamics seminar which is now available on audio CD by special arrangement with David and SolutionBox®.

Click here to order.

Learning these techniques to enrich your own life and remove the limiting influences that are the barriers to having the life that you truly want is a wonderful and very important part of learning Core Dynamics Coaching. After all, how can you really coach people in having a great life unless you are having one yourself?

And you'll love using these techniques with your clients.

Personal development for coaches

I feel very strongly about the importance of personal development for coaches. Great coaching comes out of great people and is much more important than simply learning a bunch of coaching techniques. It is far more important who you are being than what coaching techniques you know.

So while you are learning about coaching, learn how to get your own life together by learning and practicing the five Core Dynamics personal development techniques. They are some of the most simple and profound techniques that I have learned in my life. And they are also some of the most powerful tools you can teach your clients too.

by Tom Stone
Founder - Great Life Technologies, LLC

Action: Expressing Yourself

  1. Practice waiting for clarity on a couple of your desires/projects.

  2. Take a look at the seminar Tom talked about and think what difference it might make in your life, and the lives of your clients: Check it out here.

  3. See my (David's) comments on the blog

  4. Post your thoughts and comments at the blog!


P.S. Got a comment on this article? Add it to the blog.

P.P.S. Any Questions? http://www.SolutionBox.com/support.htm
And for general comments and feedback, post here.

Friday, August 25, 2006

MM #67: A Coaching Technique (Part I)

1. Announcements/Offers

How to Get Your 'First Fifty Clients' - Guaranteed!

"I thought the 50 Clients information was terrific. It made me realize that I have been putting off actually starting to coach so now I have started and have several new clients." - Paula Holland, US Read More

"David - you have just moved to No 1 on my list of resources for when I get stuck! ...Your step by step instructions were just what I needed!" - Nicola Cairncross, UK Read More

"I'm a new coach starting out, and your practical, common sense ideas have expanded my coaching skills, and inspired me to expand my marketing strategies." - Nan Einarson, Canada Read More

Listen to this ground-breaking speech to the ICF conference now:


Free Yourself From Early Childhood Conditioning - Special Bonus

Everyone wants more out of life. We want to make progress in our career and relationships but it's as if some invisible resistance is keeping us from having the life we really desire.

Now you can easily find and open the door to the prison of your conditioning and step out into a life of freedom, progress and joy.

This powerful seminar led by Tom Stone provides new insights and personal development techniques to 'debug' and 'upgrade' your inner human software. The insights, techniques and skills presented here can help you liberate yourself from the invisible but powerful influences of your early childhood conditioning.

5 compact discs, manual and Venn diagrams included

Special Bonus: If you order this CD set now, you will also receive access to an online audio recording of Tom Stone taking you through one of the Five Pure Awareness techniques called the GAP exercise. GAP stands for Greater Awareness Place and it teaches you how to experience the essential nature of your own Pure Awareness simply and easily. (Great to use with your clients!)

Click here to order

2. FEATURE: A Coaching Technique (Part I)

Thomas Leonard (known as 'the father of coaching') raved about Tom Stone and actually hired him as his own personal coach before he died. So when Tom Stone approached me with his Core Dynamics technology I was of course interested.

I asked Tom for an article on this powerful stuff, and here it is, structured as an interview. And on a topic I'm personally interested in...


What is Core Dynamics Coaching?

We are pioneering a revolutionary new form of coaching called Core Dynamics Coaching. In Core Dynamics Coach Training we teach some things that are a bit out of the box, that is, different from most conventional coaching approaches. In Core Dynamics Coach Training, we teach coaches how to help clients learn the distinction between Thinking and Knowing.

In order to get this distinction it is necessary to help your client have a new range of experiences that assists them in truly getting the difference between intellectually understanding something vs. knowing things through directly and fully experiencing them.

Makes sense. How would you define conventional coaching?

For example, one of the most common things that people want from coaching is to accomplish something that they have been having difficulty in doing. Whether it is starting a new business, finding the perfect mate, writing a book, buying a house, or deciding to change careers, people are often looking for help in being able to make decisions that are important to them in their lives. Decisions that are going to lead them to the fulfillment of their desires or dreams.

Conventional coaching often involves helping people to clarify what it is that they really want, then helping them to make a plan to get it and then keeping them accountable for accomplishing the goal. This is good but sometimes there is an enormous expenditure of energy on the client's part to overcome obstacles and "make it happen."

How is Core Dynamics different?

Is there an even better way? Perhaps there is. If we want to know how to best have something happen in our life, why not take a look at how nature operates and see how the universe makes things happen?

Interestingly enough, one of the primary principles in nature doesn't have anything to do with setting goals and then making it happen. It is instead a natural phenomenon that physicists call the law of least action. The principle of least action is what is operating throughout nature. It is used to govern the rotation of the planets around the sun and the rotation of the stars around the galaxy. It is what is used when plants synthesis sunlight, water and nutrients into the fibers of the plant itself. It is the principle that insures that everything in nature gets done with the least expenditure of energy, with maximum efficiency.

What would it be like if there were a way to coach people in such a way that they could get aligned with the awesome power of the principle of least action in nature? Well, there is.

Sounds smart. So....how do we align our clients with this power?

Get ready because this is not going to be what you are used to! The principle that you can teach people (and by the way it might be a good idea to get good at this yourself) is... to wait for clarity. What? Wait for clarity? What do you mean by that? Well if you'll just wait for a moment for clarity, I'll make it clear. ;-)

We are heavily conditioned to think that the best way to operate in the world is to "just do it." Action is king. Taking action is thought to be an important ingredient in the process of manifesting your desires. Certainly action is good, but well placed, well timed action is infinitely superior to just taking action out of a feeling of pressure or desperateness or need or longing for a particular result.

We take well timed actions all the time. When you stop at a red traffic light, it's a well timed action. Running the light might not be so well timed, particularly if other cars are coming where you are crossing. If you think about it, driving is a great example; we have to have quite perfect timing in driving on freeways. Just changing lanes, for example, requires perfect timing if there's a lot of traffic.

Right. And is there a cost to not having perfect timing?

There certainly is. How often have you seen it in your client's lives, or your life for that matter, that you get the idea to do something and jump into it impulsively only to have it end in frustration or bitterness. Why is this so common? It's because people are trying to force the world to bend to their will and the laws of nature don't tend to cooperate with that. This is because it is violating the law of least action.

Here's an example. You're single and you'd like to find a romantic partner. You meet someone and there's some real juice in the beginning. So you move in together after a few dates (or worse, you decide to get married) only to discover that 6 months into the relationship you are miserable and kicking yourself for making a commitment before you really knew who this person was after all. Ever done that? Most of us have and some keep doing it over and over again.

But isn't acting quickly a good thing?

Let's face it; we are conditioned to be impulsive. But impulsivity gets us into trouble just about every time because it is violating a law of nature. "The idea of waiting, though, it seems so counterintuitive," you might say. Actually, it is counter-conditioning. We are taught that being spontaneous is a good thing. And it very well can be but most people don't know the distinction between spontaneity and impulsiveness. Spontaneity has a simple naturalness to it. There is no "charge" or pressure to make a decision. It's just a kind of knowing that something is right for you.

Impulsivity, on the other hand, has an emotional charge to it. "I can't wait to do this!!!" "It's going to be great!" Usually there is an element of desperateness in it as in jumping into that relationship with the wrong person just because you wanted to be in a relationship so badly. Or the regret about buying that stock that tanked or the house or car that turned out to be a disaster.

OK! Waiting good. But what does it mean to 'wait for clarity'?

Align yourself with nature's principle.

Developing a whole new style of operating, where you consciously choose to align with nature's principle of least action in your life, involves three things:

  1. Becoming aware of the tendency to make impulsive decisions

  2. Noticing when you are about to decide impulsively and "unplugging" from making that decision or taking that action

  3. Waiting until you have that natural sense of quiet certainty. There is a quality of "of course" that dawns when you become completely clear about it. Often the clarity will also come with understanding of "why" it is a good decision and that now is the time. But it can also be that you simply "know" and you don't have to explain it or even understand it intellectually, you just know that it is right or not for you in that moment.

by Tom Stone
Founder - Great Life Technologies, LLC

How to use this technology

If this article speaks to you, and you would like a low-cost way to access the Core Dynamics technology, I recommend you pick up Tom's CD set. Pick up valuable techniques to use on your own life, and with your clients! Get it here.

Action: Wait for Clarity

  1. Can you recall a situation where you rushed in before waiting for clarity? Or one where you waited for clarity and you're glad you did?

  2. What situation in your life, right now, involves you pushing into action before you feel clear? Where might it be helpful to step back and wait for a little clarity before moving ahead?

  3. Share your answers on the blog!

Next Issue...

In our next issue, Part II, Tom expands on how to wait and the benefits that can come from this simple yet powerful process.


P.S. Got a comment on this article? Add it to the blog.

P.P.S. Any Questions? http://www.SolutionBox.com/support.htm
And for general comments and feedback, post here.

General Feedback

We welcome any general feedback here.

If it's about a product or promotion, please mention the product or promotion you are referring to.



Friday, August 11, 2006

MM #66: How to Create a Powerful Website & Brand (Part 2)

1. Announcements/Offers

Valuable Bonuses with the CoachStart™ Manual
Did you know the CoachStart™ Manual now comes with hundreds of do'llars in bonuses?

After years of hands-on research, including personally mentoring over one hundred coaches, I've compiled everything I know about starting a successful coaching practice in one easy-to-follow manual.

Learn how to set up your businessand get clients.

And I'm so excited to hear such great feedback:
"Found this to be an amazingly organized tool. Thank you for your clarity."
Christy Czekaj United States

"The Manual itself - read and re-read. Great material. Notes all over the place. You've done a great service for all of us."
John E BehnUnited States

Visit the CoachStart Manual

Independent Report on Coach Training and Certification
This report by David Wood and Daniel Midson-Short reveals the real story behind coach training and certification. Available now as a fr.ee download in pdf format at:


(Comes as part of the f.ree Coach Training Mini e-Course)

2. FEATURE: How to Create a Powerful Website & Brand - Part II

Coach Joelle launched her web site (coachjoelle.com) this spring with incredible results. (See Part 1 of this feature.)In this article we quiz Joelle further on what it took to create such a wonderful website and brand.

What's one great result from all this?

Joelle points out that using the internet creates a huge economy of time once everything is set up. "My experience is that once people get to know me, they want to work with me," she says. "By using the internet, my newsletter and the coachjoelle.com site I can have people getting to know me, the business and what we stand for - while I am sleeping, or out speaking or coaching or on vacation. I love it!"

Keep people coming back

To keep people coming back to her site, Joelle makes sure to do at least one blog posting a week and continues to add new pages as her business evolves. To bring even more value to her online community, she will post articles written by different practitioners about yoga, aromatherapy and spiritual practices. In the future she plans to create a powerful forum where the "Coach Joelle" community can share, learn and grow with each other.

Finding your brand image

Joelle found images that 'spoke' to her by searching online. She purchased the rights to use an image of the Gerber Daisy from an online service. That daisy is now an eye-catching part of her business cards and website.

You can also get a graphic designer to create a logo or brand image quite easily at Elance.com
But it's a great practice to first collect websites and graphics that inspire you, and speak to the brand you wish to create. Shape, color and layout ideas, as well as ideas for text/copywriting.

Narrowing down your niche

Joelle says she has been narrowing down her niche over the last 5 years! Each time she would take on a client that was not quite the right fit or she would have a client where the coaching was pure joy, those were her clues.

"With the launch of Coach Joelle, Inc. this spring, I made a commitment to really show up as all of me and to work with clients who really resonated with my message, my unique energy and distinctly un-corporate flair!"

"I'm taking the CoachStart Mentoring Program with David", says Joelle. He helped me to keep sifting down to who I truly am, and who I wish to serve." "And I'll tell you - it's done wonders for my confidence too. The real me is now shining through very brightly!"

Using a good web designer

Joelle says a critical step she took with David was to work out the direction to give her designer.

She was able to use a close friend with good web design skills, but you can get great designers for a fair price at Elance.com

Many coaches have also used BestCommerceTools with good results.

Be honest with who you are

Joelle is using her site as an extension of her personality. She decided to celebrate even her attributes that in the past she thought some people maybe didn't 'get' or didn't like: "The me that uses exclamation points all the time! And who has pink all over her site and who talks about her cats and the joy of fuzzy socks!" she explains. "Now I'm just being me, and I know I'll attract the people who appreciate that."

Tip: Are you tired of being careful, and watching how you present yourself?

The web lets you reach a broad cross-section of people: those who are attracted to your skills and personality, and those who have no interest in what you have to offer. It's okay if people self-select themselves out of your potential client pool, as long as you are being honest about who you are. If you try to act corporate when you are really daisies and pink, it will just frustrate everyone involved.

Tip: Speak your truth and be yourself.

"A well-done site creates a huge community of people who are ready for the message - and I get to bring all of myself to every engagement," Joelle says. "This will ultimately be the difference between having an OK business, and being a powerful force in the world of personal development and success."


Action: Expressing Yourself

1. What images resonate with you that could become a brand image? Surf the net (entering words that describe your brand into the search engines) to find images and web sites that inspire you, and note the locations of each.

2. If you already have a logo, examine it with new eyes to see if it truly reflects who you are.

3. Make a list of aspects of yourself you could be expressing. What are your quirks, strengths, interests? How can you add them to your marketing (i.e. web site, brochure, ads, etc.)

4. Post your thoughts and comments at the blog!


P.S. Got a comment on this article? Add it to the BLOG

P.P.S. Any Questions? http://www.SolutionBox.com/support.htm