
Friday, August 11, 2006

MM #66: How to Create a Powerful Website & Brand (Part 2)

1. Announcements/Offers

Valuable Bonuses with the CoachStart™ Manual
Did you know the CoachStart™ Manual now comes with hundreds of do'llars in bonuses?

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Visit the CoachStart Manual

Independent Report on Coach Training and Certification
This report by David Wood and Daniel Midson-Short reveals the real story behind coach training and certification. Available now as a fr.ee download in pdf format at:


(Comes as part of the f.ree Coach Training Mini e-Course)

2. FEATURE: How to Create a Powerful Website & Brand - Part II

Coach Joelle launched her web site (coachjoelle.com) this spring with incredible results. (See Part 1 of this feature.)In this article we quiz Joelle further on what it took to create such a wonderful website and brand.

What's one great result from all this?

Joelle points out that using the internet creates a huge economy of time once everything is set up. "My experience is that once people get to know me, they want to work with me," she says. "By using the internet, my newsletter and the coachjoelle.com site I can have people getting to know me, the business and what we stand for - while I am sleeping, or out speaking or coaching or on vacation. I love it!"

Keep people coming back

To keep people coming back to her site, Joelle makes sure to do at least one blog posting a week and continues to add new pages as her business evolves. To bring even more value to her online community, she will post articles written by different practitioners about yoga, aromatherapy and spiritual practices. In the future she plans to create a powerful forum where the "Coach Joelle" community can share, learn and grow with each other.

Finding your brand image

Joelle found images that 'spoke' to her by searching online. She purchased the rights to use an image of the Gerber Daisy from an online service. That daisy is now an eye-catching part of her business cards and website.

You can also get a graphic designer to create a logo or brand image quite easily at Elance.com
But it's a great practice to first collect websites and graphics that inspire you, and speak to the brand you wish to create. Shape, color and layout ideas, as well as ideas for text/copywriting.

Narrowing down your niche

Joelle says she has been narrowing down her niche over the last 5 years! Each time she would take on a client that was not quite the right fit or she would have a client where the coaching was pure joy, those were her clues.

"With the launch of Coach Joelle, Inc. this spring, I made a commitment to really show up as all of me and to work with clients who really resonated with my message, my unique energy and distinctly un-corporate flair!"

"I'm taking the CoachStart Mentoring Program with David", says Joelle. He helped me to keep sifting down to who I truly am, and who I wish to serve." "And I'll tell you - it's done wonders for my confidence too. The real me is now shining through very brightly!"

Using a good web designer

Joelle says a critical step she took with David was to work out the direction to give her designer.

She was able to use a close friend with good web design skills, but you can get great designers for a fair price at Elance.com

Many coaches have also used BestCommerceTools with good results.

Be honest with who you are

Joelle is using her site as an extension of her personality. She decided to celebrate even her attributes that in the past she thought some people maybe didn't 'get' or didn't like: "The me that uses exclamation points all the time! And who has pink all over her site and who talks about her cats and the joy of fuzzy socks!" she explains. "Now I'm just being me, and I know I'll attract the people who appreciate that."

Tip: Are you tired of being careful, and watching how you present yourself?

The web lets you reach a broad cross-section of people: those who are attracted to your skills and personality, and those who have no interest in what you have to offer. It's okay if people self-select themselves out of your potential client pool, as long as you are being honest about who you are. If you try to act corporate when you are really daisies and pink, it will just frustrate everyone involved.

Tip: Speak your truth and be yourself.

"A well-done site creates a huge community of people who are ready for the message - and I get to bring all of myself to every engagement," Joelle says. "This will ultimately be the difference between having an OK business, and being a powerful force in the world of personal development and success."


Action: Expressing Yourself

1. What images resonate with you that could become a brand image? Surf the net (entering words that describe your brand into the search engines) to find images and web sites that inspire you, and note the locations of each.

2. If you already have a logo, examine it with new eyes to see if it truly reflects who you are.

3. Make a list of aspects of yourself you could be expressing. What are your quirks, strengths, interests? How can you add them to your marketing (i.e. web site, brochure, ads, etc.)

4. Post your thoughts and comments at the blog!


P.S. Got a comment on this article? Add it to the BLOG

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At 11:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have never done this but I want to purchase the audio of 50 tips etc. How can I listen to it more than once?

At 5:48 PM, Blogger David Wood said...

Hi Jeanne,

If you purchase 'Getting the First 50 Clients,' you will have a link to an audio version to listen to as many times as you'd like. You can also download the mp3, and a CD is available for just $10 more. Thanks!

At 9:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Coach Joelle's new website. It looks great and speaks personally to visitors. Thanks for sharing this great example.

At 7:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was great to read about Joelle. I sometimes try to please my customers to much. putting aside what I really am or believe in.
Thanks for the inspiration

Marvin Sutherland, Holland

At 7:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Not too long ago, I purchased a high priced ebook from a well-known AdSense expert who claims to make thirty thousand dollars a month from AdSense. After reading nearly 200 pages, all he said is to make the AdSense ads look like they're part of your website instead of looking like ads.

These types of ebooks are fluffed-up in order to justify the high price. If this ebook was cleaned of all the unrequired garbage, it would shrink to less than one tenth its current size, but that wouldn't sell.

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