
Saturday, June 03, 2006

MM #62: How to increase your sales rate by 207% - Part II

1. Announcements/Offers

For Serious Players Only...
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How to Get Your Sales Letter Written and Designed for Much Less than You Think
If you have a nagging feeling that you could be pulling in more clients and revenue if your website was more sales focused, but you're not quite sure what changes to make or how to make them, then you're in luck!

Andy O'Bryan is the copy writer I use for three reasons: 1) He writes great copy, 2) He has low rates, and 3) He specializes in copy for coaches.

To quickly expand his client base, Andy's agree to offer my whole list the same low rates:

For the next two weeks you can get a sales page written and designed for just $897. Or if you just want something written it's only $697. If you've shopped around at all, you know how low this is.

If you want a great sales page, or even a great email to send to prospective clients, I recommend you jump on this offer now, before his rates jump up:


FREE 'Limitless Wealth' of the Sleeping Lion CD Helps You Awaken to the Power of Your Human Potential

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To receive the Fr.ee Limitless Wealth CD, along with the special bonuses included in this of.fer, you'll need to order by 11:59 pm - June 17, 2006


2. FEATURE: How to increase your sales rate by 207% - Part II

Last issue we learned about turning web visitors into sales with our interview with Andy O'Bryan, a master copywriter who specializes in writing for coaches. This week we continue our interview...

6. Do you need to write copy for search engines as well as people?
There's an old saying ("old" on the Internet means 5-10 years): Content is king. The search engines love juicy content on websites, which is why blogs usually have good traffic. Search engines like Google and Yahoo are constantly changing their criteria for how your site is found, so a good rule of thumb is to always write copy with the needs of your prospective client in mind.

If you were looking for the services you offer, what words would you type into a search engine? Write down about 20 of them and craft them into your copy, or give them to your copywriter and make sure that person does it. Provide them with what they're looking for, using the terms and phrases they might use, and the search engines will follow.

7. What makes good web copy?
Websites are like billboards on a highway. You only have a second or two to capture the attention of your visitor. If you don't then they're gone, on to the next website. So the headline of your page needs to be extremely powerful. It needs to draw them in and give them a reason to stay with you.

Then you need some mini-headlines throughout your copy to keep the reader riveted. Your copy, the sales letter itself, should be written in the context of you being the answer to their problem. First, establish the problem, reminding them of why they are there, empathize with them, then tell them that you are the one to solve it and why.

Tell a story or anecdote that relates to their problem if possible. People like reading stories, personal tales of triumph. Also include success stories and testimonials of others. As many as possible.

Have a strong guarantee. The stronger the better. Many people still don't feel comfortable making an online purchase, so you need to set their minds at ease.

Don't sell to them. People like to buy, but they don't like being sold to. Good copywriters know how to walk this tightrope. Entire books have been written on this topic, but this is a bird's eye view.

8. What kind of results have you seen when people get better copy?
I've seen people go from having zero sales to having over a 5% conversion rate in just a week after having their copy or website redone. There's nothing like the feeling of making sales online. I'll never get bored of it.

Other people have raised their conversion rates significantly by just changing their headline or design. It's really amazing how better copy or a better looking presentation of that new copy can make such a huge difference.

9. What should coaches do right now to improve their sales results?
Look at your conversion rate. If it's below 2% then there are steps you can take to improve it. Try changing your headline, or take out some of your links. Links that don't point to your payment system are just sending people away from your sales process.

Speak with a good copywriter who won't charge you an arm and a leg. Many copywriters charge in the thousands of dollars, but there are just as many who do not, and are just as good.

Thanks for your important information, Andy!

Free Critique

Andy has kindly offered a free critique to all MentorMonthly subscribers, for a limited time only. Jump in now before he changes his mind!Just email Andy at ajobryan @ aol.com (without the spaces) and he'll tell you what you can do to your site to get better sales immediately.

Action: Revamp Your Web Copy

1. Find out your conversion rate
2. How are you going to get a better conversion rate. Let us know your changes at the blog.
3. Get Andy's free report, "10 Ways Your Website is Leaving Gobs of Money On the Table". This report will pinpoint some of the trouble areas on your website and tell you how to fix them quickly and easily.

Available now as a free download in pdf format at:


At 2:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is amazing! How could this article out of ALL the information on the Internet NOT have comments? My #1 guess is the number of outgoing links and nobody else made it this far.

I might be considered anal about reading the whole page, but I once heard a story about a prof and a term paper he was correcting. Somewhere in the middle was buried the following promise "If you read this far, I will buy you a case of beer."

I'm not looking for beer. I'm looking for the BEST link of them all... that's how I found this page in the first place!

Carl Bromley

PS: In search of a coach who is not just any coach.


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