
Sunday, February 26, 2006

MM #56: The Secret to My Success

1. Announcements/Offers

Train with the Coach from Oprah
Last week we announced Marcia Weider's 7 day workshop for you to become a Certified Dream Coach. If you didn't know, Marcia was one of the first coaches to ever appear on Oprah, and is a ~very~ successful author.

The workshop is limited to 40 participants - so if you're ready for a very powerful certification, you'll want to act fast.

You can learn more about becoming a Certified Dream Coach or register here:

New Support Help Center
Supporting you is very important to us. For faster and more efficient service
we now provide support through:

In our KnowledgeBase, we have anticipated 90% of your questions, and you can now get an instant answer. Fear not, if you don’t find your answer, you’ll still be able to email or even CALL a real person. But please use our online support first – we put a LOT of effort into it, and feel sure you’ll find it very valuable.

2. FEATURE: The Secret to My Success

I’m a bit stunned – but in a good way!

Recently I got a big fat check from the Australian Government (they assist exporters and I’m an exporter).

An hour later I got another email showing the biggest deposit to my account ever – coming in from a really big alliance we had last month.

And while my bank account is going through the roof, I checked the results of our holiday promotion....

...the one where I thought we should get more than 30 orders – maybe as many as 100 ... but we had 409 orders come in within 10 days! This is also going to be a huge month.

(I can just see my distributor in his one man office getting all those out! Thanks Ashley.)

So as you can see – it’s quite a day. In fact, quite a week. Quite a month. Quite a year.

The Secret

I started wondering – what did I do? What do I do that’s different than most? What did I do that has caused this massive spike in results? This wonderful success?

I wanted to know - one, so I can keep doing it, and secondly so I can pass it on to you.

(In case you hadn't noticed, that's what I do. I try things out until I find what works, and then I pass it on to you guys).

And here’s what I found …


I’m constantly investing.

No – not money. I mean time. New things … new ideas … new projects.

Building things that may or may not pay off:

  • Ezine
  • Web site
  • Second ezine
  • More web sites
  • New product
  • Add value to old product
  • Create a discussion board
  • Create an email discussion list
  • Volunteer to help the ICF
  • Start playing guitar and singing (badly) for pubs and parties

*** I'm talking weeks, and sometimes months. Often on projects that don't produce a dime. (Hmmm ... maybe that's not so smart!) ***

  • Recreate brand, implement through 15 sites
  • Create free download
  • Start coach training school (a good 2 years went into that one)
  • Try advertising
  • Try public speaking
  • Try advanced web strategies
  • Go for the national media
  • Offer to coach for a national TV show
  • Write to Oprah
  • Get promoted to Chairperson of ICF Publicity Committee (network with board members)

*** I’ve ‘failed’ so many times it’s ridiculous. Often it seems like a waste. But looking back, now that it’s all coming together so well, it just seems like throwing a hundred hooks in the water, and finding a few of them landed some fish. Which in turn started attracting bigger fish... ***

  • Target celebrities for coaching
  • Speak at a conference
  • Call a radio show
  • Meet with a big internet marketer for coffee
  • Start http://www.freegoalsreport.com/ (6 months +)
  • Hiring
  • Have a booth at a conference (meet Jack Canfield, cross promote, meet Bill Harris, cross promote ...)
  • Build Becomeacoach.com (6-12 months)

*** Many things don’t pay off. In fact perhaps most. But right now many things are coming together, and bam!

I see another bam happening next year. Why? Because there are things I've spent over a year on that haven't borne fruit yet.

And then another bam the year after. Why? Because I am investing now in a new company that I’m really excited about.

The point? We'll - it's pretty obvious don't you think?

Keep moving.

Keep growing.

Keep producing.

Keep trying.

Keep talking.

Keep creating.

It doesn't matter if 95 out of 100 don't go anywhere. You'll learn a massive amount from the 95 that don't, and really enjoy the results from the 5 that do!

Action: What will you invest in?

What are YOU working on now, that might pay off in 3, 6 or 12 month's time?

What projects do YOU want to make happen?

As well as making ends meet, are you also investing in your future?

1) Think about the future of your business. Envision what you would love to see happen. What are you doing today that will bring you closer to that future?

2) Post the next project(s) you plan on investing in at the blog . Remember, it doesn't have to be money. It might be your time.




At 9:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My projects for the next 6-12 months:

* Teach yoga at a studio

* Start my own card business (handmade)

* Become a certified life coach

At 10:00 PM, Blogger Carole said...

Hi David,

You asked what we are working on and what we will be investing in this year.

I am finishing up a project that -like yours- took a couple of years. It's my Life Improvement e-course, Whole Life Overhaul.

In the meantime, I have a few e-books in different stages of completion. Some need editiing, some I have to finish writing.

Not to mention improvements to the site, the blog and the ezine and the affiliate program. Oh, and advertising and marketing. I think it's time to invest in that copyrighting course :) And some part-time help!

There's a lot on my plate this year!


At 10:11 PM, Blogger ken winston caine said...

David, this hits the spot!

Exactly what I needed to hear today. (Errr, needed to read today, that is.)

Funny that no matter how many (actually pretty amazing) accomplishments I manage to rack up in life, so often I'm questioning my abilities and whether I'm capable of making anything work well. Because I'm always way past those accomplishments. (Things like getting more than 20 books published, selling more than a million and a half books, having a journalism project cited by the Pulitzer board, winning the top writing awards issued by the California Newspaper Publishers Association (1983), earning doctorates, pioneering a wellness coaching program, meeting and working with a number of celebrities, and on and on.) Those are all "old" stuff. Done. Past. It's like I knew the guy who did those things, but that's not me.

Now (any now, any day) I'm working on tons of NEW stuff. And, as you say, LOTS of it isn't working. Won't work. Never will work. But the only way to find that out for sure is to work it. Work with it. Twist it. Tweak it. Refine it. Discard it. Start over with new ingredients, or a different mix.

And my now focus so often is on things that aren't working.

And it was back when I was doing those things in the PAST, too. Just the ones that panned out became "accomplishments." But the now reality is that we're always fiddling, exploring, puzzling through possibilities.

Refreshing and inspiring to be reminded that investing seemingly endless effort with those things that aren't working (yet?) almost always pays off in the end... Even if the payoff is just an awareness that there is a different and better way to accomplish the thing I've been spending so much time on.

Been spending tons of time on three specific (and huge) projects and haven't been seeing the payoff that I was expecting, haven't been seeing the progress I was anticipating (on one of them in particular, that I understimated the amount of time and effort required and gave myself an unrealistic timetable)... And have been questioning my ability--at moments anyway--to produce truly cool and useful work.

Was in that place for at least a few minutes today. And reading this both reminded me of that, and was wonderfully reassuring.

So pleased to read that the chickens are starting to hatch for you, David.

ken winston caine

At 10:56 PM, Blogger Terri said...

As adults, I'm often astonished that we don't share or talk about our goals or projects, probably out of the fear of being held accountable. So I'm always impressed with those who will take a risk and proclaim them publicly!

To that end, here is what I am looking to accomplish in the next 6-12 months:

+Finish writing my book about facilitating your own Dream Team support group (it's over half done).

+Become an ICF certified Life Coach

+Educate myself about real estate investments

+Finish getting my Tech Writing Certificate (1 month to go!)

+Develop a workshop on women in midlife transition to be given at a women's retreat

+Explore and evaluate franchise opportunities

Thanks for the opportunity to share!


At 11:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there David - Just want to say WOW. Your MM #56 is all good, very inspiring.

I am about to make the move from regional Victoria (Australia) to Hobart - a big move from friends, family and my comfort zone! :) I am absolutely stoked, and when I get there I will be setting in motion my e-Business.... I want to prove to EVERYONE that it doesn't matter where you are, a successful business is as you say - about investing the time, effort and pain.

All the best!

At 12:53 AM, Blogger Cherylann said...

I am less than six months old to this e-business thing. But what I have done :

Created several blogspot sites for newsletters

Joined a couple of affliates programs- I want to join several more but haven't figured out which ones yet.

Purchased and put up for sale several e-books in my e-bay store.

Started two top level and one second level web-site all geared to seperate but complimentary niches

At 12:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey David

You spoke to me abot two years ago. I was busy with an MBA. Well .. I FINSHED ... apart from being diagnosed with ADD ... Fact is . I finished ... and yesterday I got my first client to coach ... A CA .... this is soooo exciting. My next project is to do a seminar to teach people how to do business plans and the outcome ... more people to coach .... You know how it started... Yup; your constant newsletters over the last two years. I am almost ready to do your course .. A bit low on the cashflow but we are getting their.



At 3:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi David,
Thanks for contributing to the community of coaching through your various valuable "impulses".

After completing my MA in Coaching in South Africa at the end of last year, Im taking on the following projects in the next 6-12 months.

* Establishing my coaching services in Scandinavia
* Relaunching my website www.bluecoach.org
* Creating a coaching training programme with my partner in South Africa
* Educating myself in financial literacy
* Learning kite surfing
* Starting my first e-book

best regards from Helsinki


At 7:52 AM, Blogger JudyA said...

Timely information, as usual.
In the past two weeks, I have gained a new virtual assistant client for a small, but enriching amount of my time, 'lost' my day job which really cuts me loose to seek more clients and find myself at an exciting point of my life.

My goals are:
1. Push myself more about coming out into the open regarding my skills and services. Keep picturing myself in my own office and with a profitable, dignified practice.
2. Continue a major volunteer project for a local, struggling Chamber of Commerce. I do their website, newsletter and brainstorm for independent projects. I am often the one who remembers to bring food, drink & lightness to meetings.
3. Get back into a smaller internet volunteer project.
4. Continue a volunteer mentoring relationship.
5. Continue to question, watch and learn. Polish the tnings I've learned from one of your courses.

At 8:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, I love your energy! Once I get past my current flat-out period I'm going flat out to look after my health and claim some of that energy through exercise!

I'm getting focussed back on my plans and goals after a long slump of never thinking it (biz) was going to succeed (aka lack of faith) - and of course I'm now flat out - go figure.

So, focussed energy directed to hitting my goal milestones - produce tangible products to supplement services, increased marketing activity and applying a lot of what I've learned over the past few years about internet biz. Been tweaking one of my sites (www.springboard.org.au) and it's getting better but need to work on converting visitors and getting product up (e-books and e-courses) for them to buy!

So much to do! Gotta go start!

Cheers ... and thanks for the kick your open dialogues deliver!

At 1:22 PM, Blogger Lisa Ann Homic, M.Ed. D.C. said...

thanks for the motivational talk and sharing what you've done and admitted some things didn't work yet...
i am farming and fishing everyday. it sometimes feels like wasted time but i won't slow down.

At 2:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not a "coach" but I read your newsletters and I really enjoy them.
My goals for the next 6 - 12 months are:

* Develop a teacher training program
* Increase the income of our business to $100K net
* Write a book about Culture Shock
* Have our performance group in 12 Corporate Shows paying over $1000 each.
* Book 12 Diva Parties and 12 Children's Activity Parties.
* Organize a summer Princess Camp for Children.

At 4:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My thanks to Ken Winstone Caine who summed up exactly how I feel about things. No matter that i have been extremely successful in my career to date, somehow I still manage to doubt my abilities and it doues hinder me from trying new things out. I have the ideas and find I have all the time for procrastinating. I am so interested to learn that I am not the only one with doubts, despite past evidence. Thank you. I shall gain strength from all this - and start acting more positively!

At 5:25 PM, Blogger David Wood said...

I'm really excited to read all your comments.

And right on Ken! I had no idea you'd accomplished all those things - really great to read.

I'm really happy to see the blog dialogue expanding...

And - you're welcome!


At 3:49 AM, Blogger jj-janet blake said...

I am going to read all of your emails..
create a category:living art ie our unique talents/genius/our dreams... and beliving art (those who are lving it)..
build a wealth exchange and trading bank of living art and beliving art
Sunshine Coast

At 2:21 PM, Blogger ken winston caine said...

Here's a cool bit of wisdom that expands upon this a bit. It's from the http://www.TUT.com's daily Message from the Universe. (Fun, short, free. Always inspiring. I recommend it.)

"From where I sit, it is a mystery to me, kwc, how so many can look back on their past with pride, yet frown with disappointment at their present. Somehow forgetting that back then, they were just as self-critical, while somehow missing today that they've never, ever been so close to all they've ever wanted.

"Historical dyslexia. Think?

"Big love,
"The Universe"

At 6:27 PM, Blogger paula gamble said...

Thanks David,
I feel like I've been doing the 95 things that haven't worked, but have learned a whole lot from them.
I was encouraged to keep trying.
Back to the marketing -
The writing of ebooks -
Continuing to hone the craft!



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