
Thursday, February 21, 2008

MM #93: How Do I Write My Coaching Agreement?

1. Announcements/Offers

What People are Saying About 'First Fifty Clients'?

Simply Brilliant!!!!!

I listened to the disc for the first time on Monday and have already booked 45 people for exploratory sessions. I may have to extend my goal to 100 people in 100 days. I never knew I could inspire people to take advantage of a free session. You have motivated me into action and I wish to thank you for this. " - Loretta Digger, UK

Visit First Fifty Clients

Brief Note From David
Hi guys, quick note to say I've been traveling the last 3 months - California, Australia, and my brother's wedding in the Cook Islands. Now that I'm back in New York I'm feeling more business energy gradually flowing in my veins, and turning my attention back to how YOU can fill your practice with clients. So stay tuned to more from SolutionBox. Cheers,David

2. FEATURE: How Do I Write a Coaching Agreement?

The CoachStart™ Manual includes a special bonus that you can use in your coaching business – an actual Coaching Agreement with my policies and procedures included! This is a great tool to get you started as you create your own personal coaching agreement. Below I have given you some ideas to craft your own Coaching Agreement. Please note that I am not an attorney, so I recommend that you get legal advice and not to rely on this agreement for legal protection. Let's begin.In your Coaching Agreement with each client, you'll want to specifically detail what your client will receive, what you expect of them, the fees, and what they can expect from you. The following sections are important:

Coaching Sessions

Here you should lay out how many sessions you will have each month and the type and length of each session. Identifying extra services including e-mail availability, extra check-in calls, referral opportunities, etc. These bonuses in the Coaching Agreement add value and let your clients know you are available to them when needed.

Expectations and Self-Coaching

I expect each of my clients to e-mail me a Self-Coaching Form before every session. In the Coaching Agreement, I detail the value and importance of this document. The Self-Coaching Form will make each session more productive, efficient, and will DOUBLE the value they receive from your coaching sessions! Basically the Self-Coaching Form includes what they learned this week, what actions they completed, what actions they didn't, etc. Think what questions you ask often in your coaching sessions and create your own form.

Rescheduling and Billing

Be very specific on whether or not sessions are cancellable and give them time-specific rescheduling options. Billing should always be in advance. It's a good idea to offer discounts for paying multiple months in advance, such as a 25% to purchase 3 months of coaching. After six months, I offer coaching options of just one session a month with e-mail support.

Termination and Non-Refundability

This is where you again remind them of the importance of their investment and that the agreement can be cancelled only at the end of a billing cycle. I prefer to allow cancellation at the end of a particular month - so they aren't thinking every session "should I keep going or not?"Some coaches don't give refunds - I certainly didn't. I want the client to have a huge stake in the relationship, and to MAKE the time worthwhile.


Again - you should seek legal advice on this section. I'll just raise a few of the issues that can come up in a worst case scenario:

- client changes career, new career doesn't work out, client sues you

- client takes action at work and gets fired, client sues you

- client turns out to have a history of mental illness and you were playing with fire, client harms self or others, client or family sues you

- client starts a new business which fails, client sues youFor more information on liability check with a lawyer. Also, see if you can get liability.


- International Coach Federation members can get professional insurance here. ***

This was drawn from The CoachStart™ Manual, which can be found together with hundreds of dollars in free bonuses here.


1. Write out what your monthly coaching service will include.

2. Describe what you expect of your clients.

3. Describe what your clients can expect of you.

4. Share your thoughts and ask questions at the blog!

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P.S. Got a comment on this article? Please add it to the blog.

Monday, February 04, 2008

MM #92: Your Speaking Process

1. Announcements/Offers

How Did These Coaches Set Up Their Businesses So Quickly?

You can save yourself the hundreds or thousands of dollars you may have paid a mentor coach or training school. After personally mentoring sixty coaches and founding a coach training school, I've compiled everything I know about starting a successful coaching practice in one easy-to-follow Manual.

And it's wonderful to see such huge results like this:

"I can't think of a better investment or more profitable long term step for an aspiring coach to take other than purchase and devour the CoachStart Manual. I used this guide as my Bible when commencing my coaching business and my first 12 months generated revenues over 6 figures....well in excess of my plans and expectations. For a fast start to your business I strongly recommend its use, you'll gain confidence and turn your dreams into reality."

Ken Wright, US


"I've already recouped the costs of the First Fifty Clients and the CoachStart Manual in coaching fees in 3 weeks."

Eddie Smith

Houston, Texas


So, let's get started! Get your CoachStart Manual in the next 5 minutes at http://www.coachstart.com/, and start building!

Visit a 6 Figure Coach

Last year we had a fantastic call with Ken Wright. You can find more about this coach, who made 6 figures in his first year of coaching, here:


(And you can sign up for his newsletter, "Tips to Lead the Wright Way", on the front page, bottom right)

2. FEATURE: Create Your Speaking Process

Here's a simple process to print and post up on your wall. Add some deadline dates too:

1) Pick a sexy sounding topic that you care about.

(Hint: solve a key problem for people)

2) Pick four key tips or solutions around that topic.

3) Draft an outline for your speech.

(Hint: powerpoint is a simple way to keep you on track, but don't put your whole speech on it, just bullet points)

4) SET A DATE and invite your friends to hear your speech - before you even have it ready.

(Hint: they'll give you written testimonials at the end, and verbal suggestions to improve it)

5) Put together an impressive looking bio with picture of you.

6) Join the National Speakers Association and go along to local meetings.

(Hint: find out who fields requests for speakers, and let them know you'll handle any free request to speak, just for the experience)

7) Call your local public service groups (e.g. Rotary, Zonta), and get on their roster.

(Hint: negotiate in advance a testimonial letter from every single speech. You'll sometimes get an offer of a paid speech out of your free speeches.)

8) After 3 speeches, quote a $200 or $500 fee per speech.

(Hint: if people baulk, you can always drop your price)


If you would like the full chapter on speaking to get clients or if you would like to see the other chapters included in The CoachStart Manual™, you can find them here.


  1. Print out the steps above.

  2. Add your deadlines next to each step.

  3. Post it on your wall

  4. Get started on your first step and post at the blog what you will do by when, for accountability.

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P.S. Got a comment on this article? Please add it to the blog.