
Thursday, July 10, 2008

MM 98: Make Your Business Economy-Proof

1. Announcements/Offers

What People are Saying About '10 Super Coaches'

To find out how 10 ordinary coaches are earning $30,000 to $1.4 million per year, and how you can do it too, click here:

10 Super Coaches

10 Super Coaches

"I was working on a marketing strategy that was going to cost quite a bit of money when I bought the ebook. It made me realise there is a MUCH more direct, and less expensive method. Saved me several hundred pounds and gave me a kick up the rear end to do something else. Thanks!"

Neil Gilbranch, United Kingdom

"David, the product is awesome! I cannot express it any other way. I'm still digesting the nuggets on every page and relishing every interview. Thank you for the your brilliance in its development."

Heather Fraser USA

Visit 10 Super Coaches

First Time Author Pre-Booked on Oprah???!!?

I've known Ariane for a little while and love what she is creating. Ariane is committed to helping people through life changes- big and small, personal and professional, even social and global! Her company, TheFirst30Days.com, covers dozens of these changes. She has recently published her foundational book, The First 30 Days; Your Guide To Any Change (and Loving Your Life More) . And before her first book is even published, she's pre-booked on Oprah!

Go to Amazon and pick up a copy of this great book. If you don't find it worth way more than you paid for it, contact us and I'll mail you a check for your purchase price ;-)

2. FEATURE: Make Your Business Economy-Proof

How is your coaching business doing in this slow economy?

Would you like to learn sound business practices that will boost your business
no matter what the economic conditions?

Think Positive

The first place to begin is with journaling. Buy a 99 cent notebook and start journaling about what was great the day before. Write one or two wonderful things from yesterday - even if it is that you walked your dog! It must be something that made you feel good and the bigger your sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, the better. Do this daily starting today.

The purpose of the above exercise is to keep you focused on the positive while you grow your business.

Get Accountable

Secondly, put in place someone that you can be accountable to. A spouse is a possible choice because they are tied to how well your business does, as long as it doesn't bring up fights. Set up weekly meetings with your accountability person and go over the following:

1. Money received this week

2. Money received so far this month

3. Number of new clients this week

4. Number of new prospects this week (or number of
exploratory coaching sessions)

5. Number of new subscribers this week

These two steps, journaling and weekly accountability, may help you to overcome many blocks you might currently be up against.

Now that you have the basics in place, we can start on building your business to be recession-proof!

Find Your Niche

In building a business, you want to identify a niche. Don't worry about being too specific because
your business will grow and expand to similar niches. However, starting out, you
will want to FOCUS on only one.

Here are some questions to get you started in finding the right niche for you:

1. Will it be fun?

2. Will they pay you? Can they afford you?

3. Are they experiencing pain or profit? (This is a good one. If they are experiencing pain, or a problem, how can you provide a solution? Or is there big profitability in what you're helping them with?)

4. Can you find them? (This question will tell you if you are not being specific enough.)

5. How well are they served? (Do a lot of other businesses cater to them?)

6. Can I build alliances?

Find Your Clients

Okay, now that you have discovered your niche, it is time to start building your client base!

1. Start by listing everyone in your niche. Say you are catering to pet grooming salons, list all the salons you can find. Do you see a worldwide potential?

2. Using the list you have made, make your goal to get your newsletter to every one.

3. List all the trade publications and submit your articles for print.

4. Speak at the next conference.

5. Identify vendors and explore the possibility of a partnership or alliance.

6. Identify all national and global associations and contact about the possibility of an alliance.

Make sure that every step of the way you are journaling and holding weekly meetings with your accountability partner.

If you are clear on who your clients are, you live in their world, and you are very visible to them, you will be amazed at how quickly your coaching business will grow!


This is from David's interview with Ernest Oriente in 10 Super Coaches Share Their Secrets if you are looking for more inspiration from successful coaches.


1. Start a daily journal. Write what was great about the day before!

2. Find an accountability partner and schedule weekly meetings. (Could be a
spouse or close friend or a mentor coach.)

3. Define your niche.

4. Research any national or global association related to your niche.

5. Post the actions you will take at the blog.

6. What additional steps would you suggest your fellow coaches take? What is working for you right now? What has worked in the past? I invite you to share it on the blog.



P.S. Got a comment on this article? Please add it to the blog.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Meditation walk

Today I did my morning meditation walk backwards.

There is a path along the river. I looked as far as I could see before it curved out of sight, saw no obstructions, turned around, and walked backwards.

It was scary at first. And then I relaxed into it. It was a wonderful feeling watching scenery pass by, as if in a car. And wonderful not seeing what was coming, not having to worry or think about it. Just see what was passing me by.
I walked for about 10 minutes.

I found I'm no longer afraid of sitting on wet benches or grass.

I walked past a fountain and laughed aloud, thinking "Oh no, I bet I know where this is going".
I walked to the fountain, and hesitated at the edge, my feet getting splashed. I didn't want to be automatic about walking into it fully dressed, on a cold day, and I wanted to view it's beauty. So I watched, enjoyed, wondering if I would get the impulse to move in.

Then I heard a voice over a megaphone. I turned around and saw a public safety van. I thought they were telling me to step away from the fountain. But then I realized, over the loudspeaker, the man was urging me to go ahead, walk into it.

That made it so easy; I knew it was time, and I walked into it.

It was freezing!!!! And I stood there, with cold water shooting up between my legs and up my back, and yelled and surrendered.

When I walked out of it, I turned, and through cascading water I saw his face through the window of the van. He was holding two thumbs up and was grinning as widely as possible. I'd made his day. And he'd made mine. It was magic.

I also learned that no-one, but NO-ONE, messes with the guy with no shoes, fully clothed and dripping wet...

sitting in a tree.



Friday, July 04, 2008

Poetry (I know, who knew?)

Through clouded eyes
I have always been special
Standing taller than half the world
Yet shorter than the rest
A lonely height, indeed

No wit, nor speed, nor pain
Could match mine own
Superior, and broken, entwined

Yet now
With eyes wide seeking
Pain lashing me forward
I seem quite ordinary

As ordinary as a leaf
As ordinary as a stone
As ordinary as a rainbow

Prisoner of my own mind
How do I embrace thee?
Turn the cold bars white with love?

I shout at the wallsThe walls of my shouting
I wail at the lockThe lock of my hate

Loathing hardens the bars
In love, they shimmer and mist

If I loved my prison,
What then would I call it?Is it even mine
To worry after?

I starve for her so
I taste mine own hunger
Craving her sweet breath
Her shampooed hair, wafting
Through my brain

Dance free
Curve and sway
So I may be free
For I know not
Mine own dance

Come, nameless one
Complete me
For I was born yearning
Let me suckle at the breast
I never had
And walk, with blind eyes
Past the Divine
And swaying with every leaf.

What joy
To be aware
Cradled by the Universe
In a bed cloud
Or not

Delicious thoughts
My private TV
Serving me

Let’s start again
Hello, mind
I’m David, or not

Share your stories with me
Share your lives with me
Be just as you are (as if you could be anything other)

I’m listening now
Curiosity, a smile, replacing
blind belief

Making Love
Diving to the depths of being
Souls unclothed
Our racing hearts
thumping in stillness

I began, as your teacher
A wise man,
with years to his name
A provider,
weighted by bags of gold

I alone held the key,
to the gateway,
of your pleasure,
and the way to opening
Teacher, banker, landlord, pimp
Master, and owner

And now, I find
through some whim of God…

My teachers cloak in shreds!
My years are as ash,
floating in the breeze by
your soaring wisdom
My gold lay in the gutter
as you glide past it,
in your own,
hard earned finery.

Pleasure is yours,
as it ever was
to claim and flow
Your body a temple,
where others
may drink and tithe

The chain of need smashed!

No longer, a reason to stay.

As you approached the oasis,
You saw your frailty
shimmer and mist.
A mirage,
nothing more.

You walk alone
A Goddess resplendent

I have no golden cuffs by which
to hold you.
No finery with which
to dazzle you

I stand before you
Without even body
I lay down my wit, my charm
my special stories.
Neither teacher nor student.
Not provider nor beggar
No tantric guru or exclusive…

All that’s left,
is me.
laid bare.

And now Goddess
With the world at your feet
And suitors flocking
I am astonished!

As I find you walking freely,
by my side
in the garden of not knowing.

I marvel
that you are here
And at last,
I see the true face
of love.

by David


Calgary visit

I'll be in Calgary July 10-15 inclusive, and would like to connect with you, and others in the SolutionBox, coaching, or motivational and spiritual communities.

I have an impulse around creating an evening where anyone can come and ask questions about sharing your gift with the world and gettingpaid for it, building a professional practice,or internet marketing.

I could speak to an existing gathering/meeting, or we could create our own - which would requirea space, someone to set it up etc. I don't think we'd charge for it, unless it was a nominal $20 which went to charity, or to cover the cost ofthe space.

An alternative (or as well as) to a talk/speech could be drinks at a fun, quiet, bar. I'd really enjoy that too.

1) Does a speech/teaching type event call to you?
2) Does a social event call to you?
3) What if anything, do you propose?

Please post your comments using the comments link below.
