
Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Wealthy Gypsy: Business man leaves desk never to return

The Wealthy Gypsy:
Business man leaves desk, never to return

New York resident David Wood left July 10 for a 10 day trip to Colorado, and 4 days later decided never to return.

He's living out of his suitcase and laptop, and is exploring what it is to be a "Wealthy Gypsy."

His apartment is being rented out via remote control.

He's been seen hiking into back country armed with Bear Spray in the Banff National Park, Canada, river rafting with speakers and authors from The Secret in Vail Colorado, and lunching with such thought leaders at Jack Canfield (of Chicken Soup for the Soul fame)in the Napa Valley.

David says: "It's amazing what can happen when you quit your job".

He's using the experience to improve his "Wealthy Gypsy Training Program" which helps people to replicate this very unusual lifestyle.

David has three staff whom he's never met.


At 12:58 AM, Blogger -CJM said...

Hello David,

This is for you...from me- as I am grateful for you on this first day of my 21 day "prayers of gratitude." I welcome others as I know we are all connected.



At 12:59 AM, Blogger -CJM said...

P.S. Go To Bed...

At 1:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have lots of fun and insights.
Taking time out is a great thing to do.
We at www.ebio.co.za believe everyone can fit productivity to their inner natural passion and "never work a day" in their lives!
You are on the way.

Keep lots of notes - some call it a journal. God speed!

At 1:48 AM, Blogger Donna said...

What a wonderful project, David! Listen to your personal muse and just 'be'! I will be following along vicariously, watching a fellow gypsy trip the light fantastic. Way to go!

At 2:59 AM, Blogger jan martinez said...

Hi David, love, love and love the metamorphic travel guide to the inner superstar. Keep it shining, keep it bright, love finds a way the rest is shhhhhhhh....don't want to know! smile.

Jan Martinez

At 3:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


It sounds like you are on a great adventure of self discovery. Having been on a similiar one for about the last 40 years, welcome.

I have a couple of ideas that might be useful to you:

As a former night person, I am now thinking that it is a learned habit and not an inate characteristic as I had long thought. With your coming off Zoloff and sleeping pills, I understand why your sleeping pattern is screwed up. You might consider though, that whatever you do now is what your unconscious will get to understand is how it ought to be and will do the same behavior forever. So, if you would really like to sleep all night, when you awake after a short period, pee if you need to and get back in bed, lights off and just daydream or do a montra until you drift back to sleep. Once your unconscious gets that you are not going to get up, it will produce wonderful all nite sleep for you.

Writing like you are doing is wonderful. Another book you might want to add to your reading list is Julia Camaron's "The Artist's Way." She perscribes what she calls "Morning Pages" which is 3 full notebook pages of train of thought writing right after getting up in the morning. I have been doing it for years and it rocks! I wrote an article about it that might interest you. You can find it in an old ezine of mine at: http://mycoachjason.com/Ezine4.htm#feature

I hope this is useful for you. I am always there for you. If you have a moment when your wanderings bring you to Los Angeles, give a shout.

Jason Wittman

PS: As long as you are over the MD type drugs, it might be a good idea to cut the alcohol to zero, too, lest it becomes a self-prescribed replacement for the sleeping pills.

At 5:07 AM, Blogger wordgirl.kt said...

Have you ever read something and thought to yourself "I'm supposed to know this person"...I read your email and had that thought. And because I couldn't hit reply, I came to your blog.

I had so many thoughts when reading your email. A happy sad for you that you're healing a hurting heart, and in turn experiencing the joy of a heart so full it hurts. A familiar smile when I read your comment about being celibate against your will. More more more. Can not relate to no caffeine, the fear of no caffeine is far greater than my fear of failure or of being alone (though the whole being alone thing scares me enough to stay put...perhaps alone is better than affairs of the heart and body). A weird unrelated relatedness to so much of what you wrote. And questioning, why read this, not that you aren't wonderful (I'm sure you are) but to be honest I haven't read your emails since the first email, so why tonight?

Maybe because my top two dead or alive must meets are Richard Branson (because he is absolute genius) and Robin Williams (not because of all the amazing things he's done, it's because I have never ever laughed as hard as I did at his live on broadway. Shaking, crying, can't breathe laughing, forgot I'm lying naked in bed, funny. A must see, if you haven't. "I have one question for the ladies: Do we look like this?"
When you do, remember that line and you'll know what pushed me over the edge. How I came to be lying naked in bed, laughing, crying, shaking, and next to someone I should decidedly not have been in bed next to. Did I forget to mention that above? True it is. Affairs of the heart, affairs of the body, led me to being a wiser 40. But oh how I love affairs of the heart and body. My drug of choice. I could just lie naked next to someone for hours, walk in silence together through the forest and emerge on the beach, look deep into eyes without turning away. The rush of affairs of the heart and body.)

When I read your email I thought this person needs to know what it is to be with a person - soul and spirit first. When the passion comes after knowing soul and spirit it is ever-lasting and fulfilling to the deepest part of you. If and when the passion goes, the soulful and spiritual connection endures, and the heart remembers that it's ok to let it in and feel it all. Again, don't know why your email has sent me down this path. Or driven me to comment (supportively, of course), or to these particular comments.

However it happened, I was drawn to the email, drawn to you in a weird very connected feeling way, it happened for a reason.

Enjoy your healing, discovery, awakening, and journey. Enjoy being. I look forward to following along via your blog.

If you're ever in or near Los Gatos drop a line and I'll have a thoughtful ear, unconditional loving kindness, friendship, and a fantastic bottle of wine waiting. (Along with my marketing genius to help you with your goals and games)

At 6:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, yes, age 40...I remember it well. What would we do without those milestones to keep the onion peeling to the heart of who we are. I love the writing in the 3rd person...very effective. I'm going to try that.

I'm reading Marcus Buckingham's, "Go Put Your Strengths To Work." I'm finding some introspection there myself.

Have you read any of Donald Miller's books? "Through Painted Deserts: Light, God, and Beauty on the Open Road" may interest you in this season. It's a reminder that life was meant to be lived, not just gotten through.

I love my Mac.

Safe travels.

At 10:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi David,
You have been such a grounded inspiration in getting my coaching business started.

I love that you are now on your journey (Pluto is playing a huge role in your current journey and will for awhile...)

I have something wonderful I created to share with you - a new millennium oracle - to give people a tool to "check in" and help them align themselves with the divine and their journey...

Check out www.insightfulrunes.com for free readings!

Bright Blessings on your journey!

At 12:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello David

Great reading choices...I would love to also suggest any Abraham-Hicks material. They are it for me...since reading and applying their information, my life is rich and abundant in all ways.


At 12:35 PM, Blogger David Wood said...

>>If you're ever in or near Los Gatos drop a line and I'll have a thoughtful ear, unconditional loving kindness, friendship, and a fantastic bottle of wine waiting. (Along with my marketing genius to help you with your goals and games)

Dude - how do I pass that up!?

Enjoying your responses everyone. Such energy pulsing through this being right now - seems things DO pass ;-)



At 12:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi David,

Thanks so much for your email. It must have either been a hard decision to send something so raw, or it was a spontaneous one. Either way, it was delightful.

It really struck me as it was a raw and heartfelt journal of your journey into your self. I can't really say that I could understand exactly where you were, but I could feel your emotion and honesty. It touched me in a profound way.

This was one of the best things I have gotten in my inbox in a long time and it filled me with appreciation, gratitude and wonder. I think that as coaches we're all searching ourselves for something which is why we're able to help our clients. I love your honesty.

I admire what you're doing and would love being part of your network as you share this.


At 12:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your observations and process, David

First, congratulations! I acknowledge your courage and integrity to choose this path. Realizing, of course, on another level, you have no choice. The alternative is quite unacceptable. True?

When I traveled this part of the inner journey, I found being in nature for hours at a time seemed to energetically support the re-knitting of apparent parts into wholeness.

Also had two extraordinary teachers along the way who came through this path before me and were able to hold the space and clear mirror to risk recognition of the true self at a core level.

Now, guiding others, I realize that while much of the path is a lone inner process, there is also a very deep place that requires a guide who has been there.

When you come to that place, your guide will appear.

A guide holds unconditional space, is a clear mirror and facilitates cellular release processes that cannot be released with knowledge nor cognitive/verbal insight.

Once through, you become the guide for the next person. It is an awesome experience and privilege.

Blessings on your Way!


Speaker/Author/De-Stress Coach

At 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

May the Universe bless you! Thanks so much for sharing that with us. I, too, identify with so much of what you said. I think I'll go meditate on it!


At 3:08 PM, Blogger charlotte said...

Dear David...
Welcome to "the club" :-)
Isn't it wonderful to be over 40...!
If Portugal is on your list of "where to go", please come and stay with me on my farm in the middle of quiet and peace.
Byron Katie virtually lives with me (in her books and CD's), and I would love to offer you a little of my inner peace.
Big hugs, fellow traveler!


At 4:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Labor Day David!

I felt compelled to share with you a book that a friend of mine gave me a number of years ago to help me from making bad relationship choices. I have to say that it took more than the reading of the book... and yet it did help!

It is Love is a choice and you find it on Amazon by simply searching for the title.

All my best to you on your journey...


At 4:55 PM, Blogger Clare Josa said...

Hi David,
Not sure if you'll read this or if it'll get filtered by your team, but here's my feedback, hoping that it'll reach you.

Thank you for such a wonderfully truthful note.
It surpasses anything I've seen anyone publish before. And inspires me to be as truthful to myself. Thank you for opening your heart.

It's so refreshing to see you finally stand in your truth and take your place as a true leader. I've been waiting to see it happen for so long.

Welcome to the ride!

I'm so proud of you.
So truly proud of you.
It's an honour to have read the email from you.

You're on your path now.

Time is irrelevant - let go of your fixations with how many months you should or shouldn't do things for (you know what I'm talking about!). That's just your old pattern of control resurfacing. You don't need that any more.

You know that all that exists is the now. And that's what you're finally moving towards.

So cool to see you growing like this.

In love and light,

P.S. Whenever you're in the UK, if you want somewhere to retreat to for a few days, you're welcome here. It's so beautiful, surrounded by ancient forests and wild ponies, near the south coast. Plus there's a 3 year old and a 14 month old, if you need reminding to reconnect with that roaming inner child of yours. "Pink House" (my dream home) does a damned fine line in helping people figure out their soul's purpose and bust through any last blocks that are spoiling the fun.

P.P.S. Looking at your list of goals, compared to the message that's coming from your soul in the email you sent, can you see the mismatch...? Just nudging...

At 5:44 PM, Blogger David Wood said...

Thank you Clare, Charlotte, others....

I'd love to come to Portugal...

At 10:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi David:

I can relate. I came here from USA for a X-mas vacation (in 05') and 60 days later returned with my wife, daughter and 6 suitcases...I haven't looked back since!

I now live 15 minutes from the airport, 45 min. from "El Yunque" Rainforest, and we have gorgeous beaches N,S,E,W. Every morning we look at each other and say: "Here's to life in paradise."

In other words, you have a friend in Puerto Rico!


Manuel Ortiz, MSW

At 11:26 PM, Blogger Laurie said...

Hi David,

I have been reading your emails forever. I'm not a coach but I own a yoga studio and a welness center. I'm finishing my doctoral degree in Naturopathic Medicine and eventually want to delve into coaching to compliment my practice.Thank you- I have learned so much from your material.

I'm proud of you for opening your heart and sharing your deepest feelings. That took a lot of courage! Thank you for sharing you heart and soul. Your a beautiful person. Stay present and keep your heart open. Energy follows intention. Meditate on what you want and it will be delivered to you.

I was in a terrible relationship for 15 years. I prayed and meditated on true love and eventually I found the strength to leave with two small children and no eduacation. Two years later I met a wonderful man and did find true love. It has still been a long bumpy road, but I have found peace and true love.

The challenges, and there have been many have only deepened my faith and made me stronger.

I'm 44 with a 18 and a 20 year old and the divine has blessed me with a baby after many unsuccessful years of trying. My current husband and I will be married 9 years when the baby comes.

You have the ability to create your hearts desire! Stay present and focus on what you want as if you already have it! Try some yoga and breathing.

When you wake up at night place your right hand on your lower belly and your left hand on your heart center with your elbows resting on the bed. Relax and begin to explore the breath and your physical self. Ask where am I feeling the tension, stress, fear, etc... in my physical self? Give your self permission to release anything unserving, let go. Then begin to focus on the breath. As you inhale hear the sound of the inhale as "so" and the sound of the exhale as "hum" keep your mind focused on the sound of the breath and feel your physical self melting deeper and deeper into the bed.

Insomnia is one of my specialties. I am creating my own system with healing C.D.s when I get a few finished I will send you a link to down load them. You can test them if you wish.

Eat healthy foods, detoxify your system, love your self and be patient.

Blessings on your healing journey! Your beautiful. Keep your heart open and give your self permission feel. Practice gratitude for every expierence!! Gratitude has the ability to heal. If you're near Chicago look me up!

Namaste and much love,

At 11:30 PM, Blogger Ria said...

Thanks for the email. I enjoyed every bit of it!
40 has been great for many reasons, mainly because it allowed me to see that just because I am still working on life's goals, it is ok to re-define them.
The Serenity Prayer at times like these is wonderful.
When your walking see if you remember how wet leaves smell.
I love/loved the continued transformation and realization that 40 brings.

At 10:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are you afraid to have a stable, mature relationship?

Why are you rushing around, pushing yourself physically, emnotionally, mentally all at the same time?

Why are you being so hard on yourself?


Wishing you love, peace and gentleness in your pursuits.




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