
Thursday, December 27, 2007

MM #88: How Far Did You Come in 2007?

1. Announcements/Offers

Is it time to upgrade or create your keynote speech?

Internationally renowned speaker Marcia Reynolds is holding her keynote retreat on January 24-26 in Phoenix. She holds this retreat only once a year for 6-8 participants.

She says, "I guarantee that if you attend the retreat, you will walk away with a speech that you are passionate about, that includes a powerful opening and closing and is structured as a keynote (not a mini seminar). You will get individual coaching and chance to practice and develop your stories."

For more information, call Marcia at 602-954-9030 or email her at Marcia@covisioning.com.

What People are Saying About '10 Super Coaches'

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2. FEATURE: How far did you come in 2007?

Before you go on to conquer the world in 2008, don't you think it's important to celebrate how far you have come this year.

Look back.

What have you accomplished?

What are you proud of?

And so importantly - what are you grateful for? (Because gratitude not only feels good - it generates growth.)

I'll start. Below I'll share what I'm proud to have accomplished this year, and what I'm grateful for.

But don't read it passively. Oh no.

At the bottom I'm going to ask you to write YOUR Celebratory.

As you read mine, ideas will spark for what you can celebrate this year.

I'll ask you to go straight to the blog and post for the world to see.

And I'll ask you to forward to everyone you care about, so they can join you in the process; you can read their celebratory, and congratulate them.

* * *


Health & Lifestyle

  • Huge personal breakthrough in which I felt feelings so intense I thought I might die, instead of using sleeping pills to send them away.

  • Body is lean and healthy; rarely do I get sick

  • Dipped my toe in the 'global warming' waters, and set to take action in 2008. No longer a rebel without a cause ;-)

  • Nominated to Transformational Leadership Council


  • Made some wonderful new, close friends (Ezra, Nicole, Reese, Racheli, Magalie, Alex - to name a few)

  • Am well supported by my old friends (Jon, Bron, Sonja, Reid, Beth, Kye, Flaven, Cindy, Gerry, Maria - to name a few)

  • Celebrated one year with my partner Kristina!

  • Began new business relationships - and in some cases friendships, with Alex Mandossian (who has been invaluable on the business and personal front), John Gray (valuable support and introductions), Harv Eker, Chet Holmes, Joel Comm, Donna Steinhorn and Michael Gerber.

  • Incredibly fortunate to have the support of Beth Dargis, Kimberly Marlow, and Terri Carey, - without whom you wouldn't even get to read this newsletter.

Finance & Business & Career

  • Contributed to two anthologies, one with foreword by Mark Victor Hansen

  • Completed book proposal and sent to agent

  • Increased combined subscribers to 70,000

  • Increased revenue 70% over previous year

  • Landed on the national speaking stage with a bang, speaking to audiences of 1,000 and selling products in the mid-six-figures range.

  • Learned 105 things that don't work

* * *

Action - now it's time for YOU

Don't just read my Celebratory, make this valuable for you.

Post your Celebratory where we can all acknowledge you, here.

Whether you spend 1 minute or 1 day on it doesn't matter.

Just post it.

Remember, where there is gratitude and appreciation, there is growth. It's critical to chew and swallow what you've received this year, before asking for more.

If you find yourself judging your achievements - good! This is an opportunity to look deeper at what you can be grateful for. AND - to light the fire in your belly to really make 2008 count.

Go ahead - post your Celebratory now.

Your Friends

I really want to read what my friends are celebrating this year. So I'm going to forward this invitation to them and ask them all to post as well.

If you really want to start a gratitude movement, I invite you to do the same.

(Hint: be sure and tell them to add their name to the post, so you can find it on the blog!)

Love and gratitude,


At 1:24 PM, Blogger My Jewish Coach.com said...

What a wonderful year!

1)Launched MyJewishCoach.com
2) Brought in new corporate and non-profit clients
3) Spoke at two international training conferences
4) Had an amazing time at the ICF conference -- learned a lot and I am USING it!
5) Moved to a terrific new home
...and most importantly...
6) My family still loves me and puts up with me!

At 2:04 PM, Blogger tc said...

I have so much to be grateful for:

1)Supported my prodigal son in his return home
2)Guided and supported my daughter in choosing college, her path for the next several years
3)Completed training and certified in IT security
4)Managed difficult project constructing new data center
5)Spoke at two conferences
6)Published three articles

At 2:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Was successfully able to work from home with flexible hours.
2. Had a year of health with my mom, caring for her and enjoying her company.
3. Got my youngest daughter healthy - NO MIGRAINES!
4. Got my oldest one planning college and career.
5. Celebrated 18 years of marriage with a great guy.
6. learned alot!

At 2:17 PM, Blogger Gabriel said...

1. Lost 20 pounds
2. Signed up for Dream University
3. Completed branding
4. Near completion of self published book
4. Starting website
5. Developed platform for speaking and life coaching
6. Completed Competent Communication series for Toastmaster.
7. One presentation from completing Competent Leadership designation
8. Placed 2nd in Area TM Humorous contest.
9. New Grandpa
10. Impacting lives of those around me.
11. Family is healthy and blessed

At 2:47 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

1) Brought my brainchild to reality by launching www.careerbiography.com, which is booming!
2) Took the difficult step of moving my family from our new house - because of mold.
3) Focused on health - and am working hard to achieve it!
4) Hired 4 new writers.
5) More than doubled business in my core resume writing company.
6) Celebrated 19 years of marriage (at only 39!) to the love of my life.
7) Finished my career coaching certification.
8) Was interviewed and cited in MarketWatch article.
9) Established two HUGE corporate and university strategic partnerships that will catapult my company.

At 4:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so grateful for this powerful year 2007!

1) Cruised to Mexico with Abraham-Hicks
2) Gave workshops and trainings in Canada, Belgium and France (and online)
3) Attracted 800.000€!
4) Published a best-seller law of attraction book in Canada, soon-to-be in Europe
5) Finished writing my second best-seller book
6) Wrote my first children book on law of attraction
7) Attracted a team of powerful people to assist me in my new online publishing and coaching venture.
8) Shared more love to my family and spouse
9) Am more present, peaceful and aligned
10) I Appreciate all of this year's contrasts and new rockets of desire!

Thank you!


At 4:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This year was wonderful! I learned so much about who I am and how I work.

> I am grateful for David, Beth, et al -- your work is amazing!

> I am grateful to my clients and students who have taught me so much about how the unconscious mind works and how to really be present for them.

> I am deeply grateful for my friend Dennis who is powerfully committed to his own growth and to mine as well.

> I am deeply grateful for my very amazing and loving friends and family (both visible and invisible, as it were).

> I am grateful for all the guys I dated who kept pushing me back in the direction of my real desires. Thanks guys! ;-)

> I am grateful that spirit lead me to Dallas via Provincetown, otherwise I would never have found myself in the middle of a group of Abraham students in Fort Worth (of all places!) who have taught me years and years of "how it works" in less than three months.

> I am grateful to have learned to listen to that inner voice always. Always!

> I am grateful for the many situations where I learned to stop rescuing other people and start helping them when they ask.

> I am grateful for finally getting the message to not market myself -- just attract. Things works so much better when I do that.

2008 is just around the corner and I'm excited to find out what will happen next!

At 7:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Get my daughter healthy from Pneumonia.
2. Assist my husband to have a rebonding time with his family.
3. New Friendship and rebonding with old ones.
4. Prepare my daughter for her college choice and booked her into different courses for July.
5. Went to Melbourne and spent working time for our daughter.
6. Assisting our other daughter for her schooling and extra curricula. Coaching her to get an understudy role at the HighSchoolMusical.
7. Made 6 of my Toast Master Assignments all as Best Speakers and take Leadership Role as VP of the club.
8. Starting Emceeing for Fund Raising Event and Cultural Event twice.
9. Health Regime : Starting Pilates Routine.
10. Went to Wealth Mastery and Property Seminar in Melbourne and start study group with Denise and started to create blog.
11. Started Teaching Drawing Class.
12. Organised a successful and memorable 50th bday party for my husband and 115 slides presentation of his life!
13. Wrote a memorable tribute for our 11 years old dog.
14. Reading about coaching certificate and registering in this community.
15. In the process of getting hired with John Robert Powers.
16 Assisting husband in his career change after 27 years with the same company and still doing it.
17. Some personal coaching for troubled friends and family.
18. Several trips to Jakarta, Bandung, Australia, Singapore etc.
19. Adding family income to various ventures.
20. Creating graphic designs for events.

At 10:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My marriage got stronger/deeper.
I became a better mom.
Wrote and developed new courseware.
Guest Speaker at a women's conference.
Planned my days off for the year - ahead of time.
Became a better human.
Found out that loves looks different depending on who is giving it and that is ok.
It is beautiful to be breathing.

At 4:53 AM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Health & Lifestyle

Made awesome breakthrough to controling my thoughts which regulate my actions
Discovered several mothods for mental growth


Made some wonderful new, close friends (Neerja, Nicole - to name a few)
Am well supported by my old friends (Tar, Wayne - to mane a few)
Celebrated 11 months year with my partner Mira!
Began new business relationships

Finance & Business & Career

Began a path toward Life Coaching
Started new product sales business
Took on new challange of Business Analyst for TN DHS

At 8:02 AM, Blogger Marcia Francois said...

1. Launched http://organiseyourbusiness.com and http://organiseyourhome.blogspot.com
2. spoke to 5 groups
3. wrote new ebook, 7 easy steps to organise your office and is now my top selling info-product
4. had a 700% increase in my mailing list
5. increased sales by 200% from 2006 (and 2007 is not over just yet :))
6. am also grateful for Beth Dargis, my accountability partner
7. worked with 17 wonderful coaching and organising clients one-on-one

Thanks for the opportunity to recap :) and all the best for 2008

At 9:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Retired from teaching middle school Home Economics
2. finished coursework for MS in Mental Health
3. Completely renovated home, finally having the kitchen of my dreams
4. celebrate everyday, having Ray, the love of my life as a partner in life.
5. Ending a toxic friendship
6. Reaching out and gaining new friendships
7. Continuing healthy full friendships
8. Spending quality time with my grown adult children.
9. Completing the last phase of my 5 year plan, as I had started 5 years ago with my life coach: Christine.
10. Starting my own life coaching business!

At 7:18 PM, Blogger Ligia M. Houben said...

I am very grateful for a wonderful year.....every single day I thank God for my life and my health.....

Now, I am specially grateful for:

1. My mom's health (she was hospitalized three times this year, now she is doing so well!)
2. I published my book about loss and transformation. It is a self-help book in Spanish called Transforma tu perdida. una antologia de fortaleza y esperanza.
3. I participated in a book with Deepak Chopra and Les Brown which will be published on March. The name: Success is a State of Mind.
4. I wrote a chapter on Grief at Work for a corporate handbook.
5. I established my private practice as transition coach, certified grief counselor and certified hypnotist.
6. Developed into an international speaker.
7. I am thankful for my family, friends, clients, students and to be able to live in peace and with meaning...


At 11:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ada's Celebratory:

1. Completed MBA
2. Launched Coaching business Alchemy of Personal Growth
3. Launched personal website at www.adauribe.org
3. Set up home office
4. Started Coach Certification Course
5. Renewed PMI Membership
6. Completed PMP Certification Course
7. Realized that Coaching was the path for me!

At 9:38 AM, Blogger caroline said...

A year of challenges and successes so heres one for every month of the year!

1.Completed Diploma in Life and Business Coaching
2.Completed training as certified practioner of NLP, TimeLine Therapy and Hypnosis
3.Set up my own business 'Ignite Coaching' to bring coaching to young people
4.Helped young people who have fallen outside of mainstream education
5.Cared for my family with love and compassion and with a deeper understanding of thier needs
6.Planned, implemented and delivered my own coaching programme to young people
7.Made new friendships, maintained existing ones and developed new business relationships
8.Recognised my own purpose, desires and potential and that of others
9.Met family I never new existed
10.Visited America and Canada for the first time (all by myself)
11.Recognised that everything happens for a reason and that there is always learning in every situation.
12.I am truely grateful for all the people I have encountered and all those who have encountered me, To all those who have helped me on my journey..thankyou!

Inspiring to re-cap on the year and makes 2008 all the more exciting xx

At 1:33 PM, Blogger Corinne McElroy said...

This year has been a year of learning:
I completed the Cert courses with CTI and am now CPCC. Certified Professional Co-Active Coach.
I completed the Relationship and Organizational Systems Coaching classes. Great classes.
This was my first year working for Rapport Leadership Int. WWW.Rapportleadership.com as their Leadership Performance Coach.
I was invited to two woman’s networking groups to be their keynote speaker.
I am so much clearer on who I am and love myself.
My relationship with my daughters and husband are stronger then ever.
I have met some wonderful loving and supportive people along my path that I am so grateful for.
I know I am a better person and coach today then I was on Jan. 1, 2007.
Here I come 2008.

At 3:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks to Solution Box.Com, I was able to implement the following:
1. Found professional webmaster for my Lighteacher.com website;
2. Found an agent
3. Will be teaching energy work at adult ed at a local high school one night a week
4. Am launching advertising campaign through note cards for my life direction coaching
5. Set up recording studio time fo my cd to be sent to shop nbc for possible production in March
6. Self growth.com asked me to an energy psychology expert for their website
Thank you Solutionbox.com

At 5:53 PM, Blogger Doug Nau said...

2007 was amazing. I am extremely grateful for:

1) for a beautiful and healthy baby girl born in May
2) for another year of amazing health and negative results in my cancer screenings (diagnosed Dec 24, 2003)
3) for landing a perfectly aligned part time job working as a wellness coach with a medical group in northern california
4) my website ranking in the top 15 in google for 'wellness coach'!
5) launching a personal developmentment website in 2007 www.i-grow.net
6) completion of life coach certification
7) 364 other days so far this year that have all had amazing smaller and equally important successes!

I am so grateful to build life for the future, while at the same time living life for today. Its truly been amazing!

At 7:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not very successful at all in 2007.
Tried various businesses with people and all failed or got dissolved.
Did a life coaching course but could not attract enough clients to even pay for the course.
My 3 year part-time on-line business is being dissolved because my 2 other partners didn't want to revise the products as they found it too time consuming and preferred to concentrate on teaching which brought in more money. So I didn't have say in the matter. I shall try and use my expertise and set up something else.
Since June I have tried to lose weight, managed to keep off 4 lbs. Until this Xmas week where I've put 3 back on. So back to square one again.
We don't have any invitations or friends to celebrate the New Year in with tonight.
Our two closest friends only had the time to see us twice in 6 months. Very hurtful to me as I had mentioned back in June that they had become more like acquaintances rather than close friends and they promised to do something about it.
Last March my husband and I found a property on a golf complex in Barbados which we wanted to buy but when push came to shove, my Mother, who lives with us, did not want to uproot, so I gave in to her wishes. The property has subsequently gone up by $200,000.
I didn't get any pay rise or bonus in 2007 because the company I work part-time for was going through an almagamation and streamlining all the business processes so nothing will be forthcoming until February 08.
Another business with someone I tried to start did not come to fruition as he wanted to keep most of the income as he felt his hourly rate should be more than mine, so I therefore feel unappreciated for my input and efforts.
So I didn't come very far in 2007, not without trying everything I could, taking up opportunities presented and spending time and money. It's very demoralising seeing how far other people have got in 2007 and feeling quite a failure and unsuccessful. So let's see what 2008 brings.

At 8:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looking back at 2007 my answer would be EVERYTHING.

And to pick some extra special ones;

1. the love and support of my husband
2. health, yoga and being surrounded by beautiful nature
3. friends full of support, inspiration and fun
4. coaching others and being coached
5. realising that everything contributes to my growth and that being in-joy with myself helps my enjoying others


At 9:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For whoever posted at 4:36 AM today, I would like to offer you a gift for the new year. I have taken the audacious step of reframing your year. Feel free to keep what works for you and discard the rest.


2007 had a lot of interesting experiences for which I'm very grateful.

Each of them has brought me a gift.

Since I'm evolving and shifting on the inside as I learn more and more about myself, a lot of the experiences involved people falling out of my life even when I didn't want them to. I trust the process, so I know that I now have room in my life for people who are passionate about being good friends and excellent business partners and who care about me, my family, and my work. I can't wait to meet them!

2007 has helped me get clearer and clearer about what I want in my life. I completed a life coaching course this year and I am deciding whether to commit to coaching as a profession, among the many other possibilities that are out there. Fortunately, my current job is stable and allows me the freedom to take as much time as I want to make this choice.

In 2007, I've been learning to love my body exactly as it is.

As the year closes, I'm definitely looking forward. I'll be spending this last night of the year at home deciding what I want to experience for 2008.

I'm so happy and grateful to read about everyone else's successes this year. I know that one person doing better in their lives makes it that much easier for the rest of us. And I know that as I focus on what is working, my life gets easier and easier.

Much love to all,
Anon at 4:36 AM

At 11:39 AM, Blogger David Wood said...

nice reframe Frank ;-)

At 4:15 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

What a year of change and difference...

1.Left my job and 18 year career to take a break, become a Life Coach and start a new venture and career
2.Sold my house in the UK and moved to Spain.
3.Currently renovating an old Cortijo to use as a home and business
4.Have 10,000m2 of land with fantastic views of valleys and mountains.
5.Have set up a Spanish Life Coaching business with partner- Coaching in the sun. Website developed
6. Obtained a Diploma in Life Coaching.
7. Made some great new friends in Spain.
8. Made great strides in understanding and dealing with Spanish life, redtape and the manana culture.
9.Learned more about myself and my relationship with partner.
10 Learned more about whats really important in life
11.Received thanks from my 1st coaching client who expressed great gratitude after just 1 meeting.

At 5:37 PM, Blogger Hund Report said...

1. got out of "employment" and ventured on my own!
2. made new connections with people who can help me and people I can help
3. getting closer wiht my husband and children - haveing fun!!!

At 12:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greatness to celebrate and be thankful for

1)Overall Health and Well being, physically and spiritually
2)Fine tuned balance in positive thoughts and actions with the discovery of new tools and information
3)Made headway in reconstruction of our house (finished walls and floor installation)
4)Enjoyment of wonderful, relaxing travel to my favorite places
5)Celebrating 15 years with my beautiful husband
6)Supported my son in marriage, gaining a beautiful new 'daughter'
7)Honoring another blessed year with my 81 year old mother
8)Having my daughter close to me
9)Celebrating 17 years success as small business owner, in same location
10)Launching life coaching marketing campaign, to include website
11)Having my 1st article publihsed
12)Developing and presenting mini-seminars on a corporate level, opening new doors for future client coaching opportunities
13)Becoming a member of AZ Holistic Chamber of Commerce.

These stand out and lead the vast list of all the blessings experienced this past year.

At 1:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What did I accomplish in 2007?

1. I started my business, offered two retreats and three mystery schools, after leading two pilot programs
2. I moved into a beautiful apartment and invested in my home, home décor and had people over a lot.
3. I studied with Jean Houston and worked with Intention and deeper consciousness
4. I got married and worked through big relationship issues with my husband in couples therapy.
5. I paid for the wedding by subletting my apartment
6. I spent a lot of time and money attending to my physical and emotional health.
7. I started dancing again and gave a short dance performance at the huge Holiday Party in front of 2000 people
8. I have been a greener me by using organic and recycled products more and more.
9. I began developing a stronger relationship with my aunts E and D, cousin S and have a renewed connection with Aunt M and other Aunt M
10. I told the truth to my family, Eu , and others, even when it was hard.
11. For my spiritual community I led a workshop, organized a series of special events , started a monthly meeting for business owners, wrote a pamphlet for a committee Committee, Raised $500 for a yearly event, Organized two Business Plan Writing Workshops
12. I did more ceremonies at home than I had done in years past, and did a couple ceremonies with Eu.
13. I began an e-book and got three websites up for my business
14. I have eaten healthy food and cooked at home more than not.
15. I have maintained my size six over the year
16. I have used my spiritual network to support me and my business on a weekly and monthly basis
17. I have nurtured friendships with Christy, Jane, Karen, Ron
18. I took several business courses
19. I developed an interesting line-up of offerings featuring several prominent experts for 2008
20. I bought advertising for my company

At 10:40 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 11:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Before today, I would've said there was nothing, I lost 120 pounds and gained 50 back, my son is home from prison and I live in the same house as my partner in a loveless relationship for the past year to name a few. But having read David's, 4:36 am Anon and Frank's re framing along with the other comments, I realise I have so much to be thankful for. I've.....

1) Lost 70 pounds
2) Supported the return of my prodigal son through some horrendous times and he's starting work on Jan 7, 2008.
3) Supported and guided(ing) my daughter in her chosen field of singing (raising the next Rhianna)
4) Began re-editing my book for self-publication and website
5) Spoken at several group meetings for children-at-risk (of offending), their parents and ex-offenders
6) Made the life-changing decision to become a Life Coach - facing my fears head-on
7) Successfully worked from home (year three)
8) Made strategic partnerships that will provide a major platform for future speaking engagements and for garnering clients
9) Made two new friends - one of whom I am in discussion re: partnership
10) Survived a very difficult year with no major catastrophes (mind-boggling difficulties - the subject of my next book)
11) I'm grateful for a year away from the difficulties of a stressful relationship/partnership in which I have been catapulted into some areas of my life that I would not have gone normally and am becoming a better, more patient, more compassionate, more humble person, weighing the full extent of my actions carefully
12)More at peace with my Self than ever
13)Have been truly blessed to have my mom as my (and my children's and grandson's) guardian angel - Yes mom, I can truly feel your guarding me (Mom passed Dec 29, 2007)
14) Facilitated the bonding of my daughter with her paternal grandmother (who had not seen her since she was born and who hated me and my daughter by extension) by apologising and asking for forgiveness. I was able to do so because blame or fault had long since ceased to be an issue for me - we now have a growing healing relationship
15) Been able to sit back and laugh at certain situations that would've made me go over the deep-end before
16)Merged my creative talents (which were a former source of real mal-contentment since I could NOT see how they would come together or even why God had given them to me)
17) Found and used(ing) outlets for de-stressing other than food and/or alcohol such as an over-eaters support group
18) Discovered my reason for overeating and am facing that demon
19) Made sure that my daughter stays on a healthy eating programme so she won't become overweight (least not on my watch)
20) Won a foster parent appreciation award - this one is especially sweet since they took back my foster child after I started experiencing some financial difficulties - However, when the whole story of what I was actually doing was told (by my foster-child and the board Psychologist), they ended up giving me an award

At 11:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm grateful for the learning... and for SolutionBox!

1) Learned to write with my left hand after breaking my dominant arm :) which is now thankfully healed!

2) Took an active role in my local environmental organization

3) Completed a series of Feng Shui courses

4) Started weight training

5) Kept afloat during my first year of self-employment

6) Attracted a well-paying, flexible, part-time contract

7) Applied to teacher's college

8) Hosted the first family dinner with my immediate family in 30 years and cooked my first turkey (which was awesome and organic)

At 12:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Lost 35 pounds

2. Increased income by about $10,000

3. Published monthly column in magazine circulated on East and West coasts

4. Wrote 23 entries for a holistic spirituality encyclopedia soon to be online

5. Learned more about how to stay in significant relationships when times are tough

6. Extended my creativity modalities by learning to use a Dremel

7. Provided more astrological analysis than any prior year to date.

8. Visited my mother in STL and survived

9. Updated the guest bathroom with new paint, lighting and faucet.

10. Helped build an addition onto a cabin

11. Increased gratitude for all my blessings.

At 11:38 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Health & Lifestyle

* Maintained a supportive non-competitive relationship with my spouse that has matured to an equal partnership.
* Finished remodeling a pilates studio in my home so that I can maintain the body that I am happy with.
* Spent two glorious weeks on the island of St. Barts with close personal friends relaxing and rejuvinating my mind, body and soul. (Bill and Debra this is such a wonderful tradition - can't wait for April!)
* My health has been excellent - I rarely get sick - in fact, not at all in 2007!


* Moved from the fast pace of Orange County California to the quiet slow pace of Hanover, New Hampshire. I have made wonderful new friends who make the long winters bearable and fun!
* I am continually thankful for the friendship of my two closest friends. Debra and Rebecca - you are my cherished soul sisters!
* Celebrated 10 years of life together with Rick. Honey, you're still my favorite date night!
* Started Hidden Sense Communications in September. The change from professional development and corporate training to personal development presented both challenges and great reward.

Finance & Business & Career

* Wrote, developed and launched the new Hidden Sense Website. It is a work in progress, but gave me something else to cross off my list of things to learn - web development. I now have a new appreciation for all techies!
* Created the E-Step System for personal development and transitional mentoring program. Now, that's a mouthful!
* Generated a new client base that is netting $5,000/ mo. in revenue! That's in 120 days.
* Am close to finishing my first novel and have begun the search for a publisher.
* Learned about a million things that don't work. Learned that I always have more to learn and that life is good outside your comfort zone.

Everything is GREAT in 2008!

At 5:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

2007 was a turning point for me.
I completed my NLP practitioner course.
Took NLP master practitioner course.
Began a second year coaching course.
I retrained as a fitness instructor in two disciplines, Body Balance and Body Vive.
Began working at my local gym.
Made a plan for 2008 on which I wished for a pilates traing course which materialised this week (yipee).
Got a small part in the local amature panto.
So lots there to be extremely happy and grateful about.

At 1:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Published my first WWW presence
2. Made 5 new woman freinds
3. reached the halfway mark in my Internship hours
4. Had Lasik Vision Correction done and can see sans eyewear for the first time ever in life!!
5. Became self supporting completely doing only what Ilove: dancing and therapy.

At 11:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What have you accomplished?
Professionally : my hard work was compensated when I became Sales Director and kept travelling with work, gaining new clients and improving my company’s turnover. In 2008 I plan a career change towards life coaching as I think that it is a more personally rewarding role, and I feel that it will help me understand myself better and also help me make a difference in the world by helping to improve the lives of others. (Besides, this is the start of my Empire!) :)
Personally :
- Friends : I have realised who my friends really are (very few in fact) and that it is much better to have a few good friends than many shallow acquaintances. I shall continue this trend in 2008.
- Love life : I have at last come to terms with my own feelings and admitted that I was still hanging on to a love story that started 2 yrs ago but that finished due to personal incompatibilities. As soon as I embraced my feelings and shared them with my loved one I saw everything more clearly and was eventually able to be happy with myself. Now we will try to be better friends, even if our future will be apart each other.
- Healthy life : I feel that I eat better and that I do more sports as time goes by. In 2007 I swam and rowed a lot and I feel and look great. My diet is mostly vegeterian and in 2008 I will try to keep being healthy and sporty and to eat more fish and meat.
- Feelings : I feel that I have come to terms with my own feelings, my love obsessions and my suffering due to my homosexuality and the tortures I underwent as a kid, and that now I should talk about it at least with my friends so that we can stop this farce of pretending to be strong and invincible when all we really want is to be loved. In 2008 I will try to be a better person, to stop hurting others by fear they might hurt me first, to stop hiding my feelings from my loved ones, and to be more honest with myself and others. (Idea for book’s name with my story and coaching advice on how to be a happy and fulfilled homosexual : I will survive – Sobreviviré).
- Travels : I have completed successful business and personal trips.
o Business wise I have learnt that I do not like travelling with work (compared to what I previously thought : was I trying to run away from my real self by travelling?), and that it makes my life rather unstable. In 2008 I will try to limit the number of business trips, even though life coaching trips might be more fun as this is an area about which I’m passionate.
o Personally in 2007 I completed many trips that involved many great times but in 2008 I need to be less selfish and more flexible, easygoing and respectful with other people when travelling.
What are you proud of?
I am proud of my history so far and of my intended development.
And so importantly - what are you grateful for? (Because gratitude not only feels good - it generates growth.)
I am grateful for being so lucky with my friends and family, for at last seeing the light about personal relationships and for having the massive chance of being someone positive and optimistic who learns from even the most negative of situations.

At 5:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great year!
1. I figured out exactly what I am called here to do.
2. I took a lot more risks then I ever have which led me to the above.
3. I made it three rounds in a public speaking contest.
4. I was a guest speaker for a conference.
5. I wrote and I wrote alot. I figured out I really love writting after all.
6. I made so many new friends. I am especially thankful for finding my spiritual teacher - Cheryl.

At 5:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 5:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

2007 was a triumph and a trial for me!

1) Married off 2 beautiful daughters 5 weeks apart and welcomed 2 wonderful son-in-laws into our family.
2) Faced the word bankruptcy without having a meltdown (I've been running like a bear in the woods from it for 4 years and I've finally turned around to fight the bear directly).
3) Survived a nervous breakdown, literally.
3) Kept a roof over all of our heads.
4) Thankful for all the gifts God has bestowed on me and the faith that it will all come together at the right time, even though it's not MY time.
5) Celebrated 26 years of marriage.
6) Made a DECISION to make 2008 fantastic.

At 5:55 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Definitely a life changing year. Seeing the world and myself through new eyes.

Moved a family of four (plus cat) from UK to Asia.
Supported husband in new role/promotion.
Started on the road to fitness taking it seriously at last.
Accepted the fact that if my mother and sister don't love me I can't force them to.

Most of all confronted and removed a boulder of guilt I had carried for 30 years (since age 8) feel released and renewed. Not just a weight off my shoulders but a weight off my life.

Excited about the future now that others can see my authentic self.

At 1:16 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

What a year!

2007 Brought learning and insight along with much to be grateful for.

1. Made it to 08'
2. Launched a new business w/my wife.
3. Have continued to meet new people both in/out of our new neighborhood/Church that I can honestly say are intimate friends.
4. Although my income is down 25% from 2006, I have learned much that I can apply moving forward in 2008.
5. Watching my daughter play her first sport of Basketball AND enjoying it.
6. Getting to know my wife’s sister better as she becomes closer to our family.
7. I am thankful for my Grandparents health thus far. My Grandmother is 77 but still able to watch our (3) daughters ages 7, 6 and 6 after school each day.
8. I am certainly blessed in my position at work with having met many customers/friends in my industry over the past 10 years, especially last year.
9. My family is becoming more familiar with the Bible as we learn and grow in Christ.
10. All three of my daughters were baptized in 2007.
11. My best friend Stephen became their "God Father” that’s right as he is perfect for it and loves them as if they were his own.
12. Was not able to take vacation in 07' due to the new business and busy schedules. I mention this only because it made me more aware and thankful for the times I have had off and will going forward.
13. The Book "A Traveler's Gift"

At 2:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

- Beat breast cancer and survived the aggressive treatment plan
- Was able to recognise and acknowledge my courage and inner strength
- Could apply coaching principles to myself to develop a strong positive mind while my body was ill
- I became a more calmer and spritual human being
- I have gratitude for the love and support I received from my adorable dogs, friends, colleagues and other acquaintances made during 2007

At 12:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) Moved to Arizona and started a new career!
2) Passed my Series 7 for new career and ALL Insurance licenses!
3) Am on my way to building a successful financial consulting business!!!!!

At 9:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

After many years of saying I wanted to start my own business in 2007 I FINALLY did it and I am so proud and excited. The company is call The Phenomenal View and it is a world class speaker series that will be taking place North of Toronto with 4 dates in 20008.
Please visit our web site at www.phenomenalview.com to learn more. We are thrilled to have Jack Canfield, Mike Lipkin, Lisa Nichols and John Assaraf who will each be spending a full day tell their brilliant stories to help guide people in the right direction while traveling on the path to success.
I am so grateful and so excited about all the changes in my life and this journey has only just begun.
I want everyone to have a wonderful 2008!

At 5:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Health and Fitness:
1) started regularly exercising and enjoyed the physical and psychological benefits of it
2) Being more present in my eating, appreciating my love of good, simple food and of refined dining, too

1) celebrated deepening friendship with best friend of over a decade
2) noticed ancient recurring patterns in romantic and family relationships, and stopped playing them out

1) focused on what I love about my primmary career and brought more authentic, coaching self into it
2) coached first client successfully -- was thanked with an invitation to speak at a celebratory gathering, following which additional potential clients have sought my guidance
3) working on how to make coaching a true business, of whatever size

1) realized the joy inside me is the joy i've always sought in the world
2) grateful for every breath since.

At 4:24 AM, Blogger Andy_J said...

Hi there, I first of all, would like to say that this is a big step forward for me right now.
I would like to say how grateful I am, really, having come this far.
I first came in Australia some eight years ago, as a student, with not much in the pocket, but have believed in myself all the way.
I might have had some really bad life experiences but I got through them ok. By mid 2006 I completed a degree in IT, applied to stay here, got permanent and by the end of that year we bought a house, my wife and I, with some little savings.
Around that same period we won ourselves a car. I mean, you couldn't wipe off the smile off my face. I was full of excitement and all that.
Then last year I sold that car and placed some on the house with the rest we decided to invest it on shares. I want to say how grateful I really feel.
And I want to add that, in not one particular moment did I drop my guards along the way, I have to, literally pick myself up every time I fell and the rest, just came like magic.
Last but not least, I knew what I wanted when I came here, but I also knew that it was going to take me time, I'm now one step closer to my dream, I just have to reach at it; but first I have to be a bit more patient and learn how to get there better. That is why I've turn to the experts.

At 10:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was some year!
1.I started quantum leap (peak potentials) and have a great coach.
2.I put up my website, blog and newsletter (www.visualprosperity.com).
3. I made it through 11 months of a new and wonderful relationship.
4. I reconnected with my aging parents
5.I overcame difficulties with my teenage sons
6.I won and completed a lawsuit which allows my learning disabled son to go to private school
7. I have radically changed my diet, ate raw foods for 3 months and am now 100% vegetarian/sometimes vegan/moving toward raw foodist

there's more, but I don't want to bore you

At 7:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so grateful for:
1.My four wonderful children who make life so fun and rich.
2.My talents that I am exploring every day.
3.My family, who even from 1400 miles away support me unconditionally.

I have accomplished:
1.Leaving a toxic relationship and being at peace with my decision.
2.Making the decision to move back home even though it's scary and uncertain.
3.Deciding to start my own business and taking actions every day.
4.Deciding to leave a job that is killing my spirit.

At 7:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Getting married to the love of my life after 10 years of togetherness. Getting married in the Cayman Islands where we met
2. Achieved one of my travel dreams: Africa. An awesome trip of my lifetime.
3. Going on a ski trip and then 2 months later dive trip!!
4. Hiking up to Turtle Head. A goal I have had since moving to Vegas 6 months ago
5. The joy of discovering who I really am, and expressing myself fully.
6. Allowing friends to help me when I needed it.

At 1:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Had a HUGE 10 pound, 3 ounce baby boy!
2. Got back to a job that I love and launched "It's My Life!" Coaching Service
3. Wrote 3 books...looking for a publisher!
4. Made a new best friend and co-worker, Trisha
5. Found an old best friend whom I had lost track of, Maria

At 8:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great year!

1) Finished the core Co-active program (CTI) and three ORSC courses to get more confidence and insights from relationship coaching into personal coaching
2) Quit my engineering position and accepted a new one (mentoring coach), so I could use my coaching skills
3) Continued to build my coaching business, created a website
4) Participated in 3 live events of James Ray (amazing!)
5) Design presentation "Moving your career forward" and presented in different organizations
6) After many years of being single I've attracted a wonderful man in my life
7) Start writing a book
8) Periodically published articles in a newspaper and Internet
9) Learned a lot..

At 11:16 AM, Blogger Global Online Guru said...

2007 was a full-on year!!!

I have much to celebrate and be grateful for but these are the highlights:
1) Organised a sisterly-bonding trip for me and my four sisters cruising the Mexican Riviera!
2) I travelled to 10 different cities around the globe for leisure and for personal growth and had an absolutely awesome time!
3) Introduced my four sisters to the teachings of Abraham, the magic of the Law of Attraction, and the value of seeking and embracing personal growth!
4) Added travel perks to my package as a legal secretary
5) Added value to myself by upskilling.
6) Met Bob Proctor, Michael Beckwith, Doug Wead and Mark Victor Hansen
7) Attended an Art of Allowing workshop in San Rafael and met Jerry & Esther Hicks!
8) Started writing a new book about the women in my family
9) Caught up with a long-time friend and built a healthy relationship
10) I realised that I empowered my sons by demonstrating to them how empowered I am.
11) Published 4 articles.
12) Started 2 new businesses.
13) Left my job to start working from home!!!!
14) Met valuable contacts in publishing and online marketing.
15) Was offered a job for more money than I ever thought I could command and I turned it down in favour of working from home! That felt really good!
15) Visited my parents across the other side of the world and had a fabulous time!
16) I enjoyed perfect health and so did my family!
17) Bought a new MacBook and Printer
18) Created 10 videos for marketing purposes as well as personal holiday videos.
19) My three sons achieved academic excellence in school!
20) My youngest son finished primary school!
21) Received a FANTASTIC farewell and gorgeous present from my previous employer.
22) Received the best Performance Review ever and as a result was awarded a big pay-rise!
23) Experience huge personal growth which resulted to new bigger goals set for 2008 and beyond!
24) Learned to listen to my inner guidance.
25) Strengthened my relationship with my family!
26) Let go of some friendships and developed new friendships!

At 11:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1.) Launched www.sellinglogistics.com. Helping entreprenuers build solid businesses nationally.
2.) Sold a very stressful business of 10 years so I could spend more time with my family.
3.) Began keynote speaches for Connecting Neighbors.
4.) Received excellent life coaching lessons from Mike Lindstrom.
5.)Refocused my priorities to spend more time with my wife and children.

At 1:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lisa's 2007: A catalyst year.

1. It brought the desire for change.
2. Learnt to deal with the death of my younger brother.
3. Birth of my nephew Max.
4. 1st child in middle school.
5. Learnt how to webmaster.
6. Created the Aussie team to enter this years Baja 1000 off road race.
7. Learnt webdesign and marketing from getting into unsucessful online businesses-lead to the creation of www.AussieIronRider.com and followed with our first team sponsor.
8. Began my teaching career here in the US, which lead to wanting something that pays alot better.
9. My mum got through her first 2 years of breast cancer and I walked every step of the Breast Cancer 3 day (60 miles).
10. Started setting new life goals after achieving all my previous ones in 2006 and spent a year undecided on new ones.
11. Began finding great websites that light the fire of desire to achieve more than mediocre.
12. My family are supporting me on my life journey, the kids are growing up to be wonderful people and my husband and I are still together when many of our friends are getting divorced.

At 7:04 AM, Blogger Karen Graves, Ph.D. said...

2007: A year for clarifying, refining and taking definitive action on my goals.

1) My number one accomplishment for 2007 has been to launch my new business: lifestreamsonline.com
This is a virutal office/website for coaches, mental health practitioners and alternative healers to use to interact with their clients in a HIPPA-secure environment!
2) Succesffuly increased my client base
3) Trained coaches in England, Wales, and the United States
4) Developed skill in being present with my self
5) "Upgraded" my skills in new technologies

At 6:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

2007 was a banner year!


1. I've grown so much spiritually over the last year
2. Planned and hosted my first very successful Ladies Fall Retreat


1. Stood my ground against some very dysfunctional family members and feel very good about it - very emotionally freeing!


1. Began working out again and pushed myself beyond what I thought I was capable of - yes!!!!


1. Studied for my coaching certification all year and am just inches away from finishing my internship and becoming a certified life coach - yipppeeee!!!!

I love this assignment, and look forward to more wonderful wins in 2008!

Belief & Blessings,

At 4:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Canan Eoy

At 7:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carol Robinson, Psychic Medium and Actress:
What a year for learning about myself and human nature!
1)Achieved the Certificate in Life Coaching-awaiting confirmation I have Passed the Diploma. Thank you Fiona Harrold and Newcastle College!
3) Coached some amazing clients and learned I'm an excellent Coach, Actress, Medium and ICAN do it all!
4)Moved into a home that I love
5) Realised that change is a constant and how to use it in all my work
6)Giving and receiving information and guidance makes the world go round and gets the flow flowing
7)Helped my son find a positive outlook
8)Started working from home with flexible hours and my Gym and pool just across the road-bliss!
8)My sister is amazing and wise and my family love me just as I am
9)setting up my website

At 9:26 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

1) Completed post-doctoral M.F.A. in Creative Writing
2) Launched business: Creative Art Coaching International, specializing in coaching creators
3) Wrote novel about "Brighid," the Goddess
4) Began new novel about young "Maria," a budding artist
5) Supportive friends, significant other and children
6) Moved up to English Literature teaching position

At 5:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Met and married the perfect guy for me and my kids.

Realized the need to eliminate material belongings and spend more time hiking & swimming.

Continue to put my kids ahead of working outside the home and have to defend that decision daily to my mother.

Learn patience to deal with slower growth than I would like on my website that I think fills a need in the consultant community.

Jill at JillsConsultantList.com

At 8:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A very spiritual and illuminating year!
!)I am grateful that my dog Jack didn't have bone cancer as they thought he might and it was just a benign growth on his foot. Hallelujah!
2)I have lost 26 lbs through HMR diet group and I am excited about eating this healthy and continued til I get to my goal weight!
3)I have exercised more than I ever had thanks to the support of Jamie and those members of the HMR diet group at my doctors. Yeh!
4)I am grateful to my roommate who was able to help me move out of my ARM mortgage into a fixed 30 year mortgage and has given me the opportunity to help her in her hardship until she found a new house.
5)Even though things are tight the financial crunch helped me to look for things I like to do and that brought me to home coaching as something I could do part-time and not only learn more about myself but share my experience and many years of self assessment with others.
6)Very grateful to the Rock Church in Baltimore for every sermon ever given and knowing and understanding more and more my total reliance on God.
Very grateful for a deepening relationship with Jesus.
7)Very grateful for the temptation of dating a man who lived with someone else so by eventually ending it I could define my character and learn more about my will power and love of God.
8)Very grateful for my trip to my sisters beach house and renewing and deepening my relationship with her and for making me realize that I truly do want to live at the beach and that this is a goal to work toward.
Thank you for allowing me to give back through this post.

At 8:54 PM, Blogger Inspiring Newsletter said...

This past month stands out in my mind much more than last year, and I'd like to share it. I've helped a client come to believe in the financial worth and genuine productivity of her work, which she had not quite been believing. She realized that she provides not only increased health, wealth, and romantic satisfaction but also something more valuable than any of these--a quality of connection to nature.


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