The water was hotter than I could stand. I was dipping my toe into a natural hot spring full of naked Californians, just one week into my month-around-the-world vacation. As I submerged an entire ankle in the scalding pool the thought struck me: “I don’t have to go home…..ever.”
In the flickering candle light of the cavern, I examined this ridiculous thought, and realized that amazingly, incredibly it was true. I had clothes, I had my wallet, and I had my lap top. Having converted my professional practice to an internet business, I actually didn’t have to go home……ever. Three years later, I still haven’t.
YOU HAVE SO MUCH to share.
Your life experience is valuable. Whether it's being married, or getting divorced. Whether having a child, or losing someone dear to you. Whether creating a million dollar business, or failing at three startups. Or perhaps it's simply how you got your first job or found a way to stick to your diet!
If only there was a way to share that with the world so that:
1) you could truly impact, and make a difference in, the world
2) you reached thousands or millions of people, instead of hundreds
3) you could do this from any location on the planet, creating geographical freedom.
4) you were well paid for it
And – I know this isn’t for everyone, but if you wanted to – what if you could automate it, so you can be asleep or on vacation - and still be helping the world, while your bank account goes up!
Sound impossible? Outrageous? Too good to be true? Just another ‘you can do anything book?’
Does it offend you because you believe a person should work 40-60 hours a week, 50 weeks of the year to make a living? Could you be uncomfortable with great wealth and success, however you define it? Do you hold a belief that only technical or business-minded people can do it?
Or have you sensed that this is possible for some time now? Have you always known that you have a lot to offer; that there is a group of people wanting to learn from you. Perhaps you have intuited that what you know, even what you THINK, has value. Perhaps you have glimpsed the concept of getting paid not so much for what you do, but who you ARE.
Isn't it true that you would love nothing more than to share what you know with the world, to hundreds, thousands, if not millions - if only you knew the process?
Now I’m not promising you’ll definitely make internet millions. It took hard work for me to reach the $85,000 a month I’m averaging now. And I won’t promise you a ‘four hour work week’. The author of that book and I both work way more hours than that, although it’s by choice. For many of you making a fortune and never working again are not your priorities.
But I will tell you they are both very possible outcomes of following the process outlined in this book. And if these goals seem too impossible, lofty or ‘hyped up’ to you, let’s look at some more down to earth goals that are easier to wrap the mind around:
How would your life be enhanced if you made an extra $3000 per month on the side using this book, while keeping your day job?
How would it feel to cut back to a job working only 2 or 3 days a week because your ‘how to’ CD is starting to sell really well?
What if your final result was simply having all the clients you could handle from the internet, and doubling your fees?
What would it be worth to you to transition to something you really care about, receiving 5 thank you notes a week from people you have helped?
“WHAT DO YOU DO?” people ask me, and the answer changes every time. It just doesn’t fit into what their ears are expecting:
I work from my laptop wherever I am.
I sell information products in 49 countries using the internet.
I publish an electronic newsletter, an ezine, to 70,000 solo service professionals.
I’m a speaker.
I’m a writer.
A trainer.
An internet marketer.
A traveler having fun with his friends.
A creator of information products.
But the bottom line? I share everything I learn with the people who need to hear it. I’ve created a river of information that ‘streams’ out to the world, while I’m asleep or on vacation. I’ve also set it up so that people can pay a fair exchange for the information. Apparently by magic, the solution streams from my psyche into their psyche, and a fair exchange of money streams from their wallet into my bank account. All without requiring my presence or my time.
Imagine if every time you learned to do something well, you added it to an automatic information stream. One day it’s a Top Ten List of how to improve your relationship, or you record a conversation with my partner and upload it to the web. An idea strikes you for a cool life quiz, and you have my assistant – whom you've never met – draft something for you to review on your iphone while you're spending time with friends.
Personally I think this creative energy, the process of taking your own life experiences, thoughts, and feelings and turning them into solutions for others, is the most enjoyable and interesting thing about this new lifestyle. It’s very fulfilling to get a constant stream of thank you notes from around the world.
And it’s a blast! When I found I could sound like a digeridoo (an Aboriginal musical instrument), I uploaded a silly video viewed by hundreds of people, just for fun. When Ben and Jerry’s opened a vote for which ice cream flavor would be resurrected from it’s flavor graveyard, 438 of my subscribers generally voted for Wavy Gravy – even over their own favorite flavor.
But my friends are most fascinated about my lifestyle. They constantly want to know how it is that I work from home. How is it that I can live in any country that I like? What is it about my job that let’s me play squash at 11am, have a massage at 2, and audition for a commercial for an Australian bank at 4?
They all want to know how I can surf in Australia for a month, spend 6 weeks starting a new business in the Philippines, party with 1,000 millionaires in Morocco, and when I come home my bank account is higher than it was before. What allows me to do a phone interview with an Irish radio station, have my picture in a Marie Claire ‘cuddle party’ article, and then teach squash for two weeks at a Jamaican resort? How do I have time to create new products and services for people, when most people are fighting fires in their businesses.
I started to consider a book to show people the process. When T. Harv Eker’s people asked me to speak at their Never Work Again conference, for the first time I told 1,200 people how I did it. I was surprised to see tears after the speech as people got in touch with how deeply they want to make a difference in the world, and share what they know, but also how frustrated they are in not knowing how to do it. But I realized that it was still a little confusing and daunting to people.
So at the next speech, I broke the whole procedure down into a simple 7 step process. When I offered a self study training program on how to do it, people were literally running for my booth, with one now famous woman leaping onto the table! It was now very clear that a book was needed.
Now personally, I don’t mind whether you start your own business or work for someone else. It doesn’t matter to me if you work 9-5 every day or create your own schedule. You can stay your whole life in one city, or travel the world creating solutions from an RV.
But it DOES matter to me if you are doing something you don’t love. It DOES matter to me if you are not happy, fulfilled and lit up because you’re using your creative energy; not expressing who you are; not sharing what you love with the world. It DOES matter to me of you don’t go for creating the lifestyle you dream if because you say it doesn’t exist, or you doubt your ability.
If you want a standard, traditional 9-5 job, then set this book back on the shelf; it’s not for you.
But if you want the freedom to earn money for who you are, to live where you like, to set your own schedule, and to get your time back….
Then I invite you to use the same process I did to create the lifestyle that serves you, and others.
It would be sad to me if you missed out on a lifestyle of contribution, creativity and fun, simply because you decided it wasn’t possible for you. I’d hate to think it was because your negative self talk told you: “That’s for other people. I’m not creative. I don’t know business.”
“Something new cannot enter your life, until first you create the possibility”
For years no-one broke the four minute mile because it just wasn’t possible. No-one sailed around the earth because everyone knew it was flat.
When a baby elephant is born in a circus, they tie it’s leg to a stake with a strong chain. Over time, they gradually reduce the thickness of the chain until a full grown elephant is ‘held’ by a flimsy piece of rope. It’s tied to a stake, because it believes it is.
You could say a lifestyle of abundance, contribution and freedom isn’t possible for you, or you can test the strength of your leg rope.
Create the possibility for yourself. Without knowing the steps.
I’ll show you the rest.
I will show you the 7 steps to creating a lifestyle of contribution, impact, creativity, financial freedom, and geographical freedom.
Help the world. Live anywhere. Be creative. Be wealthy. Work a lot, or a little. Be free.
In this book you will learn the 7 step process that I used to create this lifestyle, impacting over 100,000 people and funding my travels and adventures, through an automated helping-the-world-type-business. You’ll learn the same 7 step process that is now helping hundreds of people to ditch their 9 to 5 job and create the lifestyle they dream of - even if you're non-technical or doubt you have something valuable to offer.
I'll show you how to get paid for what you know and love.
I'll show you....
how to get paid for who you are.
Thanks for reading the draft intro! If you were going to shorten it, exactly what paragraph(s) would you take out?
Labels: best-selling book