
Sunday, May 27, 2007


I've been doing some dreaming tonight - and thought wouldn't it be great to have a website (dreamlist.com say) where everyone could list their dreams?

Well someone's done it, and well - www.43things.com

You pick your goals, and then you can post - like diary entries on them - and support one another along the way. Awesome!

these guys seem like the real deal.

Oh, and it's free.


FindTheUpside.net - volunteer manager?


I'd love to have a site that was all about finding the upside in EVERYTHING that happens. As a way to enjoy life, be grateful, raise our 'vibration' if you're into that sort of thing.

I mean - is there a better way to enjoy life?

I see two kinds of posts:

people would post what has happened, and request a positive view point that can help them find the opportunity in what has happened (lost job, breaking up, feeling down, cancer...)

People would post a big challenge that looked terrible, and how they found a way to enjoy or profit from it by changing their point of view.

* * *
Would you like to make this happen?

If you have web and project management experience, let me know if you're interested in managing/creating this project. Would be a volunteer position, and the site would be free.

1) Simple logo/brand
2) install software on site (should be free open-source community software already available that can be customised)
3) Set up volunteer moderator(s)
4) David to invite 70,000 people to post
5) Optional: send out a few press releases to generate some media interest

I'll kick in any cash required.


Thursday, May 24, 2007

MM #81: I've Got a Client - Now What?

1. Announcements/Offers

For Serious Players...

Ready to really BUMP your practice to the next level?

Ready for advanced training on creating long-term marketing engines?

Then listen in to this extensive collection of my most powerful mentoring sessions over the last three years, with your own copy of:-

"EXPLODE YOUR COACHING PRACTICE™: Proven Practice Building Secrets to Give You More Clients Than You Can Handle."

Get your copy now:


2. FEATURE: "I've Got a Client - Now What?"

So ... you’ve done 50 or so trial sessions. You’re feeling a little more confident in your skills as a life coach. You’ve even signed up a couple of paying clients. Congratulations! You’ve mastered the first session.

Now you may be wondering what structures you will need to have in place to support an on-going coaching relationship with a client?

It might help to think of it this way: it’s their game, they are in charge of defining the goals ("calling the plays"), identifying key strategies to achieve those goals and completing the action items you assign them each week.

However, it’s your rules that they have to play by. You define when, how often and for how long each coaching session is. You hold them accountable for accomplishing any tasks they have agreed to. You celebrate their success with them as well as get them "unstuck" when they are struggling.

Until you have written down the rules - also known as your policies - you don't really have a coaching practice. Answering these questions, and putting them into a document, really brings your practice into existence.

Here are a few suggestions for "rules" from the series "How To Set Up a Client" which you can hear on disk #1 of Explode Your Practice CD set.

Your Policies and Procedures

Decisions to make when you set up your coaching practice:
  • How many times a month will you meet and how long is each coaching session?
  • Will you only coach over the phone or in person as well? If both, will you have a different fee structure for each one?
  • What if the client needs to cancel or reschedule? Do they lose that session or if they tell you 24 hours in advance will you look for a substitute time?
  • What if you need to cancel or reschedule? Does the same 24 hour advance notice apply to you too?
  • What basic information do you need to collect from the client?
  • What if the client needs support in between sessions? Will you encourage them to email or call you?
  • If so, will there be a limit on the number of emails or on the length of the phone calls?
  • And who calls for a coaching session? Does that change if the call is international for one of you?
All of these rules can be written in your operations manual, and in the welcome packet forms so everyone is clear about expectations.

Train Your Client

It's up to you to let the client know what you expect of them. Some expectations of the client might include:
  • Be on time and ready for the call each week (and that goes for you too!).
  • Complete their assigned homework for the week unless they have renegotiated a deadline with you beforehand.
  • Be prepared with what they want to discuss during the coaching session.
  • Pay their monthly coaching fees in full by the date you have agreed to with them.
Of course, a coaching relationship involves two people. Some expectations the client may have of you:
  • Check in with them on previous homework assignments and question them when something hasn’t been completed - hold them accountable.
  • Track the client's progress towards a goal.
  • Be on time for every session, no matter what.
* * *

It's worth repeating: It's not until these policies and procedures are defined that you really have a coaching practice. Answering these questions, and putting them into a document, really brings your practice into existence.

Enjoy setting up your practice!

* * *

Want more? This plus 100 other topics are covered in more detail in the full Explode Your Practice CD set, available now.

* * *


  1. Start your "rules list." Use the questions above as guidelines.
  2. Put your rules (policies) in writing.
  3. Share your own rules at the blog, and post again the results once the sessions are done!


P.S. Got a comment on this article? Add it to the blog.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Amazing Branding

Check out www.GeekSquad.com

And http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?id=pcmcat108400050002&type=category

And call the support line - it's so fun!

It's all secret agent stuff - they have really jumped on the geeky thing.

Plus - they'll tune and tweak your PC by remote - 24 hours a day! And they offered to do it for me right there and then - no waiting!

Makes me want to create a fun company like this.

How can you make your brand more YOU!?

More fun?


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

A Few Good Men

It's occurred to me that truly good men - or those who have let their goodness come through, are not so common.

And yet they are there.

I know men with big hearts. With depth.

With presence. And humour.

With gentleness, yet great strength.

Who adore their woman, yet would let nothing stand
in the way of them serving the world.

If you'd like to find them - find a 'David Deida' workshop - that's where I've met quite a few.

My thought is: How cool would it be to have a web site
where only men such as this are listed.

A place where the goddesses in the world can go to find their mate - their partner.

Men who are pre-screened. And every woman who has an interaction with them can provide feedback....rate them.

The jerks fall by the wayside, and the true men of depth, presence and love come to the fore.

What do you think? Am I on to something? Is this bullshit? Add your 2 cents.

Alright - back to what I was doing. But if you're moved to make this happen, and you have the skills to manage such a project - I'll back you.


Thursday, May 03, 2007

Create #49: Don't Forget to Celebrate

1. Announcements/Offers

What are they Saying about 'Explode Your Practice™'?

"David, thanks so much for creating Explode Your Practice™. I've listened to all the libraries, and my coaching practice is booming as a result!

I have:
  • 21 new exploration sessions booked
  • 9 new clients
  • my website appearing in all major search engines, and
  • I've started coaching international clients!

Daniel Midson-Short

"I have already listened to at least 6 hours and my ability to open my practice has been accelerated by at least 3-6 months. Hearing David's real life advice to coaches has made a huge difference for me.

This will take months off my learning curve. I won't have to go through the frustrating trial and error process which costs time, money and clients! Thank you, David!"

Jeannie Crowell
Oregon, USA
jcrowell @ bendcable.com

Get your 'Explode Your Practice' CD set at:


2. FEATURE: Don't Forget to Celebrate

We rush through one thing so we can get to the next. Just like the window decorator at the shopping mall, we can't wait for Christmas to be over so we can start getting ready for Valentine's Day. There might be snow outside, but we're already thinking about the beach.

In our society, we experience a certain pressure to finish as much as possible in the shortest amount of time - all in the name of efficiency. A "to-do" list with everything checked off is a wonderful thing to behold.

But what happens when you're so wrapped up in the big finish that you don't pay attention during the race itself? You miss the experience of the journey.

A Goal Reached

One of my clients achieved a huge goal - she launched her newsletter. Instead of being a source of pride and accomplishment, it was a non-event. Why? She was disappointed that the launch was two months behind schedule. She was beating herself up for her perceived tardiness instead of feeling good about reaching an important goal. And this particular goal was enormous!

Upon realizing that her achievement was an important milestone no matter the timing, she created a celebration - a road trip to see a dear friend - as a gift to herself.

Recognize Your Victories

Chances are, you've achieved something during the past 3-6 months. Did you stop, feel the sense of accomplishment, and take time to celebrate? Or did you move on to the next project?

It's never too late for a celebration. Think of a way to reward yourself or make note of what you have done. No, you are not being indulgent - you are thanking the universe and attracting even more success by acknowledging that good things do happen.

Here are a few examples of accomplishments to celebrate, with ideas of how to give them their due:
  • Made a new friend
    • Plan a special lunch together
  • Completed a project for work
    • Take a day off and do whatever makes you happiest
  • Went to the gym every day all week
    • Treat yourself to new workout clothing or equipment
  • Finished a cooking class
    • Invite friends over and show them your cooking technique
  • Got your first article published
    • Getting a ticket to that writing seminar you've been thinking about
  • Reached your goal for number of leads followed up
    • Buy a nice plant for the office, then go out dancing at night

Take the Time

Many people complain that time passes too quickly. But there's a way to make it slow down - by slowing yourself down. Relish the moments. Smell the roses. Celebrate.


  1. Write down every goal
    you've reached in the past six months - no matter how small.
  2. Which ones did you celebrate or acknowledge in some way?
  3. Choose a way to celebrate what you've achieved in the past 6 months. Tell those important to you.
  4. Share it with the world by posting on the blog right now! .
  5. Invite your friends to consider and celebrate their wins. More celebration in the world is a good thing!

3. The Personal Touch

I've had a girlfriend for 5 months now, and I'm blissed. And learning. I'm seeing my desire for security, my ego & desire to feel special, more clearly than ever before. I'm putting even more attention on what Kristina wants, ahead of these feelings that may not be serving me. I wrote a book on it once, but for the first time I've now actually committed to giving a woman everything she wants, even when it's terrifying for me. There's a lot of conditioning and habit for me to unravel! I'll let you know how we do.

Well I've definitely recovered from the whole India experience. The fragility is gone and I can't stop making plans with Kristina.

My trip to Australia, with my buddy Ezra, was awesome. You can view pics, notes, and a WAY COOL 7 minute slide show at www.koalajuice.com.

Coming up: Orlando and Disneyworld in May, Puerto Rico in June, Costa Rica in July, Burning Man & Harbin Hot Springs in September, and my parents are visiting me in NY (first time ever) in October. Kristina and I are doing 2-4 More House courses in a row, which will probably be life changing.

I'm working less than ever, and April was a record sales month. Wild, huh? In two days' time I'll be sharing the stage with speakers like Armin Morin and Jay Abrams, which I never saw coming. (And the organizers called me, which feels great.) I'll be getting footage of that talk so stay tuned.

Love David!

P.S. Comments invited on the blog.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Brilliant Sales Strategy

My goodness,

I just took advantage of an offer for 250 free business cards, and ended up paying $25!

What's more I'm happy about it!

They load a bit of profit into the shipping, but they must have offered me 15 upgrade options during the process, and once I'd put all the work in, I didn't want to pull out; and it was easy to click a button and get the special enhancements.

The system is brilliant - try it out at www.vistaprint.com (click on the FREE option). I'm going to look for ways I can use this model in my business.
