
Wednesday, May 09, 2007

A Few Good Men

It's occurred to me that truly good men - or those who have let their goodness come through, are not so common.

And yet they are there.

I know men with big hearts. With depth.

With presence. And humour.

With gentleness, yet great strength.

Who adore their woman, yet would let nothing stand
in the way of them serving the world.

If you'd like to find them - find a 'David Deida' workshop - that's where I've met quite a few.

My thought is: How cool would it be to have a web site
where only men such as this are listed.

A place where the goddesses in the world can go to find their mate - their partner.

Men who are pre-screened. And every woman who has an interaction with them can provide feedback....rate them.

The jerks fall by the wayside, and the true men of depth, presence and love come to the fore.

What do you think? Am I on to something? Is this bullshit? Add your 2 cents.

Alright - back to what I was doing. But if you're moved to make this happen, and you have the skills to manage such a project - I'll back you.



At 1:00 AM, Blogger Emmy Horstkamp said...

I like the idea of being called a goddess....

Could you please email me David, I have a question about some of your products and I have been unable to find a useful email address on your website.


Sofia Verlag, Inc.

At 8:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice idea, David! My husband would be a good candidate for that list ... but it sounds to me like you only want single men. How about a page listing desirable traits in a good man ... maybe it would help some of those men who aren't figure out ways to improve!
Are there websites like THAT out there? I've never had a need to find out.

At 11:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great idea David. Is it only for single men. I hope not, because I have been very happily with the same woman for 23 years.



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