MM #51: How Far Did You Come in 2005?
1. Announcements/Offers
Start coaching now for $1
I couldn't believe 88 coaches jumped on this offer in the first 24 hours since I announced the big holiday spec ial yesterday.The rumour is true. Because it's the holidays, today you can trial our CoachStart Manual™ for the kingly sum, the exorbitant amount, of a whole one dollar.
What? That's right - $1 to learn the steps to set up a successful coaching business so you can make your contribution to the world and work from home. You only pay the balance if you love the Manual and decide to keep it!
Yes, this is the same Manual that is already in the hands of over 1,500 happy coaches, in 51 countries. And it's rushing out the door.
PLUS we have slashed shipping by more than half.
Get your copy in time for the holidays, for just $1 plus shipping:
(Note: I didn't anticipate this, but there's actually a chance we'll run out of stock. Sorry, but if that happens, we'll have to end the offer.)
The Coach From Oprah...
My good friend Marcia Wieder, America's Dream Coach (you know, the one from Oprah) has just launched a brand new way to go after your dreams with a renewed enthusiasm, excitement and energy. It’s specially designed to keep you laser focused and on track all year long, and is called the Power to Dream eBook Club. Oh - and the price is right.
Click here to get in:
2. FEATURE: How Far Did You Come in 2005?
Before you go on to conquer the world in 2006, don't you think it's important to celebrate how far you have come this year.
Look back.
What have you accomplished?
What are you proud of?
And so importantly - what are you grateful for? (Because gratitude not only feels good - it generates growth.)
I'll start. Below I'll share what I'm proud to have accomplished this year, and what I'm grateful for.
But don't read it passively. Oh no.
At the bottom I'm going to ask you to write YOUR Celebratory for 2005.
As you read mine, ideas will spark for what you can celebrate this year. Then I'll ask you to go straight to the blog and post for the world to see.
* * *
Health & Lifestyle
- Completed an 8 day fast, and trialed raw food for 3 months.
- I'm thrilled that I'm sleeping well.
- My body is lean and fit, and I'm almost never sick
- Travelled around the world 1.5 times (been 15 months now)
- Created a lovely home/nest in New York
- Made some wonderful new, close friends (Dawn, Jena, Flaven, Todd, Nathan, Liyana, Reid, Kate, Ginger - to name a few)
- Am well supported by my old friends (Jon, Carin, Liz, Bron, Leanne, Bernie, Sonja, Rob, Andrew, Mum & Dad - to name a few)
- Risked all by proposing, and getting a no! Kept my heart open when it would have been easier to close
- Started, and brought to an end, a wonderful relationship, with Abina
- Established very promising business relationships (Jack Canfield, Michael Port, Andrea Lee, Bill Harris, Suzanne Falter-Barnes, Nathan Patmor, Marcia Wieder, Terri Levine, Travis Greenlee, Maria Andrieu - and many of these relationships go beyond business into friendship)
Finance & Business & Career
- Launched three new physical products; one e-product
- Exhibited at our first trade show
- Increased combined subscribers from 25,654 to 47,017
- Increased revenue by 162% over previous year
- Gave away 10 times more than I ever have
- Learned 105 things that don't work
Action - now it's time for YOU
Don't just read my Celebratory, make this valuable for you.
Post your Celebratory where we can all acknowledge you, here.
Whether you spend 1 minute or 1 day on it doesn't matter.
Just post it.
Remember, where there is gratitude and appreciation, there is growth. It's critical to chew and swallow what you've received this year, before asking for more.
If you find yourself judging your achievements - good! This is an opportunity to look deeper at what you can be grateful for. AND - to light the fire in your belly to really make 2006 count.
Go ahead - post your Celebratory now.
50,000 people receive my newsletters. And about 10,000 people open a given one. If only 10% of you post your Celebratory on the blog right now, we'll have 1,000 pieces of wonderful acknowledgment, celebration and gratitude.
Will yours be one of them?
Your Friends
I really want to read what my friends are celebrating this year. So I'm going to forward this invitation to them (no, for some strange reason they are not all subscribed already) and ask them all to post as well.
If you really want to start a gratitude movement, I invite you to do the same.(Hint: be sure and tell them to add their name to the post, so you can find it on the blog!)
Love and gratitude,