
Thursday, December 01, 2005

What's with the screwing around?

I'm starting to notice how much I mess about - not actually completing things I've said - for months now - I'll finish.

What's with all the screwing around?

I have a big to-do list (who doesn't) - and have noticed that each day I don't do it.

I intend to do it - I do other things - some of them amazing, productive things - and lots of them fun. So I see value in the way I'm operating - in the way I've always operated.

But I think there's a bit of a racket/pattern in this. Because I have a persistant complaint (yes, thank you Landmark Education) that these things are outstanding, and it's holding me back from moving on to the next things in my business. Not sure what I'm getting out of this - something about freedom and playing it safe comes up.

In any event - today is different. Today I buckle down, and tick things off the list.

(And now I'm struck by the incredible irony - that I'm actually posting this on my blog instead of doing what's on my list! See how it works? OK that's my cue - see ya)

In the words of Nike - 'Just Do It'



At 1:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes... I too struggle with the persistant complaint. I thank myself for sharing and then take on piece of paper off the pile and do it.

Amazing what Nike and Landmark could do.

At 5:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm..., You have a big to-do list and have noticed that each day you don't do it. Now, today you are going to buckle down, and tick things off the list.

What's going on here? Are you getting things done that are returning value or is the value simply ticking items off the list?

Could be you are not setting the right goals and even if your are, there is no one holding you accountable.

All a bit tongue-in-cheek, but sounds like you could benefit from a good coach!

At 2:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well... if things stay on my to do list for too long it usually means I don't need to do them!! Maybe they are what someone else said I should be doing and not what I really want to do. My philosophy is... Do it... Don't do it... or get someone else to do it for you. Life lasts for but the a blink of the eye.


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