
Friday, August 19, 2005

MM #43: Who Are You Starbucking With?

What People are Saying About 'First Fifty Clients'?

How Did A Former Helicopter Rescue Nurse Get 17 Life Coaching Clients in Just 3 Months?

Find out at:

First Fifty Clients

"David's strategies helped me get my coaching business up and running with 17 clients after just three months! And I couldn't believe I had $3,000 a month coming in just from helping people with their lives!"

Estelle Gibbins,
Brisbane, Australia

"I have applied the information, with terrific results. I started last Monday, making a deal with myself to have a new client each day. So far, that has occurred - and I have ten new clients!"

Julie Gleeson, USA
The Art of Living

Visit http://www.solutionbox.com/cmd.asp?ad=57067

Did you get your Free Internet Clients Course?

If you're not already getting your 15 free lessons in the 'How to Get 95% of Your Clients From The Internet' ecourse, I suggest you register right now!

Free eCourse

Cuddle Party Fever hits Marie Clare Australia (Blog News)

Apologies if you couldn't read the US Marie Clare article on Cuddle Parties. It's now fixed and you can read it on the blog here: Cuddle Parties. And I understand the latest Aussie issue of Marie Clare is now showing my lovely mug!

Also on the blog: When I got back to Melbourne after a year away, it was SO fun to finally meet the man producing all the SolutionBox products. And I got to meet up a powerful who keeps a lot of ball in the air at SolutionBox® See my one room production house.

2. FEATURE: Who Are You Starbucking With?

Recently I had the great pleasure of connecting with Suzanne Falter- Barnes of www.HowMuchJoy.com.

We sat in a Starbucks in Union Square, Manhattan – and let the ideas fly!

It was pretty clear she has created some wonderful tools that will be very useful to MentorMonthly™ subscribers, and she’s pretty excited to bring our resources to her own loyal subscribers. Suzanne is a really fun, motivated lady who is REALLY making an impact on coaches, authors and speakers.

Coffee shops provide a great relaxed environment for conversations ranging from hot gossip to multi-million dollar deals and a good coach can maximize this. Over steaming lattes you can bounce ideas off one another and get useful feedback from your guest as well as gaining potential clients.

Who Should You Be Starbucking With?

You never know where your ideal client or a great ideas will come from. We all know 'people who know people'. Adult educators, managers of gyms or clubs, health care professionals and sports coaches, to name but a few, have daily contact with potential ideal clients.

Think about your ideal clients. Who else has contact with them? If your ideal clients are writers, do you know any agents, café owners, or editors? If your ideal clients are dentists can you see any hygienists, dental suppliers or orthodontists? Who else courts the same type of clients and what can you do together?

Ideas are flying

What ideas could you come up with together? Swapping business cards and brochures at your place of business? Promoting his e-course while he promotes your e-book in your newsletters. Doing a joint seminar. Putting your tips in her monthly newsletter for her clients. Writing a review for their book at Amazon. Partnering together for a teleclass.

Inspire one another.

Worth the price of a cup of java? I think so!


(P.S. Got a comment on this article? Going to do something about it? Add it to the blog here)

Monday, August 15, 2005

My one room production house

When I got back to Melbourne after a year away, it was SO fun to finally meet the man producing all the SolutionBox products. And it’s quite a coincidence my assistant chose a production house 5 minutes bike ride from my house!

We’ve talked by phone a lot over the past year – lots of emails. Lots of him holding my hand through the process of going from a company with only one CD, to a company with 16 CD’s, 6 CD Roms, 2 DVD’s, and a published Manual. (And we may end up self publishing ‘The Truth About Women’ if there is enough demand).

And Ashley not only handles production of all the products, as you can see in the pics he also stores them, and ships them out around the world as the orders come in.

Later, south of Sydney – I had the wonderful pleasure of meeting up with my new assistant Trisha and her family – Will and Athena (what a gorgeous little girl!)

Having a virtual business is fun. And – it’s great to actually meet the people on my team as I travel around the world.

(Note: If you’re thinking you would love to have this kind of business, I recommend our free eCourse ‘How to Get 95% of Your Clients From The Internet’)


David Wood

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Journalist looking for Case Studies

Dear Aussie coaches,

Thought you might like this opportunity for a bit of press....


This in from journalist Ceri David...

"The feature we're working on is called 'My New Year's Resolution Changed My Life', for which we need to find case studies. I wondered if you might have had any clients who have made some dramatic, positive changes to their life. We're thinking of women who may have decided to stop being a regular employee and launched their own successful business, or who decided to quit the rat race and move to the countryside. Anything along those lines. We'd be looking for women who fit into the New Woman readership, so they'd need to be roughly between
24 and 35, and photogenic enough to appear in the magazine!

Is there anyone you can think of who might be keen to tell their story?
If so, it would be great if they could get in touch with Lisa Bjorksten at New Woman: lisa.bjorksten@emap.com.au


David Wood PPC

Monday, August 08, 2005

MM #42: How to Get Loads of Google Traffic

Monthly™ Newsletter

Did you miss your chance? InternetClients Training Program special extended...
Offer ends midnight Thursday, August 11

Are you kicking yourself for missing the huge launch special?

You were thinking about it, but just didn't have the time to check out the information before the special ended.

Or perhaps you wanted to wait until it was ready to ship?

Well it's ready and being shipped right now. Orders have flooded in from Hong Kong, the United States, Algeria, the United Kingdom, Mexico, France, Australia, Denmark, The Netherlands, Canada, Switzerland, Spain and more.

Though you missed the massive discount we offered with the pre-launch special, we've decided to still provide a very hefty discount for you latecomers. But this definitely ends Thursday.

Don't let the price go up any further before you take action.

If you want to fill your practice while you s'leep and turn your passion into product, order your training program today and sa*ve $200 at:


Do you HATE cigarette butt litter?

This year I discovered three kids working from home to eliminate the world of cigarette butt litter.

I SO love what they are doing, and believe in their cause that I've been helping out a little in terms of business coaching and web design.

If you believe our planet would be a more lovely place without people throwing their butts on the ground, and you would like to help EDUCATE the public in a nice way - go to their site now to see how you can take part.


ACTION: Ask them for a free colour poster which you can copy and put up around your town and office. (Tell them I sent you)

And - please tell your friends!

Comments? Post them on the blog here. Tell me what you're going to do!

Want to volunteer? We need a writer to draft a few newsletters for these guys - so they can reach out to the public. If you have a few hours to spare for writing or anything else, please post a comment here and tell Trisha how to reach you.

SolutionBox® Announces New Vice President!

I'm thrilled to welcome the very talented, high energy Ben Graham to SolutionBox. Full story...

FEATURE: How To Get Loads of Google Traffic To Your Site

(Article excerpted from "How to Get 95% of Your Clients From The Internet" training course.)

One of the fastest ways to get traffic to your web site is using a Pay-Per-Click program. Google's PPC program is called AdWords, and it is the major program used. Basically, you bid on a search term (e.g. "counseling sessions Melbourne") and create a little ad that will appear in the right column of the Google search page. The higher you bid, the higher your ad appears on the page (the higher the better).


It might cost you 5 cents, or $2, for every click or visitor, depending on how much you bid. The trick is to find search terms that your competition hasn't thought of. That way you can get traffic for 5 cents instead of $2! That's the difference between making a profit and a loss when it comes to the PPC engines.


A HUGE advantage of PPC engines is that your traffic is so targeted. In the above example, you pay Google only when someone searching for "counseling sessions Melbourne" clicks on your ad. If you're a counselor in Melbourne, this is EXACTLY your target market, so you have a decent chance of getting a subscriber or client from it.

Sneak Preview Video

Watch and learn the first steps to earning money using Google:




P.S. A word of caution: If you don't know what you're doing with Google ads, you can waste a ton of time of money. Our training program teaches you how to set up your Google Ad Campaign, keystroke by keystroke. Start creating your own client-pulling ads, and cli'ck now to or'der the program:


Sunday, August 07, 2005

Inspire yourself - do yourself this favour

I just watched the movie 'Kinsey'.

In a nut shell - a scientist's fight sexual repression in society.


I was very, very moved by the film - in particular by how he felt at one stage as though he wasn't accomplishing anything - but then met a woman whose life he changed. In fact I found myself sobbing at this point.

It definitely inspired me to help people - to look where I can make an impact. In fact today I've sourced a relationship and sexuality coach, and have asked Trisha to set up an online forum where readers of my 'Truth About Women' and 'How to Pleasure a Woman' ebooks can ask questions and receive support. This will be a free resource. And at some stage I may open it to the public so non-customers can also get their questions answered. What a wonderful thing!

If you've seen the movie, I hope you'll add your Comment on what the movie means to you. If you haven't seen it - rent it out and come back and post your comment!


Friday, August 05, 2005

No Butts About It

I've discovered three kids working from home to eliminate the world of cigarette butt litter.

I SO love what their doing, and believe in their cause that I've been helping out a little in terms of business coaching and web design.

If you believe our planet would be a lovlier place without people throwing their butts on the ground, and you would like to help EDUCATE the public in a nice way - go to their site now to see how you can take part.


You can get bumper stickers, a cool t-shirt, and they will even send you a colour poster which you can copy and put up around your town and office.

I hope you'll take part.

And - please tell your friends!
