
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

MM #96: Sign More Clients With Powerful Questions

1. Announcements/Offers

What People are Saying About '10 Super Coaches'

10 Super Coaches

To find out how 10 ordinary coaches are earning $30,000 to $1.4 million per year, and how you can do it too, click here:

10 Super Coaches

"Why re-invent the wheel when you can see how successful people are already producing results you want? Don't hesitate, buy it today. The '10 Super Coaches' ebook has given me the confidence and inner strength I needed to build my business, I have been able to fine-tune my fees, and I have offered sample sessions with success."

Denise Simons, New Zealand
RELATE Coaching

David, the product is awesome! I cannot express it any other way. I'm still digesting the nuggets on every page and relishing every interview. Thank you for the your brilliance in its development."

Heather Fraser

Visit 10 Super Coaches

2. FEATURE: Sign More Clients With Powerful Questions

As Coaches, we are always looking for ways to better the lives of our clients. But how can we help someone if they cannot commit to using a coach?

When doing a trial session with a new prospective client, we first must assess if they are in need of a coach. Let's face it- there aren't too many out there who aren't!

Then we have the opportunity to show them how we can help to improve their lives. For a client who does not know what they want or is slow to make decisions, this can be a difficult task.

So I am going to let you in on a technique that will eliminate excuses before your trial session even begins!

The Secret

The secret is in the "what".

It is said that 'what' questions really help people to access their own wisdom.

A 'what' question serves as an open-ended question that they can't only say 'yes' or 'no' to.

I know what you are thinking, 'This is great but how can I use it to eliminate excuses before the session begins?'

Great question!

The best way is to ask your prospective client to work out what information they need to be able to make a decision. In other words, have them write down, before the session, what they would need to know to be able to make a decision about setting up a coaching structure for their goals.

This is a fantastic opportunity to coach them through the decision of getting a coach! Give them their "homework" before the trial session by having them write down what they need to know in order to make a decision.

This is a really powerful technique that makes them take a look at themselves.


  • What are your current frustrations?

  • What would you like to change in your life?

  • What information do you need to make a decision on coaching?

  • What other people do you need to talk with before getting a coach?

  • What is the value to you of completing your goal?

  • What would it take for you to be really happy right now in this

  • What would you need to achieve in 3 months to know hiring a coach was a great decision?


  1. Add "what" questions to your website if you have a form they can fill out to request a session.

  2. Add some "what" questions to your introductory emails that help to prepare your prospective client for their trial session.

  3. Let us know your "what" questions at the blog!



P.S. Got a comment on this article? Please add it to the blog.

Monday, May 12, 2008

MM #95: How to Get Fantastic Testimonials

1. Announcements/Offers

What People are Saying About 'First Fifty Clients'?

Simply Brilliant!!!!!

I listened to the disc for the first time on Monday and have already booked 45 people for exploratory sessions. I may have to extend my goal to 100 people in 100 days. I never knew I could inspire people to take advantage of a free session. You have motivated me into action and I wish to thank you for this. " - Loretta Digger, UK

Visit First Fifty Clients

2. FEATURE: How To Get Fantastic Testimonials

Testimonials can be extremely valuable to a coaching business. Not only do they show prospective clients that you have successfully worked with others, they show YOU that you have made a difference in your client's life or company. Yet many people are afraid to ask for them.

Getting testimonials is easy and in my CoachStart™ Manual I give you all the steps you need.

Let's summarize a few here...

It's important to get at least three good testimonials. They can be short, but should promote your credibility, confidence, and services.

You must also get their permission to use the testimonials publicly, in your brochures, website, portfolio, etc.

The more information you can include, such as full name, title, company name, email address, etc. the more credible the testimonial. If you can get a picture, even better!

Through Instant Audio you can even have them call a phone number and record their testimonial - then add a link to the testimonial on your web site.

Quick Testimonial Tips

  • Get in the habit of asking for a testimonial each time you finish up with a client or when they are particularly excited about something they've achieved with your help

  • Don't be afraid to ask someone you've given just an Exploratory or Trial session to.

  • Start collecting positive e-mails and letters now – this will give you a good start in asking for testimonial later. You may even just use those e-mails! (with permission).

  • I suggest tweaking it to the language you want, and then ask the client for approval of the final edit.

  • When you speak to a club or company, get agreement in advance for a testimonial.

Sources of Testimonials

Possible sources of testimonials include your friends and colleagues.

Let them know you are starting your Coaching business and ask them to jot down how you have helped them – managing former employees, counseling someone on a problem, or just giving advice that really helped them. Or offer them a coaching session so they become one of your first clients!

Of course your actual clients are a great source for testimonials. If you are new, you can offer free coaching for a month on a particular topic in return for a testimonial. Past clients of any type can also give testimonials, even if not specific to coaching. Statements such as "Thank you for helping me with my relationship goals – you've made a difference" are powerful statements.

Use Your Testimonials

Once you've gathered your testimonials, print them out, put them on your website, share with prospective clients – Use Them!


  1. Jot down the names of six-ten people whom you have assisted in some way in the past.

  2. Ask these people to email you with 1 paragraph on how you have helped them move forward in their life.

  3. If you like, share some of your favorite testimonials at the blog!


This was drawn from The CoachStart™ Manual, found together with hundreds of dollars in free bonuses, here.


P.S. Got a comment on this article? Please add it to the blog.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Create #52: Structures: When You Just Can't Get Motivated

1. Announcements/Offers

What are they Saying about 'Explode Your Practice'?
"I have already listened to at least 6 hours and my ability to open my practice has been accelerated by at least 3-6 months. Hearing David's real life advice to coaches has made a huge difference for me. This will take months off my learning curve. I won't have to go through the frustrating trial and error process which costs time, money and clients! Thank you, David!"Jeannie Crowell Oregon, USA jcrowell @ bendcable.com

Get your 'Explode Your Practice' CD set at:


New York Event: Day of Marketing
I'll be speaking at this event at Columbia University. It's Friday, May 16, from 8 am to 6:30 pm, and Saturday, May 17, from 8 am to 12:30 pm.

If you can make it to NYC you'll hear my speech that people paid up to $2000 to hear last year, plus we can say hello.

My topic? ‘The Four Freedoms: How to do what you love and get paid for it' For more detail on what I'm covering see http://www.internetclients.net/- that pretty much lays it out. Check it out and kindly post on http://www.solutionbox.com/comment if you decided to register ;-)

Register Here

2. FEATURE: Structures - When You Just Can't Get Motivated

For three months I've barely touched work. In fact I've found it hard to leave the house much of the time. And for some people (including me the past few months), lack of motivation can be just the surface. I've recently experienced anxiety and depression, and now a break up. (Yes, yes, all part of the spiritual journey. And - it can all be a bit inconvenient when there are bills to pay, and results you want to produce!)

You may be in a similar place. You may just be feeling unmotivated and wanting some oomph in your life. Or you may be doing well, and want to fly higher.

This article is for you.

I'm feeling motivated and excited right now. And I figure if I can do it coming from the space I've been in, then anyone can do it.

I'll keep it to two simple steps:

Step 1) What do you need for yourself?

Take a look at what's missing for YOU. What are you not giving yourself? What could you add to your life that would fill YOU up? Is it a soothing bath each day? A massage? Doing a good deed? Nurturing touch from a friend? More (or less) time with your partner? Exercise? Or to see an exciting football game.For me, it's setting up a lot of company/social interaction. It's being around inspirational people who are making things happen. It’s exercise and moving my body. It's music, good food, and chai tea ;-) It's doing the inner work. And it's keeping busy so I'm not navel gazing too much on my own in my apartment with my thoughts.

What is it for you? I invite you to make a list right now of things that you might really enjoy; that would fill you up; that would have you feel nurtured and happier.

Step 2) Put the structures in place to have this in your life

Given I don't feel like leaving the house right now, and I'm often not in the mood to set up something supportive, setting up structure in advance can often be the key.

What kind of structure would support you moving forward with your goals? And giving you what you need to soar higher?

For business goals do you need a goal buddy? A coach? More social interaction or fun? Accountability? Inspiration?

For more personal goals do you need more fun? More nurturing? To be in action each day? A goal buddy? A coach or therapist? A filled in calendar?

As you read through the list of structures I've created (am creating) for myself, see what comes to you as something that would serve you:

  • joining a men's group
  • scheduling time with friends including sleep-overs
  • registering for volunteer work
  • exercising almost every day (e.g. rollerblading in central park, squash, 5 Rhythms/Sweat Your Prayers, Bikram yoga)
  • setting up a buddy for a regular 8:30am call to do withholds (you get 15 minutes each to talk uninterrupted and blurt out the rubbish in your head; or you could do the Morning Pages)
  • setting up appointments to work from a café with friends, instead from my home office.
  • hiring an awesome coach to help me do The Work
  • massage twice a week



1) Go to the blog right now and post the top three things that would fill you up; that would have you feel nurtured and happier and possibly more motivated.

2) After that list, post the STRUCTURES you will put in place in the next 7 days to make sure these things happen without you having to keep creating them all the time; they just happen. (Hint: a regular schedule helps, as does committing with a buddy or coach).

* * * *


P.S. Got a comment on this article? Add it to the blog. I'd love to hear what gifts you're going to give yourself, and the structures you'll put in place to ensure they happen.

3. The Personal Touch

As you may already know from the above article, things have been pretty rough. And - out of the ashes rises blah blah blah. I've learned a lot about what I want/need in relationship and what serves me. I've set boundaries for myself, even when it was very difficult to do so. I've set up strong structures in my life to take care of myself. And I'm exploring who I am - and how my thoughts work (yes, it's pretty trippy - highly recommend http://www.thework.com/ ).

Fortunately - the last 3-4 weeks have been a major turn around. I'm excited about business again, and getting stuck into things. My purpose is becoming clearer, and I'm feeling connected with it: Helping people share their gift with the world, and to get paid for it. And ultimately - to help people be free in all aspects of their life. And I'm intrigued by this thing called 'service' - it's popping up in a lot of different areas. I'm absolutely thrilled to have been voted into the http://www.transformationalleadershipcouncil.com/ , and I feel it's calling me to play a bigger game.

I'll probably do quite a bit of speaking this year and next, and spoke last week to a class at Columbia University which was great. Time soon to get back to the book and ensure the message gets out to the world.

I'm having a few tentative dates, and enjoying my wonderful friends. Also exploring my vision to live with other people after a long time being solo. Life is good!

Lots of love,