
Thursday, September 28, 2006

Busting Loose From The Money Game

This one is for people ready to see through the 'Matrix' and leap frog beyond every day, incremental improvements.

Out with the old paradigm - ready to try a completely new one?

When Bob asked me if I would take a look at his book and promote it, my ears perked up when he mentioned Jack Canfield had written the forward.

I said 'send it over', planning to take a quick skim and check it was good stuff before deciding if I would mention it to you.

But guess what? I got sucked in. The more I read, the more I was hooked, and I ended up reading the whole book.


Because it calls to me. It's VERY powerful, and for people ready to leap frog past struggle, into abundance and gratitude and a REALLY awesome way of living. (I loved it, and I feel my life is already about 90% there ;-)

If you resonate with any of these words:

- the Matrix
- abundance
- magic
- What the Bleep Do We Know
- quantum physics
- manifesting
- having your life be much, much easier
- holodecks
- money
- law of attraction
- freedom

then get this book!

Bob puts it all together, then goes a few steps FURTHER.

I believe that for those who are ready, this will be a key step in your spiritual evolution, as I believe it is in mine.

Oh, the title?

Busting Loose From The Money Game

Mind-Blowing Strategies For
Changing The Rules Of A Game
You Can't Win

But it's about much more than money.

Bob's offering a bonus if you purchase by the deadline, but I don't think that should count a bean. If this calls to you even a little, then you'll get enormous value from this book. Maybe even a new way of life ;-)


P.S. Once you've read it I'm sure you'll be dying to discuss it with people. So please post your comments and insights once you've read it. I'd love to read them myself.

Friday, September 22, 2006

MM #69: Take the 2 Week Challenge!

1. Announcements/Offers

Mega Coaching Sale! 90% off all products!

This is a ridiculous offer, and that's why you should go right now and get it.

If you could get your hands on dozens of popular coaching courses and products at just a *fraction* of the cost, would you run to get it? I mean 10% of the cost!

This month, 20+ coaching experts are coming together in a "grand experiment." They're practically giving their high quality products and programs away in the hope that you will like it so much, you'll want to learn more about their other products.

300 coaches have already jumped on this - get it now while the sale still lasts.

They're also giving away a ton of free coaching tools just for visiting the web page at:

Free Coach Training Teleclass - hot technology!

Thomas Leonard's former coach, Tom Stone, is finally making his powerful technology available to coaches. i.e. he's willing to SHOW you how to use this with your clients, so you can produce mind-blowing results with your clients. (Thomas RAVED about Tom and his results, which is why I'm so excited the training is now available)

And I'm really happy to see Michael Stratford heading up the program. (Michael is a Master Certified Coach with the International Coach Federation, a senior trainer for CoachU, and has trained over 4000 coaches!)

Tom's agreed to do a teleclass for MentorMonthly™ subscribers
only, to show you how to apply the technique. And he's waiving any fee. It's also a chance for you to decide if this ground-breaking training program is for you.

Register for this valuable, free teleclass here while space is still available:

(And yes, if you can't make it, register anyway and we'll send you the recording. But you definitely want to make this call!)

Join me in 3 months of meditation

300 people from around the world have joined me in meditating 10 minutes a day, every day, for 3 months.

We're two weeks in, and you're still very welcome to join us. To join simply:

1) send a blank email to david38-195055@autocontactor.com and

2) declare your commitment at www.SolutionBox.com/meditate (and I invite you to post there every couple of days to let us know how it's going so we can support each other)


2. FEATURE: Take the 2 Week Challenge!

I often achieve a lot, but I'm feeling like really cranking it out for the next 2 weeks - care to join me?
Are you performing at your capacity?

Would you love to be HUGELY productive?

I mean - think about what you did in the past two weeks. Think what you achieved.

Imagine if instead, you had produced FOUR TIMES what you achieved in the last two weeks?

How would it feel now?

Again... I often achieve a lot, but I'm feeling like really cranking it out for the next 2 weeks - care to join me?

I just received an amazing report from a coach I'm mentoring in my CoachStart Program. (I only work with a very few, unique clients these days.) You may remember Joelle and her great web site from Mentor Monthly issues #65 and #66. (And my mistake, it was her wonderful husband who created her website, not a 'friend' as reported.) ;-)

As part of the program, coaches have to report their results to me. And when I read her report, I was blown away by how much she was in action and producing.

It was so inspiring, I asked her permission to include her Two Week Achievement List here so you can be as inspired as I am, and motivated to action!

MORE IMPORTANTLY, at the end of the article I'm going to invite you to list what you will accomplish in the NEXT 14 DAYS, and publicly proclaim it on the blog. (I've already posted mine for the world to see.)
  • 1 new client
  • Registered domain name CoachJoelle.com
  • Set up email and email signature for CoachJoelle.com and it is working
  • Personally created 10 pages base web site - will be reviewing with web company over weekend (totally new experience - major learning - I can create a website!!)
  • Designed business cards
  • Sought out appropriate printer
  • Enrolled friend to make it high definition
  • Created goal form
  • Created contract - being reviewed by lawyer
  • Created Passion Quiz parts 1 and 2 (I love part 2; it is really brilliant!)
  • Started creating weekly commitment and accomplishment form
  • Created standard form and look for CoachJoelle.com
  • Purchased gerber flower picture as an icon for web and paperwork
  • 1 exploratory session (and followed the process from David's newsletter)
  • Created paper document process flow for exploratory session
  • Created paper process flow for having hard conversations with clients
  • Met with image consultant (purged closet)
  • Appointment set for new hair cut
  • Appointment set for work with makeup artist
  • Became a wholesaler and ordered 13 books from compendium
  • Mailed 5 SHE books to 3 prospects, 1 new client, 1 existing client
  • Interviewed and approved for permanent residency
  • Spoke with lawyer and accountant about business set up procedures
  • Identified suitable format and began 6 month plan - very helpful
  • Spent about 20 hours learning and playing with the web. There is more. I will work on this.
  • Added blog script to website - still have to figure it out
  • Added broadcast email script, edited mail lists 700 people and ready to integrate it to send an email


Now that's a lot of stuff! Talk about moving!

I often achieve a lot, but I'm feeling like really cranking it out for the next 2 weeks - care to join me?


If you're up for this, here's how to join me:
  1. Declare today your list of what you'll achieve by Friday, October 20 (2 weeks from now). Declare it on the blog. I've already posted my list where you can read it , and I'm going achieve it! Oh, and Joelle's joining us too. ;-)
  2. Send a blank email to david38-197419@autocontactor.com. At the least, I'll send you an email at half time (one week from today) inviting you to post a half time report on the blog, then an email in two weeks asking you to report and celebrate! (and if I decide to do a teleclass midway you'll receive the details)
  3. Set up an additional support structure to keep yourself in action. The best idea? Have a bunch of friends join you in this process by sending them this newsletter! You can then support each other along the way. Other optional ideas are posters on your wall, and reminders in your diary. You might also enjoy posting your daily progress on the blog. I will be.


P.S. Got a comment on this article? Add it to the blog.

P.P.S. There are a maximum of five spaces left in the CoachStart Program, and I'm quite specific about who I work with. If you're an established coach or consultant, and consider yourself a high flyer, and are ready to focus on marketing, branding and/or creating product - you can apply for one of the five spaces here: www.CoachStart.com/Mentor.htm. Please include why it would be fun to work with you. ;-)

Monday, September 11, 2006

join me in 3 months meditation

After 38 years I've decided to meditate.

10 minutes a day, for 3 months.

To see what happens.

To see what I gain. And what I lose.

My aim is to learn to enjoy nothing happening. To see what's beneath all the bustle.

What's your aim?

If you've ever thought of meditating, or just feel called to try something new - then join me.

We can support each other in this practice, and share our experiences along the way.

a) Declare it in the comments section below or use this quick link:


(Save this link)

b) Send a blank email to david38-195055@autocontactor.com so you'll
get any relevant emails from me during the 3 months.


1) We started Monday Sep 11 2006, finishing Dec 11, 2006

2) Start today, whenever you have come.

3) I'm aiming for 20 minutes each morning, but with a minimum of 10. 10 is fine.

4) Put a calendar plainly visible on a wall. (I printed off September to December from Outlook). Tick off each day as you do it.

5) If you miss a day, make it up with two meditations the next day.

6) Post your commitment here on the blog, and share your experiences along the way.
[SAVE THIS LINK so you can come back regularly: www.solutionbox.com/meditate]

7) If you like, invite your friends to also join you and declare. It will be more fun, and you'll have a greater support structure to see it through. Send them to www.solutionbox.com/meditate

Finally, here are the words that inspired me to start:

"Nothing should happen in meditation. Meditation teaches you to value what is! And not to desire what is not. It points you to Here and now, silence, peace and innocence (nature), towards life it self.

Start more and more enjoying the quiet and nothing happening!

Sit in meditation, for 10 or 20 minutes everyday. A good time is in the morning just before you get up: Sit up in the bed or in a chair for 10 or 20 minute in meditation. Close the eyes and do nothing, just allow the mind, the thoughts to be somewhere in the passive snoring there for a little while longer. And enjoy nothing happening!"
(Taken from www.dolano.com)

* * *

What are you waiting for? I've already started - 10 minutes this morning.

See you in nothing ;-)
