
Monday, March 27, 2006

MM #58: How I Got 409 Orders in 10 Days

What People are Saying About '10 Super Coaches'
To find out how 10 ordinary coaches are earning $30,000 to $1.4 million per year, and how you can do it too, click here:

"I was working on a marketing strategy that was going to cost quite a bit of money when I bought the ebook. It made me realise there is a MUCH more direct, and less expensive method. Saved me several hundred pounds and gave me a kick up the rear end to do something else.

Neil Gilbranch, United Kingdom

"Why re-invent the wheel when you can see how successful people are already producing results you want? Don't hesitate, buy it today. The '10 Super Coaches' ebook has given me the confidence and inner strength I needed to build my business, I have been able to fine-tune my fees, and I have offered sample sessions with success."Denise Simons, New Zealand RELATE Coaching

Visit http://www.10SuperCoaches.com

FEATURE: How I got 409 orders in 10 days

Would you like to get more clients?

Most of my subscribers say 'Yes!'

You may even have a product, or plan to have a product. And you might be interested in how to generate some sales for that product - quickly!

The Power of Promotions

Promotions are a great way to jump-start your sales. Or, they can be a great way to simply do something nice for your customers.

We recently had a successful 2 for 1 promotion of'fer of my Internet Clients program, where we paired people with buddies for support - plus they got to share the cost of the program! As a result, we had a big sales week.

It got me thinking about promotions and special of'fers and how they can boost sales for you as well. Promotions allow you to give deals to your customers - and who doesn't like a deal?

Promotions include:
Spe'cial Deals / Of'fers
Offering Premiums or Bonuses, and
Trial Of'fers

Spec'ial Off'ers

Any time you modify your price, terms, or increase the value, it is a spe'cial of'fer. Consider a 25% off sale. How about bundling two programs together - they buy Program A and get Program B for free? Or providing lifetime updates when they purchase by a certain date?

The advantage of a spe'cial of'fer is that can get the word out quickly, and generate sales fast. However, one disadvantage is that it may reduce the perceived value of the item. So it's a good idea to give a reason for the spe'cial of'fer. For example:- "My production guy misprinted the CD's so they are 25% off"- "It's my birthday and we're celebrating with a 2 for 1 sale!"


Consider a coupon for first-time buyers to introduce them to your company. Or a couple for existing customers to upgrade to the next level. When I was building my coaching practice, I distributed 'Free Coaching Session' coupons to a couple of local masseuses, who started giving them away to new clients as a good will gesture, and mailing them out at Christmas! (And I'm going to give you the PDF so you can see exactly what I'm talking about).

You can also use coupons as an added value for something. For example, when people or'der The Truth About Women ebook, they receive a fr'ee ecoupon for a relationship coaching session with a coach. This is a great premium or bonus.

Offering Premiums or Bonuses

Customers love to get "something for nothing". Don't we all? Premiums raise the value of what you are selling. They could be anything from fr'ee logo pens to bonus recordings, eBooks, or teleclasses. Sometimes we o'ffer no shipping charges or a fr'ee coaching session. Or a f'ree audio recording if people buy a product by a certain date.

Businesses can get together to offer bonuses. An oil change place nearby of'fers a fr'ee car wash coupon with an oil change. If you're a business coach, why not o'ffer a free coaching session with your business colleague who is a life coach? Or offer three ebooks of high value, gathered from your coaching colleagues? They win because they get exposure, and you win because you get the sale.


We ran a very successful promotion this winter o'ffering The CoachStart Manual for a $1 trial. People had 30 days to look the Manual over and decide whether or not to keep it for the full purchase price of $97. We made the off'er even more enticing by providing half price shipping, and - in 10 days I got 409 orders! How popular would your promotion be if it offered a '1 Week Coaching Trial' Program, to ten people who qualify? At the end of the week you both decide if you'll continue on to do the 3-month program.


The promotions above are a reason to buy, but with all promotions, you need to provide an incentive to buy NOW. So you make the of'fer scarce - usually through limiting the time it is available, or by limiting it to the first say 50 people who buy. And remember: it isn't "special" if it happens all the time.

When to run a promotion

It's good to have a special reason, or a special perceived reason. You don't want to make your customers think that you are always giving away the farm. You could devalue your product in their eyes and then it won't be spec'ial any more. So, you want to keep up the excitement without promotion overload.

Here are some WHEN ideas -
  • Birthday / Anniversary events

  • 1st sale, 1st day in business, personal anniversary, owner birthday, birth of a baby
  • Holidays - Christmas, President's Day, School's Out, Groundhog Day

  • Customer / Newsletter Subscriber Thresholds - 10,000 subscribers, 1,000th customer

  • New Product Introduction, Pre-launch Spe'cials

  • New Product Updates

  • Full Moon

  • To Celebrate - well, just about anything!

Action: What's your next promotion?

What would you like to generate some fast sales of?If it's your coaching service, for example, what's a spe'cial of'fer that could get you 5-10 clients in the next 7 days?

1. Write down your promotion or spe'cial of'fer that would have people excited to grab your service or product.

2. Post what you will, or might do at the blog.

3. Have you done a coaching promotion that worked really well? Share the love! Let your fellow coaches know by posting that too at the blog.

4. If you have an idea for a promotion you would love to see at SolutionBox, and think would be really hot, please post this too at the blog.



P.S. Got a comment on this article? Add it to the BLOG

P.P.S. Some people have asked about the apostrophe's in the newsletters. S'pam filters filter out even newsletters you have requested. In order to get our newsletters to you we add apostrophe's to some of the words so the filters let them through.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Should I do it?

I’m becoming good friends with a lot of serious players in the life coaching industry.People who are creating some really powerful tools for coaches.

Good people. Smart people.They know I have a very responsive and trusting list of 55,000 subscribers, and are of course suggesting that I mention their tools and products to you guys.

Assuming I only pick people I trust, and products that are quality…….

My questions to you are:

Should I limit reviews and announcements of third party products, and just stick to offering SolutionBox products?

Will it create confusion for my customers who now wonder if they should buy SolutionBox products or these other products?

Or will it just be good karma all around?

Providing coaches with the tools they need?

I’d appreciate your comments – would you post them here on the blog?

MM #57: The Dangers of Marketing Alone

What People are Saying About 'First Fifty Clients'

Simply Brilliant

I listened to the disc for the first time on Monday and have already booked 45 people for exploratory sessions. I may have to extend my goal to 100 people in 100 days. I never knew I could inspire people to take advantage of a free session. You have motivated me into action and I wish to thank you for this. " - Loretta Digger, UK

Visit http://www.FirstFiftyClients.com

2. FEATURE: The Dangers of Marketing Alone

Too many solo-preneurs and small business owners are trying to be lone rangers in the marketing world.

I asked my good friend Suzanne-Falter Barnes, who helps service professionals take the necessary steps to get nationally known, to share with us the dangers of marketing alone....(P.S. Make sure you get your f'ree JumpStart Kit at the bottom)

* * *
Ever feel like you're pedaling fast but simply not going anywhere with your marketing?

That seems to be a common theme these days, and I know why. Even though the Net is laden with marketing programs of all kinds, few of them really rise up and truly transform most people's marketing efforts.

Why? Because even the best material in the world can't overcome some basic problems human foibles ... if you insist on implementing them alone. So that's why even I, seasoned marketing pro, turn to coaches and consultants for help with my own marketing. And it's making a huge difference in my business!

These are some of the dangers to doing your own marketing ... and some helpful tips at the end.

1. You have no perspective. You may know your service inside out, but if you're like most of us, you have no idea what the market will respond to. An SEO consultant I worked with recently suggested that my current Get Known Now bonus didn't appeal broadly enough to my market ... so I changed it. I'm already getting a better response.

2. You don't have a professional overview of the market. Good consultants really know all the markets your product could appeal to. They can suggest some you haven't even thought of, or reveal new ways to reach existing markets, based on their own research.

3. You're not up on the latest techniques -- or may lack the technical know how to get the job done. You may not even know what you don't know, or where to find the resources that will help you. And yet, better technology and resources can make your business boom!

4. You won't get out of your comfort zone alone. Once we step out of our comfort zones, real progress can begin to take place. Recently I pushed one of my group coaching clients to really hunker down, get serious, and define what she was all about. She kept insisting there was no market difference for her services ... and then, just when she'd almost given up ... we found the right place to dig to really define her brand. I know she wouldn't have gone there alone.

5. You may think you can do it, but are secretly intimidated. Along with that comfort zone comes a sense of what we think we can and cannot do. And often we don't even admit to ourselves where we stop. Future success remains a fuzzy, rosy blur. But a good consultant or action group will give you specific steps to break intimidating processes down AND the support to make sure you got the job done. It's certainly OK to be afraid -- if you can push through your resistance.

6. You don't know which expert or program to listen to. Committing to a program or consultant moves you forward, because it forces you to get out of overwhelm or confusion and take concrete action steps. (And there are a lot of good programs and coaches out there ... so just pick one!)

7. You lack accountability. The best part of coaching and group programs is that they give you a structure to stick to -- and accountability for your promises. You need to show up and say to another living human being (or several) what you've done and what fell through the cracks. That's powerful medicine for those who are inclined to break promises.

8. You may lack the discipline to measure and track everything. But when you bring in a consultant or a coaching program, suddenly everything changes. You're suddenly taking your business more seriously, in the detached, professional lens of other business professionals.

9. Frustration can lead to inertia. We all have the tendency to give up when we experience a setback or a loss. Yet, that's just when we need to hunker down and move forward, because that's when we can find great lessons ahead. (See the comfort zone comments above in point 4.) Supporters who actually care about you and your progress will see to it that you keep moving on.

10. We're often afraid to even begin. If you know you have a mission, but you just can't seem to get started, this could be why. A good marketing program or a coach can push you over the hump to the point where you can forge ahead on your own. Think about it -- if you're not going to do this work you're moved to do, who is?

© 2006 Suzanne Falter-Barns LLC

For subscribers only: Jump Start Your Publicity - Fr'ee Kit!

Suzanne Falter-Barns’ Platform Jump Starter Kit (Value $27) will give you all the tools you need right this minute to dig in, start creating your brand and your USP – and put the tools together you need to attract national publicity. Includes two MP3 links to an interview with a successful platform builder and Suzanne’s own guided visualization for finding your best brand! Download your fr'ee kit now: http://www.solutionbox.com/getknownnow.htm

* * *

Action: No more marketing alone!

Have you experienced any of these dangers yourself?

Which one has the biggest impact on you?

1) Brainstorm a list of people (specific people or general, like someone to help you with your copywriting) who can assist you in your marketing. 2) Which will you contact? Post your commitment at the

2) If you don't have an action group, find one or create your own. If you are having trouble locating like-minded people, post at the

