
Friday, September 30, 2005

Raising Money for Katrina Aid

Thanks to our subscribers, we raised $4,126 to help those affected by Hurricane Katrina. We sold almost 100 copies of our ebook, '10 Super Coaches Share Their Secrets' and are sending 100% of the proceeds to the Red Cross. We thank you all for your generousity! Feels good to be handing the red cross a big fat check.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Wavy Gravy Pilgrimage

A few months ago, I asked readers of my Create a Life You Love newsletter to vote for my favorite Ben and Jerry's ice cream to bring it back for a short time. Many voted and Wavy Gravy was brought back to life! And here I am enjoying the this "Cashew Brazil Nut ice cream with Chocolate Hazelnut Fudge Swirls & Roasted Almonds". Thank you so much!

You call this a serving?

Now that's a serving!

Giving thanks to the God of ice cream...

And...the penance. Worth every pound!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Coaching and Traveling


Katrina Project: Coaching Makes a Difference

We asked you for feedback on how coaches could best help the people affected by Hurricane Katrina. It seems Susan Austin has put something together, so you now have a place to volunteer your skills! Here's the blurb she sent us:

* * *

For those who are interested…..the Coaching-Makes-a-Difference (CMAD) project is being organized under the leadership of Susan T. Austin. The project is in response to the many coaches who are wanting to put their coaching skills and talents to good use. The project entails providing pro-bono coaching to individuals and groups who are ready to start building a new life for themselves as a result of Hurricane Katrina, and now Hurricane Rita.

We are also using this project to help further spread the word on how coaching can make a difference in the lives of others and by providing coaching for Relief Providers, Business Owners who are Rebuilding and coaching for those who have opened up their homes to survivors.

You can read about the specific projects and sign-up at the website http://www.Coaching-Makes-A-Difference.com. Even an hour of your time will make a difference. Hope you’ll join us.

Susan T. Austin
Ceo, Coaching Innovation

Monday, September 19, 2005

MM #45 Secrets of the Millionaire Mind


How Did These Coaches Set Up Their Businesses So Quickly?

You can now save yourself the hundreds or thousands of dollars you may have paid a mentor coach or training school. After personally mentoring sixty coaches and founding a coach training school, I've compiled everything I know about starting a successful coaching practice in one easy-to-follow Manual.

And it's wonderful to see such huge results like this:
"I have just broken through the 50th client barrier! When I first read the Coachstart Manual, I had coached just 14 people, and thought '50 clients...no way!'. But just five months later, it's a reality! Thanks for all your help setting me up as a coach, I will always be grateful."
-Daniel Midson-Short, Australia-www.lifestylerevolution.com.au

“I wish I had known about the CoachStart Manual before I signed up with my training school. I could have saved myself almost £600!”
-Clare Evans, UK

"I 'inhaled' the manual and loved it. You give very practical advice and I particularly liked the 'sample' dialogues that a coach might have with a prospect (warm and hot invitations) and the sample script. I practice it every chance I get. Thanks for such a great and inspiring Manual!"
-Midgie Thompson, UK-www.brightfuturescoaching.com

Check out: http://www.coachstart.com/

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker
THINK RICH TO GET RICH Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth

Harv makes some big claims:
- "People on the verge of bankruptcy have bounced back and skyrocketed to success."
- "People struggling to make a decent living have multiplied their net worth tenfold."
- "Business owners with dwindling client bases suddenly have more work than they can handle."
But the information seems solid, his name keeps popping up everywhere, and I note Jack Canfield has endorsed him which carries some weight with me. So snag a copy of his book here:


Get your $297 training special
When you choose training with one of our preferred providers, besides great training from a top notch school, we will send you a coach training product wo'rth US$297. For full details and conditions, see:


FEATURE: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

Have you heard of T. Harv Eker? He's making quite a name for himself with his 'millionaire trainings'.

Would you like to get a summary of his entire weekend seminar, in under 5 minutes?

Well, we're bringing it to you in this three-part series, thanks to my good friend Birgitte Philipedes in New York.

It's inspired by "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" by T. Harv Eker. However any errors or omissions are purely our own. (Also note the David Wood that gives some of his trainings is not me).

Millionaire Mind Notes - Part 1
  • What you focus on expands

  • Stay as far away from complainers as possible

  • The Law of Attraction = Like Attracts Like

  • What do people get out of being a victim? Attention

  • There's no such thing as a rich victim

  • The #1 reason why most people don't get what they want is that they don't know what they want

  • If you want to be rich you have to be adding value to other people's lives

  • The happiest people are those who use their natural talents to the utmost

  • Entrepreneur: person who solves problems for people at a profit - a problem solver

  • The more people you help, the richer you become

  • It's time to start sharing your gifts instead of hoarding them or pretending they don't exist

  • Poor people make choices based on fear

  • Rich people believe that if worst comes to worst they can always make their money back

  • Rich people take educated risks

  • Poor people claim to be preparing for an opportunity - instead they are stalling. Meanwhile the rich guy got in

  • Rich people expect to succeed

  • Rich people focus on what they want

  • If you want to get rich: focus on making, keeping and investing your money

  • If you want to be poor, focus on spending your money

Want this information to make a difference? Then take action!

Pick TWO of the above nuggets you choose to remember, and post them here: Comments

Pick ONE action you will take out of reading this information, and post it as above.

* * *
We'll bring you Part 2 in a future issue of MentorMonthly.



(P.S. Got a comment on this article? Add it to the BLOG

Monday, September 12, 2005

Create #38 Cleaning Up Your Past

New 50 Power Questions Series!
Most of you probably signed up and received the 50 Power Questions. However, did you know we have turned the 50 Power Questions into a mini e-course with lots of f'ree resources that you may have missed?!

Get your freebies here:

Feel free to pass this link to good friends you feel would appreciate f'ree resources to help improve their life, and/or who would make great coaches.

What People are Saying About 'First Fifty Clients'?
How Did A Former Helicopter Rescue Nurse Get 17 Life Coaching Clients in Just 3 Months?
Find out at:

"David's strategies helped me get my coaching business up and running with 17 clients after just three months! And I couldn't believe I had $3,000 a month coming in just from helping people with their lives!"
Estelle Gibbins
Brisbane, Australia

"I have applied the information, with terrific results. I started last Monday, making a deal with myself to have a new client each day. So far, that has occurred - and I have ten new clients!"
Julie Gleeson, USA
The Art of Living

Visit http://www.solutionbox.com/cmd.asp?ad=57067

FEATURE: Cleaning Up Your Past
Cleaning up the past can be difficult and sometimes it seems like you are all alone. We just received a lovely narrative from Sharmaine who was inspired by our article on 'Skeletons in the Closet'.

"Dear David,
I stumbled onto your site from somewhere (I can’t remember where right now) and what a jewel I have found in you. I read your skeletons in the closet article this morning, and I am now in the midst of doing some “cleaning up”.

I am tackling one of the areas of my past to make it right. I filed bankruptcy in 1993 (for debts from 1989 – 1992) when life was in a mess and I was trying to connect the dots of life. I never felt good about it.

About two years ago, I started feeling that now that I have turned my life around, I should go back to make those people and situations whole. I paid a couple of people back and they were astounded that I would do that after so long. It felt great.

I finally received the copy of my bankruptcy papers on Monday and to my surprise, I had written off $48,500 worth of debt! It was a snapshot of where my life was at that point. (I somehow thought it was about $10,000). I am still committed to paying it off before the end of this year.

I put a plan in place to pay the people first and then the companies. The challenge is to track them down. I also made a decision that if I can not find the person or company after exhaustive research, I will donate their portion to one of my favorite causes.

Your article and your “voice” were just the catalyst I needed to make this big shift. Thanks for being there and for the call to integrity and living life on a higher plane."

Sharmaine Hobbs
sharmaine @ comcast.net
Virginia, United States

* * *
I am so impressed and inspired with Shar's commitment to cleaning up her past, and honoring her debts. Wow!

It can be nerve-wracking to put your frailties out there. Most of us would rather sweep any embarrassing incidents under the rug. But, Shar took the courageous step into integrity. And as a result she feels "great!"

My question for you is - what would you like to clean up in your past? Don't take this on as a 'have to' - just think: 'What would be a load off my shoulders if I made it right?'

To read the article that was a catalyst for Shar, visit:
Skeletons in the Closet

Why don't you answer this question in the comments section, "What’s one thing you will clean up in your life?"


3. The Personal Touch
Boy - what a ride!

Bronwyn indeed came to see me in New York. We had a wonderful time and it felt to me like it was right to be together. She and her boyfriend broke up, then she chose him, and then I flew back to Melbourne to stay with her and explore if there was any possibility while she was dating him! People have asked me what happened, and about the rumours of a proposal. I've thought of writing and sharing this very personal story complete with all the insights I journalled, but only if it's something you guys would actually read. (Bron has given her OK). If it's something you would like to see, just leave a comment on the blog by clicking HERE.

Dr. Rob looked after me wonderfully in Sydney during a very tough time. I had a lot of fun with him (big business ideas + table tennis) while sleeping next to the ocean. I then left Sydney looking for the safest cave I could find - and it looked like it might come in the form of my friend Flaven in Maui. But they say the universe brings you what you need, not what you want. Unfortunately my neediness pushed her away, and I found myself 'free-falling' - no home base, no partner, no anchors.....feeling such a devastating aloneness in one of the most beautiful places on Earth. Thankfully the feeling has eased and I'm feeling happy, content, and excited about life. Feeling myself more and more. And - I got a strong sense that this sense of aloneness is 100% self-created - which is good news! We create the loneliness, and we create the way out ;-)

Just had a few days with delightful Jena in Harbin Hot Springs, and really felt myself 'dropping in'. Absolute bliss, brought about by water massage and meditation. Ahhhh.....

Still want to visit Calgary and Colorado, but I'm flying back to base myself in NY for now - possibly to do the NY ICF conference coming up.

I keep hearing about Costa Rica, and might head down there soon to check out some land and the community down there.

Business-wise things are wonderful. Have a strong team, launched three products, and we're forming some very exciting alliances with some big names in the industry. Plan to produce lots more fun product, get subscribers up to 100,000, and double the size of the team!

(Oh - and Wavy Gravy won the vote! Thank you to all 438 of you who voted! They've brought this ice cream back to Scoop Shops only for 30 days and I've got my mates storing pints and gallons of it!)

(Comments? I'd love to read them - just add them to the blog)

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Should we organise coaching support for Katrina victims?


It seems Katrina victims right now need food, housing, cash etc.

But in a month or two they might be able to use some coaching to set some goals and keep focussed.

It's been proposed that SolutionBox create a web page where coaches can volunteer their services (say a month of free coaching), and we organise some press releases to let the public and various assisting organisations know of the web address.

What do you think? Is this a good idea? Do you have a better one? Would you volunteer?

Please post your comments here.


Monday, September 05, 2005

MM #44 A Computer Guru at 10% of the Cost


What People are Saying About '10 Super Coaches'

To find out how 10 ordinary coaches are earning $30,000 to $1.4 million per year, and how you can do it too, click here:


"I was working on a marketing strategy that was going to cost quite a bit of money when I bought the ebook. It made me realise there is a MUCH more direct, and less expensive method. Saved me several hundred pounds and gave me a kick up the rear end to do something else. Thanks!"

Neil Gilbranch, United Kingdom

"Why re-invent the wheel when you can see how successful people are already producing results you want? Don't hesitate, buy it today. The '10 Super Coaches' ebook has given me the confidence and inner strength I needed to build my business, I have been able to fine-tune my fees, and I have offered sample sessions with success."

Denise Simons, New Zealand
RELATE Coaching


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A Computer Guru at 10% of the Cost
Have you given up using the internet to promote your business because you can't figure out how to get a web page? Would you like some cool forms for your site, but the code is too confusing? Do you have a revolutionary idea for a product, but no idea how to pull it off?

At SolutionBox when we run out of time or patience for technology, we turn to the experts at RentaCoder. Fiddling with some .ASP, I realized I was spending way too much time on that project. Not to mention I couldn't do it nearly as well as someone that really knows what they are doing.

How to Find a Guru
How does it work? Once you create an account at RentACoder, you type in your project or technical question. Decide on the maximum bid you want to pay. And then programmers bid on your project.

Choosing Your Guru
You get to browse through their qualifications, what they are certified in, how many projects they have done, and if the clients were satisfied - it's amazing!

Plus, since you get to choose programmers from around the world many will be affordable. Would you rather pay US rates or Romanian rates? It's a global village now.

And - you don't have to pay a fee to RentACoder for this service. The programmer pays the fee!

Once you accept a bid, your fees for the coder are put in escrow, so you won't get stuck paying for a project and not seeing any results. Then you are on your way.

Delegating Your Project
If you're not sure how to delegate the project, RentACoder also has some great templates to use in their article section, like the scope of work template and requirements matrix.

Don't let lack of computer skills, stop you from having a booming business. You can now create professional web sites, interactive forms, and even complex software for a fraction of the price it used to cost you.


'How to Get 95% of Your Clients From the Internet'
Want advanced training along the lines of this article?

On DVD and CD Rom? With 12 months of online mentoring/web coaching, and a complete m'oney back g'uarantee?

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(P.S. Got a comment on this article? Add it to the