
Monday, September 12, 2005

Create #38 Cleaning Up Your Past

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FEATURE: Cleaning Up Your Past
Cleaning up the past can be difficult and sometimes it seems like you are all alone. We just received a lovely narrative from Sharmaine who was inspired by our article on 'Skeletons in the Closet'.

"Dear David,
I stumbled onto your site from somewhere (I can’t remember where right now) and what a jewel I have found in you. I read your skeletons in the closet article this morning, and I am now in the midst of doing some “cleaning up”.

I am tackling one of the areas of my past to make it right. I filed bankruptcy in 1993 (for debts from 1989 – 1992) when life was in a mess and I was trying to connect the dots of life. I never felt good about it.

About two years ago, I started feeling that now that I have turned my life around, I should go back to make those people and situations whole. I paid a couple of people back and they were astounded that I would do that after so long. It felt great.

I finally received the copy of my bankruptcy papers on Monday and to my surprise, I had written off $48,500 worth of debt! It was a snapshot of where my life was at that point. (I somehow thought it was about $10,000). I am still committed to paying it off before the end of this year.

I put a plan in place to pay the people first and then the companies. The challenge is to track them down. I also made a decision that if I can not find the person or company after exhaustive research, I will donate their portion to one of my favorite causes.

Your article and your “voice” were just the catalyst I needed to make this big shift. Thanks for being there and for the call to integrity and living life on a higher plane."

Sharmaine Hobbs
sharmaine @ comcast.net
Virginia, United States

* * *
I am so impressed and inspired with Shar's commitment to cleaning up her past, and honoring her debts. Wow!

It can be nerve-wracking to put your frailties out there. Most of us would rather sweep any embarrassing incidents under the rug. But, Shar took the courageous step into integrity. And as a result she feels "great!"

My question for you is - what would you like to clean up in your past? Don't take this on as a 'have to' - just think: 'What would be a load off my shoulders if I made it right?'

To read the article that was a catalyst for Shar, visit:
Skeletons in the Closet

Why don't you answer this question in the comments section, "What’s one thing you will clean up in your life?"


3. The Personal Touch
Boy - what a ride!

Bronwyn indeed came to see me in New York. We had a wonderful time and it felt to me like it was right to be together. She and her boyfriend broke up, then she chose him, and then I flew back to Melbourne to stay with her and explore if there was any possibility while she was dating him! People have asked me what happened, and about the rumours of a proposal. I've thought of writing and sharing this very personal story complete with all the insights I journalled, but only if it's something you guys would actually read. (Bron has given her OK). If it's something you would like to see, just leave a comment on the blog by clicking HERE.

Dr. Rob looked after me wonderfully in Sydney during a very tough time. I had a lot of fun with him (big business ideas + table tennis) while sleeping next to the ocean. I then left Sydney looking for the safest cave I could find - and it looked like it might come in the form of my friend Flaven in Maui. But they say the universe brings you what you need, not what you want. Unfortunately my neediness pushed her away, and I found myself 'free-falling' - no home base, no partner, no anchors.....feeling such a devastating aloneness in one of the most beautiful places on Earth. Thankfully the feeling has eased and I'm feeling happy, content, and excited about life. Feeling myself more and more. And - I got a strong sense that this sense of aloneness is 100% self-created - which is good news! We create the loneliness, and we create the way out ;-)

Just had a few days with delightful Jena in Harbin Hot Springs, and really felt myself 'dropping in'. Absolute bliss, brought about by water massage and meditation. Ahhhh.....

Still want to visit Calgary and Colorado, but I'm flying back to base myself in NY for now - possibly to do the NY ICF conference coming up.

I keep hearing about Costa Rica, and might head down there soon to check out some land and the community down there.

Business-wise things are wonderful. Have a strong team, launched three products, and we're forming some very exciting alliances with some big names in the industry. Plan to produce lots more fun product, get subscribers up to 100,000, and double the size of the team!

(Oh - and Wavy Gravy won the vote! Thank you to all 438 of you who voted! They've brought this ice cream back to Scoop Shops only for 30 days and I've got my mates storing pints and gallons of it!)

(Comments? I'd love to read them - just add them to the blog)


At 3:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi David,

I would read it if you posted. Blessings!

At 4:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

David: One of the most important things that I have put into my life coaching is sharing a few of my personal life lessons.I had a 'death experience'while in the hospital several years ago,and I realize how important it is to let those that we love and care about be reminded on a daily basis. I realize that even the longest life times may not be enough for many of us.no good reason to put off till tomorrow...because tomorrow may not come!I don't my clients to try! Try is not an option! Do it!!I also am a Grief Guide-Counsellor because of my death experience,so I know first hand hand what people regret when they are 'counting down'. I a Speaker,sharing through my Motivational Seminars,so if there is anyone out there interrested,how can they contact me?Additional information can be found by Search and typing in my name...Carol Miller-Donnelly. Thanks for all the great information that you share with all of us!By helping one another,we help ourselves,because it is true..."what goes around,comes around"!Might as well make it positive! CMD

At 4:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 11:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear David

Loneliness - separating yourself from the source (co-creator)

Solitude - Soul 'I' Attidude being tuned in to and connected to the source

I had a big realisation - my deepest darkest fear that comes back to full my mind with self doubt is "I am not lovable" for some people its 'Im not good enough' (to be loved) or "Im unlucky in love' etc and for others its simply 'Im not loved" ... mine ran something like 'if you truly knew every negative thing about me you couldn't love me' Which I know is ridiclous intellectually but....
I have realised thats its time to reframe this deepest darkest fear - Its actually "If I knew all the most horrible, ugliest stuff in my phyche I couldn'tpossibly love myself" so I have decided to do two things for myself. The first is face the fear - to explore and wallow in my dark side. The second is to look at how I express love and experience receiving love and check how many of those things I actually do for myself - and from now on I am going to do more for myself.

Love Gabbie

At 12:51 AM, Blogger TravelPhotoWriter said...

I would read it! - Jennifer

At 1:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The skeltons out of the closet" was an excellant story. But just because you come clean with someone doesn't mean it goes away. It definetly puts a strain on everyone. I felt relieved ! The only thing that truly bothers me is that then if a problem arises similar to the one you confess to you get blamed for it unjustly! But it just reaffirmed one valuable lesson. Maybe the person wasn't worthy of your true self! or for lack of better word remorse.

At 2:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i would love to read your story...

At 10:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Not so much "Cleaning up your past" as brushing the negatives surrounding me from moving forward, away, and to start leading the life that I want and not what other people want from me.

At 6:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi David
The one thing that I will clean up in my life is to finally, once and for all, get out of debt!!!

At 6:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

David - I would love to read the story of your and Bron's journey.

At 8:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I would clean up the debt we have accummulated in the past.


At 9:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I read you want to come to Costa Rica sometime. I live in this beautiful country, if you ever want to come, just let me know.

Art Gonzalez

At 2:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

G'day David!

Would LOVE to read it!

Nige 54
The Dating Coach

At 7:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi David,

In the past I have typically admitted my mistakes to the extent of running myself down. Some of my biggest regrets which remain unresolved relate to the way I related to or failed to relate to my parents, both long since passed on. However, there is one big regret which I plan to do something about and it relates to your alter ego, a man I held in great respect and affection. When his brother died tragically and suddenly some 15 or twenty years ago I failed to say anything to him about it, even though (perhaps because) I felt deeply for the anguish he was going through. I think I was actually afraid of crying on his shoulder. I have often thought of writing to him or phoning to let him know how I feel about the way I letting him down when he needed support. Now you have given me the strenngth to do it through your "Skeletons in the Closet" article. Thank you.



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