
Thursday, January 17, 2008

Create #51: Set Awesome Goals for 2008

1. Announcements/Offers

What are they Saying about 'Explode Your Practice'?

"David, thanks so much for creating Explode Your Practice™. I've listened to all the libraries, and my coaching practice is booming as a result!

I have:

  • 21 new exploration sessions booked
  • 9 new clients
  • my website appearing in all major search engines, and
  • I've started coaching international clients!

Daniel Midson-Short

"I have already listened to at least 6 hours and my ability to open my practice has been accelerated by at least 3-6 months. Hearing David's real life advice to coaches has made a huge difference for me.

This will take months off my learning curve. I won't have to go through the frustrating trial and error process which costs time, money and clients! Thank you, David!"

Jeannie Crowell
Oregon, USA
jcrowell @ bendcable.com

Get your 'Explode Your Practice' CD set at:


2. FEATURE: Set Awesome Goals for 2008

(Reprinted from a past article as it's so good!)

Welcome to the New Year! Did you ever want to be one of those people who makes resolutions or sets goals every year and actually sticks to them?

My friend Peter Hegarty has made 3 resolutions every year for the last 15 years, and completed every one!!! Imagine if you had set and achieved 45 extra goals for your life!

But that's pretty 'out there'. This article isn't for those of you who easily create three resolutions every year, create a plan for achieving them, and put it into action without effort.

No - it's for those of us who WANT to make some changes to our life, and are JUST ABOUT to do some goal setting, and were waiting for the push that comes from this very newsletter. Well here it is!

And you'll be glad to hear I'm not going to bust your chops about goals. I'm clear that many of us don't set goals because we don't want to set ourselves up for 'failure'. It's a bit confronting. Well - welcome to the 'easy flow' method of goal setting.

I'm going to simply invite you to create three goals that will make a difference to your life, and then to put them up on your wall. If you don't complete them - what have you lost? You're no worse off. And if just picking some goals and putting them on your wall is enough to tip you over the edge and cause some results, then you've discovered a very easy way to make changes!

My 3 Step Goal Finder™ Method

So let's get started. Here's my easy 3 Step Goal Finder™ method:

1) Firstly pick an area of your life that you really would love to polish up. (Not SHOULD polish up, but would LOVE to polish up). Common areas are relationships, career, finances, health & fun/lifestyle.

2) Then set a resolution or goal that would put a smile on your face when achieved, and write by when you would like to have it. (A stretch is OK, but keep it doable.)

3) OPTIONAL: Repeat this process until you have 3 goals. (Note: You can skip these steps and simply pick something that you know in your heart you want to do.)

Your goals should be specific (i.e. will it be clear when you've reached it? A goal like 'feel better' about myself is hard to measure. While a goal like 'lose 10 pounds' is very clear.)


Action: So what calls to you...

  • A healthy toned body?

  • A clear financial plan?

  • 30% increase in income?

  • Starting your own business?

  • Feeling free, expressed, and in love with your partner?

  • Back in communication where there has been a rift?

  • Two weeks in Peru?

  • To sing in public?

  • Learn a language?

  • Own your own home?

  • A job you love where you're truly making a difference?

  • Find a life partner?

* * * *

1. Decide on your one to three targets.

2. Now that you have one to three targets, they need to see the light of day! So write them down in big letters and put them up where you'll see them every day. You might even like to get creative, and use paint, and/or find a picture that motivates you.

3. I also highly recommend telling at least three people, to make it real. If it feels appropriate, ask for their support (e.g. to call you once a week to ask how it's doing). Of course - it's hard to beat getting your own coach; at the minimum you show yourself you're serious

(I just hired a nutritional counselor for 3 months myself)

4. You can also clarify your top 3 goals in the next 10 minutes at the Free Goals Report:


This is a test version of what can be on your site. If you want a customized Free Goals Report for your site you can register here:

Goals Report Client Stream

5. Post your goals at the blog for the world to see!


P.S. Got a comment on this article? Add it to the blog

3. The Personal Touch

I write from the Harbin Hot Springs cafe, CA, on this rainy foggy day.

Feeling comfortably tired and peaceful, I reflect that the last three months have been some of the most intense of my life. Feeling tired and 'down' almost every day was worrying and uncomfortable. And when I stopped sleeping three weeks ago I had a choice: take sleeping pills to smooth it out, or 'go natural' and face every scary, icky, tense, exposed screaming feeling that comes up.

I'm proud to say I took the latter path, and at one point had a friend with me for 36 hours straight as I felt every feeling that came up. Beyond Ouch!

For a guy who's biggest fear is being exhausted and going into an anxiety loop at the same time, it was a wild experience to have nights with 90 minutes and even 20 minutes sleep. There were several times that were it not for my guide pointing out that craving a sleeping pill was my mind trying to protect me, so I could avoid the feelings, I would have definitely popped that Ambien that kept (falsely) promising me blissful sleep. For the conclusion to this experience, a list of things I learned (plus late night rambling brain dumps and my 'Warrior' post, see my personal blog.)

WARNING: It's uncensored, unedited, and a rawer sharing than you are used to from me. If this or swearing offends then don't read it. Personal Blog: www.KoalaJuice.com - the first post on this is called "Awakening Through Pain".

On lighter topics, Kristina and I have spent two weeks at OneTaste in San Francisco, deeply enjoying our new community of friends. We plan to move here in June (Mill Valley in Marin County) and perhaps be part time residents of this unusual community.

I fly to Australia Feb 10 (and joined by Kristina March 5) for a little business, a new visa, and my brother's wedding! Returning April 2 to San Francisco, and then doing Byron Katie's 9 day training school of 'The Work' in Los Angeles. We'd love to go to Sandy and Nicole's wedding in Bali in May, but not sure how all that traveling will sit with us.

Love David

Thursday, January 03, 2008

California Sues Federal Goverment over emissions

As Bush seems to stand in the way of environmental responsibility, California sues! Go Arnold.



Tuesday, January 01, 2008

MM #90: Global Warming: The Results are IN! (Special Issue)

Note: This edition is a 'Special Issue' because it's not on the topic of building your coaching or other professional practice. And, it's going to both the 'Mentor Monthly' and the 'Create a Life You Love' subscribers.

I mostly quote from Time Magazine - as it's a bit more credible than me ;-) Anything not in quotes is from me.

“Our current respons to global warming is like jumping
out a 20 story window and counting each floor as you go saying
'so far, so good' ...." - Anonymous


The Earth is heating up. Humans are contributing to it. Projections are bad to catastrophic. We're seeing scary effects already. If we stopped all CO2 emissions today, we're still probably screwed. Yet we're making it worse. Any serious debate is largely over. Even in the face of uncertainty, it's smart for us to take BIG action steps. The U.S. - as the biggest offender - must take action, instead of blocking action.

Is Global Warming really happening?

In 2007 the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has finally stopped hedging: "Warming of the climate system is unequivocal".

These findings have been endorsed by the Royal Society of Canada, the Royal Society (UK), the Russian Academy of Sciences, and a dozen other leading scientific bodies.

But are humans really causing it?

The above U.N. report stated there is "very high confidence" that humans have played a significant role by overloading the atmosphere with carbon dioxide (CO2). The report concluded that while the long-term solution is to reduce CO2 levels, for now we're going to have to dig in and prepare, building better levees, moving to higher ground and abandoning vulnerable floodplains altogether.

Hang on...don't ancient examples of global warming suggest that it's occurrence in our time may be natural as well?

"Although this is certainly possible, it appears unlikely. While the causes...in earlier instances...remain unknown, scientists agree that the current rise in levels of greenhouse gases is largely of human origin." - Time Magazine

But isn't there a lot of debate?

"For years, popular skepticism about climatological science stood in the way of addressing the problem, but the naysayers - many of whom were on the payroll of energy companies - have become an increasingly marginalized breed." - Time Magazine

And again, there are dozens of leading scientific bodies which have finally reached a consensus - not an easy thing in any field!

But if I have any doubt, I shouldn't do anything yet, right?

As above, there is no serious debate anymore. But even if there was, wouldn't just the chance that thousands of credible scientists are right, be reason to act - just to be safe? Call it an insurance policy. Here's an 8 minute argument for acting that has had 3 million views on Youtube!

Well, OK. But will the effects be that bad?

Well let's see. Floods. Droughts. Fires. Hurricanes. Sea level rising 20 feet. War. Species becoming extinct. More disease. Yes, it looks like they will be that bad.

But won't it take hundreds of years for it to get serious?

Ummm....Hurricane Katrina?

We've been hoping that "the glacial pace of nature would give us decades ore even centuries to sort out the problem. But [nature] can move with surprising speed....global climate systems are booby-trapped with tipping points and feedback loops.....the slow creep of environmental decay gives way to sudden and self-perpetuating collapse." - Time Magazine

But what if we take a bunch of action, and it turns out thousands of leading scientists were wrong? Or it was a plot by thousands of greenies to make money from scare tactics?

Then we might feel pretty silly. And the economy might take a hit. Oh no! Compare this to the option of not taking action because you're waiting for everyone to agree, and the entire Greenland ice shelf melts.

Which course of action seems the most responsible to you?

The U.S., Asia, and the Rest of the World

"The U.S. is home to less than 5% of the world's people,

yet it produces 25% of the CO2 emissions on the planet"

- Time Magazine

174 nations have ratified the Kyoto treaty to reduce carbon emissions. (And I'm a little teary that the second-last developed nation to hold out, Australia, finally ratified it December 3, 2007).

The U.S. has not ratified the treaty, along with Afghanistan, Iraq, Brunei, and Tajikistan.

The explosive growth in China and India is scary - way scary - and in 50 years they'll be the ones with the biggest impact. China and India seem willing to make moves, but Time Magazine says "they feel Washington must take the lead."

"Bush has called for a new international accord to fight climate change to be in place by the end of 2008. But most of the measures he supports involve voluntary , not mandatory, emissions controls, rather than the laws with teeth scientists are calling for. ...Bush explicitly rejected mandatory caps on emissions." - Time Magazine

This breaks his 2000 campaign promise: "We will require all power plants to meet clean-air standards in order to reduce emissions of...carbon dioxide within a reasonable period of time." George W. Bush

What can you do? 5 easy things:

  1. Change all your light bulbs to energy savers (CFL's) - you'll save money over the long run. Order them today.

  2. Move your thermostat down 3° in winter (wear a sweater!) and up 3° in summer.

  3. Call your utility company and ask for a free or low-cost energy audit.

  4. Turn off electronic devices you're not using them, and unplug devices from the wall (yep - standby power accounts for

  5. Take public transport (and trade your car for a hybrid)


The Earth is heating up. Humans are contributing to it. Projections are bad to catastrophic. We're seeing scary effects already. If we stopped all CO2 emissions today, we're still probably screwed. Yet we're making it worse. Any serious debate is largely over. Even in the face of uncertainty, it's smart for us to take BIG action steps. The U.S. - as the biggest offender - must take action, instead of blocking action.


If you're not yet convinced that action is required:

  1. Watch 'The Most Terrifying Video You'll Ever See' (8 min)

  2. Read 'How to Talk to a Climate Skeptic', and The Royal Society's guide, to get your biggest questions answered.

  3. Post your conclusion (or remaining questions) on the blog here. (Hint: If you like to debate - that's the place to do it)

If you believe action is required:

  1. What can we, as a 70,000 strong SolutionBox community, do to impact the issue? Post - in bullet point form - the top 5 actions you think we should or could take. Post on the blog.

  2. Invite everyone you know to participate in this discussion by forwarding this newsletter with a personal note, or inviting them to the blog.


P.S. Got a comment on this article? Please add it to the blog.


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Is Global Warming really happening?

If you like to debate, this is the place to do it.

Respectfully. If you feel anger, be responsible for it, OK?

'Flames' will be deleted.

And your posts will have MUCH more meaning if you're already read the arguments here. No use re-inventing the wheel, right?

Look forward to your comments.

