
Monday, February 26, 2007

Subway No Pants Day 2007

In January, just for fun I did something outside the norm and rode the subway like this! It was "No Pants Day" in New York City. Here's an excerpt from an article which appeared in Sydney, Australia's The Daily Telegraph:
14 Jan 2007 - PASSENGERS on the Number 6 train in New York yesterday got more than they bargained for as the annual No Pants Subway Ride swung into action.

The No Pants day has been a yearly tradition since 2002, when seven members of the comedy group Improv Everywhere kicked off the event by kicking off their trousers on the Lexington Avenue Local.

More than 150 people took part last year and this year's cool-legged crowd was tipped to be even bigger.

Group founder Charlie Todd told WNYC radio that the event starts slowly, with one person boarding the train in boxers and briefs.

"It's subtle at first, and it's hard for people to explain what could possibly be happening. By the end of the ride, when there's 20, 30, 40 people in their underwear, it becomes something that's obviously meant to be funny," he said.
It was classic! Really fun to mess with people's heads ;-)


Monday, February 12, 2007

Create #47: Re/Transformation

1. Announcements/Offers

Do You Own Any Positive Music?
Have you noticed how most music is about loss? Or trying to get somewhere? Or yearning?

Jana Stanfield is a motivational speaker and singer, and a personal friend. I think you'll find her website inspiring: www.janastanfield.com - she does a lot to help the world.

And in particular I recommend you get a copy of her CD 'Brave Faith', which I've been listening to for years. You can get a copy here. It's great for when you want to listen to something soothing or inspiring.

Shift From Limitation to Power
Your unconscious beliefs are running your life. Re/Transformation can shift your beliefs from limitation to power - often in just minutes.

I personally experienced a session with Frank Butterfield, which was very valuable, and very powerful - the man knows his stuff!

Sign up for the newsletter and receive a free audio guided visualization and step-by-step guide to the process. You'll be introduced to the landscape of your unconscious mind and see what Re/Transformation can do for you. Be one of the first 20 to sign up and receive a free one-on-one Re/Transformation facilitation. You won't want to miss this!

Get your free guided visualization (and possibly a free session!) here:

(Note: this is commission-free. I like Frank and his stuff)

2. FEATURE: Re/Transformation

This Guest Article is from Frank Butterfield of Re/Transformation.com
Your unconscious mind is running your life!

That's right – running your life.

Everything you do and everything you say and everything you think is informed by the beliefs held in your unconscious mind.

See, your unconscious mind holds two kinds of beliefs:

Those that are helpful and amazing and push you forward in life again and again.

Those that are limiting and hold you back no matter how hard you try to change them.

It doesn't know the difference, however.

The unconscious mind is like a massively powerful computer. You feed it data (what you experience from moment to moment). It runs a program or two on that data (your unconscious beliefs). And gives you the output (your life works.... or it doesn't).

Re/Transformation lets you change the programming.

Limiting beliefs

Here are some sample limiting beliefs (a few might sound familiar):
  • I can't ever succeed because....
  • Everyone lies
  • Entrepreneurs are very cutthroat and I don't want to be that way
  • Women/Men like women/men with lots of money/a great house/a fancy car/some other quality so I'll never meet anyone
  • It's who you know
  • _____ people are just that way
  • Money is evil
  • People who have money are evil/corrupt
  • People can't be trusted
  • Everyone is out for themselves
  • Nice gals/guys finish last
  • People are too busy to care
  • It's a dog-eat-dog world
  • The world is falling apart
  • I'll never have what I really want
  • If I can't do it perfectly, I won't do it at all
Every belief in your unconscious mind is there because it is protecting you in some fashion. Each one of them had a very useful function at one time in your life.

Usually, the ones that are holding you back now were originally designed to protect you or empower you in some way in the past. Where these beliefs come from is interesting, but Re/Transformation allows you to shift them from limitation to power without having to figure that all out.

Re/Transformation shows you the belief and then transforms it

There was the coffeehouse owner who always felt stressed about customer service and managing all the little details. After Re/Transformation, he let go of the belief that he was disorganized and flustered. He took on a new empowering sense of calm and effortless management.

Then there was the woman who was so tied up in survival that she had become a pirate – taking from everyone and literally plundering anyone who would come along. That is, until she let that go and began to see herself as the amazingly powerful and capable woman she is today.

My favorite is the man who finally gave up his need to protect himself every minute of every day, particularly at night when he was trying to sleep. Working together, we found an intricate layer of beliefs that had achieved an amazing balance together – both keeping him asleep and awake at the same time. We gently released each one and replaced them with new beliefs that now support and nurture him. You might know him, as a matter of fact.... ;-)

Did each of these take days, months, or years to happen? No – each of these people experienced a significant shift in their unconscious beliefs in a matter of minutes.

How Re/Transformation works

Re/Transformation is a powerful and gentle process that allows you to immediately access and shift limiting beliefs.

You then empower yourself with new helpful beliefs that move you forward and support the vision of your higher self.

And it happens in a matter of minutes.


  1. Focus on a specific area of your life (money, work, relationships, etc.). What isn't working in this area? Write down at least 3 limiting beliefs you have about this situation.
  2. Pick one belief from the list above that seems to be the most intractable and the most real. Pick the one that frustrates you the most.
  3. What person embodies this one belief? This can be someone you know or don't know; someone from TV, a movie, a book, a tall tale, or a mythic legend; someone living or dead; someone real or imagined. What is this person's name?
  4. Imagine yourself having a conversation with this person. Ask them any question you want. What they are doing for you? Are they protecting you from anything (past or present; real or imagined)? Pay attention to what they say back to you (even if you think you are just imagining it). Notice how you feel and what thoughts start coming to you.
  5. Write down any insights you receive from this conversation. What tangible action steps will you take based on this new awareness?

For further assistance, Frank has offered….

Your unconscious beliefs are running your life. Re/Transformation can shift your beliefs from limitation to power in just minutes. Find out how at Re/Transformation. Sign up for the newsletter and receive a free audio guided visualization and step-by-step guide to the process. You'll be introduced to the landscape of your unconscious mind and see what Re/Transformation can do for you. Be one of the first 20 to sign up and receive a free one-on-one Re/Transformation facilitation. You won't want to miss this!

Sign up here:

by Frank Butterfield
Thanks Frank ;-)


3. The Personal Touch

In the last 'Create' issue I shared about my 'bump' in India. After having 'turned the corner' I had a resurgence of energy in the form of anxiety/fear. Boy - talk about an invitation from the universe to take a look at yourself and your way of being!

With this 'super sensitivity' over the past month, I've learned I can't get away with many things that used to work before such as - multi-tasking, thinking about all the things to do later today, and rushing. I'm learning to listen to my body, and to take care of myself and be really nice to myself. Come up against a belief "I should be able to heal myself on my own", resistance to using medication, an image I've been holding onto of a "strong, secure, fun, smart, independent, solid man", and my judgments about people who use medication or experience depression or anxiety. OK - I'm experiencing more of humanity! ;-) I've gone deeper into meditation and yoga, hired a nutritional counselor (no sugar, including fruit, sweetish vegetables, and most things you buy in a supermarket!), a homeopath, a therapist - all good stuff to explore what's coming up, being present, watching the mind, and caring for this body.

Oh, and - I'm usually having an awesome time. I'm doing great. This week things are much more than ever coming into balance and feeling smooth. Much love, authenticty, and learning.The journey continues...

Love David

P.S. Comments invited on the blog.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

making a difference

Hi guys,

This one is a personal request.

Someone told me today my newsletters have improved their life, and I realised I'm not aware of the impact I'm making to you guys on a personal level.

Oh, theoretically I know it's there, but I work from my computer at home so I never get to SEE the impact. And I'd like to FEEL it.

So if anything I've done, said or written has made an impact on your life at a Personal level, and you have a moment and the inclination, I'd like to hear about it here: Post Comment.

(If you've gotten business results that's great, but I'm really interested right now in what changes have happened in your life, or your experience of life, or for those around you? Or what have you learned about yourself and life from anything I've done?)

You can post your response to the question "How have I impacted your life" here:

Post Comment

Love and fun,


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

MM #75:Taking Your Success to the Next Level

1. Announcements/Offers

Independent Report on Coach Training and Certification

This free report by David Wood and Daniel Midson-Short reveals the real story behind coach training and certification, answering these crucial questions:
  • Do you need to be certified at all?
  • How to get a $300 coach training special
  • How to choose the perfect school for you
  • Who should you get certified by? ICF or IAC?
  • What if you already have related training?
Available now as a free download in pdf format at:


(Comes as part of the free Coach Training Mini e-Course)

2. FEATURE: Case Study: From Successful Coach to Extraordinary

Michael Stoller was already a successful coach. He'd been at it for more than six years, logging 2,200 hours experience, and had coached more than 200 people. But he saw limitations in what he was doing, and he wanted to take his business to the next level.

That's when Michael called me. I was especially impressed with Michael's determination and results, so I asked my assistant Aine to get his story. It's a very inspiring one.

Note: the audio and some of this article sounds like promo for the CoachStart Program which I run for already successful coaches - which is ironic as I'm not seeking participants right now. But what I'd like you to get from this article and audio is inspiration from Michael's passion and results as a coach. There's a link to the full audio here.

Below are a few highlights of their conversation.

"I came to David specifically to re-brand myself," Michael explained. Although he was already a life coach, he wanted to work with a new clientele - business people and entrepreneurs with the financial resources to spend on his services.

Michael wasn't familiar with David's work until he received an email from his father, who had found David's site. "I was impressed with the way David marketed himself, his products and services," Michael said. He thought the investment sounded very high, but then said: "If you can help me get where I want to be, then the cost is very small."

Specific strategies

Michael decided to use a new approach to David's coaching services. "In the past, most coaches helped me get in touch with my inner wisdom, but I used David more as a mentor and guide," he noted. "I wanted direct advice, like 'Here's what I think you should do if you want to get to the place you want to be.' "During our sessions there would be specific suggestions like: 'Get this section of your website going. Hire someone to do your logo. Create a sample home page. Write your bio.'

One of the biggest action steps Michael took in the CoachStart Program was coming up with a powerful name and brand for his business: Career Rocket Coaching. "It was something David suggested way at the beginning, and it didn't ring with me, but it ended up that as I played with developing it and my logo, I really liked it," Michael remembered.

As Michael developed the content for his site, "David told me what he liked, but more importantly, what he didn't like, so my website would match the image I wanted to get across to my clients or potential clients."

Spectacular results

Michael had just moved from a metropolitan area to a smaller community of 25,000 when he started working on going to the next level. "I knew nobody," he said. But now:
  • Michael has six brand-new clients, and is making close to $2,000 per month just with those agreements. He has 8-10 more who are close to a verbal agreement.
  • His clients have signed up for six to nine months!
  • He has become well known in the community and has been involved in Chamber of Commerce events.
  • He launched his new website, CareerRocketCoaching.com
  • He has a new logo, new business cards, and even embroidered polo shirts. ;-)
  • He's been doing speeches and seminars, including The Art of Networking and Motivational Sales.
  • He was interviewed about coaching on local television!
Michael's next step is to develop products to sell over the internet for passive income. "Prior to working with David, I thought that was a three-to-five year goal. Now I see it as a one-to-two year goal," he remarked. "I'm thrilled with the results. Things I thought would take much longer to get to, they're actually pretty much around the corner."

What did you learn?

These results alone were certainly something to be happy about, but perhaps a more important result, Michael said, was "I found out that I know how to do this, it reinforced for me that I was doing the right thing. I really learned to trust myself."

"The thing I want my clients to be left with is that you can trust yourself above all others. And I've really learned that over the past three to four months."

Michael says that the most fulfilling part of being a coach is being "in a career that causes me to constantly look at my life, where I can create more satisfaction and joy in my life." He also gets a great deal of joy from "assisting people to see that what they want in their life is actually possible, that they are smart enough, creative enough, that they do have enough knowledge."

"I help them see they don't need to know more to be successful, they need to see what's stopping them. Starting them breaking down the barriers, those fears and concerns is extremely rewarding."

For coaches who are just starting out, that advice holds true as well. Michael feels it's important to remember that success "takes a lot of hard work, it doesn't happen overnight. I don't think it's rocket science to have a successful business, whether it's coaching or any other business. I think it's doing things consistently over time, and giving yourself enough time to succeed."


Action: So what calls to you...

  1. Who is your mentor? Find someone to inspire you and keep you on track.
  2. Where would you like to focus your coaching? Have you narrowed your niche?
  3. What barriers are holding you back?
  4. What do you plan on doing to move up to the next level?
  5. Post your answers on the blog.

Want more? The principles Michael and David covered in the CoachStart Program are explained in The CoachStart Manual.


P.S. Got a comment on this article? Add it to the blog.

P.P.S. I'm generally not taking on clients right now, but if you happen to be one of those extraordinary coaches who has already generated success, and is ready to make a bigger impact on the world, then drop me a line using the form at the CoachStart Program page.