
Monday, January 08, 2007

MM #74: Set Awesome Goals for 2007

1. Announcements/Offers

What's possible in YOUR relationship?

I was very moved to receive this success story from a reader of my ebook: "The Truth About Women":

"David, I have to say thank you sooooo MUCH!!! My husband and I seemed to be worlds apart until I found your ebook. We were in such bad shape I thought there was no where left to go.

We starting reading 'The Truth About Women' together about a week ago and it was as if the light came on. He actually looked at me and said "I GET IT! I understand now what you've been trying to tell me all along"

We have our good days and our bad days, but the bad ones are becoming far less and when we need to we just reference your ebook to seek coaching!

I know this all sounds so stereotypical but it is the truth. Thank you so much."

Tracey Iverson
West Chester PA USA
gtkiverson @ aol.com

Note: But don't be fooled - it's not just for people in trouble. Ready to take your relationship to the next level?

Click here for "The Truth About Women"

2. FEATURE: Set Awesome Goals for 2007!

(Reprinted from a past article as it's so good!)

Welcome to the New Year! Did you ever want to be one of those people who makes resolutions or sets goals every year and actually sticks to them?

My friend Peter Hegarty has made 3 resolutions every year for the last 15 years, and completed every one!!! Imagine if you had set and achieved 45 extra goals for your life!

But that's pretty 'out there'. This article isn't for those of you who easily create three resolutions every year, create a plan for achieving them, and put it into action without effort.

No - it's for those of us who WANT to make some changes to our life, and are JUST ABOUT to do some goal setting, and were waiting for the push that comes from this very newsletter. Well here it is!

And you'll be glad to hear I'm not going to bust your chops about goals. I'm clear that many of us don't set goals because we don't want to set ourselves up for 'failure'. It's a bit confronting. Well - welcome to the 'easy flow' method of goal setting.

I'm going to simply invite you to create three goals that will make a difference to your life, and then to put them up on your wall. If you don't complete them - what have you lost? You're no worse off. And if just picking some goals and putting them on your wall is enough to tip you over the edge and cause some results, then you've discovered a very easy way to make changes!

My 3 Step Goal Finder™ Method

So let's get started. Here's my easy 3 Step Goal Finder™ method:

1) Firstly pick an area of your life that you really would love to polish up. (Not SHOULD polish up, but would LOVE to polish up). Common areas are relationships, career, finances, health & fun/lifestyle.

2) Then set a resolution or goal that would put a smile on your face when achieved, and write by when you would like to have it. (A stretch is OK, but keep it doable.)

3) OPTIONAL: Repeat this process until you have 3 goals. (Note: You can skip these steps and simply pick something that you know in your heart you want to do.)

Your goals should be specific (i.e. will it be clear when you've reached it? A goal like 'feel better' about myself is hard to measure. While a goal like 'lose 10 pounds' is very clear.)


Action: So what calls to you….

  • A healthy toned body?
  • A clear financial plan?
  • 30% increase in income?
  • Starting your own business?
  • Feeling free, expressed, and in love with your partner?
  • Back in communication where there has been a rift?
  • Two weeks in Peru?
  • To sing in public?
  • Learn a language?
  • Own your own home?
  • A job you love where you're truly making a difference?
  • Find a life partner?

* * * *

1. Decide on your one to three targets.

2. Now that you have one to three targets, they need to see the light of day! So write them down in big letters and put them up where you'll see them every day. You might even like to get creative, and use paint, and/or find a picture that motivates you.

3. I also highly recommend telling at least three people, to make it real. If it feels appropriate, ask for their support (e.g. to call you once a week to ask how it's doing). Of course - it's hard to beat getting your own coach; at the minimum you show yourself you're serious

(I just hired a nutritional counselor for 3 months myself)

4. Post your goals at the blog for the world to see!


Tuesday, January 02, 2007

What are your goals for 2007?

What are your goals for 2007?

Post them here!
