
Sunday, April 27, 2008

'August Rush' - and your purpose

I just watched the movie ‘August Rush’, and loved it.

Further, I had a very deep insight afterwards that affects and supports my coaching, my marketing, and my purpose. I encourage and challenge you to watch the movie in the next 7 days, and post any insights you have about your purpose – what you’re up to in the world - at this link:

http://tinyurl.com/3k4xto (or click 'add comment' below)

(If you’ve seen it recently – then feel free to post now!)

Once you’ve watched (or re-watched the movie), then listen to MY insight here:

August Rush - 3 minute audio

And I hope you’ll post your own insights. I found the movie very moving, and hope you do to.



At 3:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recently bought and watched this movie and noted how important the message is to everyone - finding one's purpose in life. It is really a spiritual journey which too few people take. Watch the movie and enjoy the message!

Wendy Stubbs

At 4:11 PM, Blogger Given a Chance said...

This movie confirms my thought that when you set your intention and communicate that to the universe, to God, to your coach, the universe, God and your own choics will fulfill your intention. So go far it the journey is exciting. PS be sure you have a trip journal, or diary.

At 4:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I got deeply involved with the message of this movie. The kid is flying only on vibrations, he perceives the world vibrations in a very deep way. It made me remember how I was tuned to the music of the world when I was a kid, and could follow any vibration at a very deep level. I understood that we are connected by vibrations, all of us, and we have to allow them to permeate us and take us near others that are or will be meaningful for us...
One insight is the perception of how much we cheat ourselves imagining that adopted babies don't have a way of missing and searching for the disconnected mother vibration they had in the womb. They do know it, miss it deeply and never can replace it. Other insight is how much connections in my life have been first vibrational and then emotional and later rational. I have to follow them, if they ring true.
Life is vibration, and it wraps us up!

At 4:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you David. Powerful message and insight on your part. And one I needed to hear right this moment.

So you see, playing your "music", I heard it and found "you". The beautiful thing about this is that, in finding you, I found "me".

As a coach, I have come to discover that when I am most transparent, I become a perfect mirror for my clients, so that they can truly see themselves. From this recognition, comes understanding, shift and growth.

When I am playing my music (using your beautifully constructed metaphor) wherever and whenever, I notice that people gravitate towards me, recognizing something...they don't know what. When we get in the sandbox and play some, and I stay open and transparent for them to explore, they ultimately realize what they found in my "music" was actually an echo of their own.

Interestingly, this plays on your metaphor, since August was "music" created by his parents, and this is what they sought, and ultimately found, in the park that night.

Thanks for playing your music David. Today was a rough one for me--I was letting the cacophony of life get in the way so that I couldn't hear myself--and you played me brilliantly!!!!

Mary Herndon

At 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw this movie on a plane as I was returning home from Portugal. I used the trip to refocus my vision and my dream, so I was not surprised when it was playing on my flight back to Canada. I loved the film. I loved the message that our own personal song will eventually bring us home, that when we repect the gift we have, we will be led to others who want to share in that gift. I agree that we have to continue to share our song with everyone who will listen and believe that the result will be attaining the future we are looking for.


At 4:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of the best movies I've seen in the last years. It may have several interpretations about the many deep messages you can find in it. For me, one of the most powerful is how we, knowingly or unknowingly, throughout our life we’ve been always following our true calling. That inner force, which has been always pushing us in certain directions and situations in our lives, will, if we pay attention, show us who we truly are. The boy was constantly being moved by an internal force, by his own music, to find the fulfillment of his life which, in the movie, was to find his parents and to finally know where he came from.
In relation to our Coaching work I can relate the fact that we, as coaches, have a similar duty toward our clients. To help them, by inciting to look inside and analyze their own life, to discover or recognize that common thread that has been constant throughout all their lives, as a compass, showing them where they have to be or accomplish in order to feel a fulfilling and balanced life.
For its only when we follow our own hearts that satisfaction in life can be attained. It’s only when we dance to our own music and rhythm that life can have any meaning to us, and that every situation or difficult we encounter, when viewed with the right perspective, are only markers indicating we are closer and closer to “home.”

At 5:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cried through nearly the whole movie because the message to me was the same one my very spiritual mother had been telling me my whole life: Listen to the sound of the light of life calling to you because it exists as long as you can see it/hear it/feel it by halting the hum of negativity and fear around me to enable myself to let go and experience the message; I don't create it, it is already there for me to tap into. In other words, my own award-winning song (or success in life) comes from my ability to listen to the creative music that is there to direct me to it as long as I let myself hear it.

At 5:57 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Music is magic! It is true, whatever you're passionate about is your music, and it affects everyone around you, we have to play our music, at this point in time all voices are important no matter how small, which reminds me of another awesome movie I just saw which had the same effect for me that "August Rush" had for David. It's "Horton hears a Who", -the adaptation from Doctor Seuss's timeless children's book, it remind me that we all have to make our voices heard, no matter how small we think it is, it makes a difference. It inspired me to play my music, to sing my song.

At 6:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My insight in this movie is: You finally find that something that was missing in your life and you dive into it. People are praising you because you are truly great at what you are truly great at.

And then, just when you are about to live your dream outloud---just as August Rush was about to Play his creation in Central Park before thousands---someone comes in and because they couldn't capture their dream they'll try to take yours, sometimes to "protect you".

That's when you have to decide Is their dream I'm gonna follow or my dream and what I was meant for?

Do I have what it takes to daily break away and make that choice?

Sean P McCool
Knoxville, TN

At 6:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear David,

I have watched the movie with my husband last months. He suggested it after he saw it on the plane.

We watched it several times and loved it everytime.

I understand it fully, that we are all connected. That we do can communicate with vibrations - and if we are fully aligned in all level of our being. What the child has in the movie is clearly felt. However, as we grow up sometime, we get too attached with our mind ability and desires, that we forget to activate our other power/capabilities. So, we cant feel it.

It was a more a reminder for me.

Your insight inspire me to use my music to converse with those who is part of our life or need an answer to their wondering.

Thank you,
Ina Jones

At 8:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello from Korea!

Thank you David for your valuable insights and tips on coaching and life all the time. I'm a professional coach myself. I love my job. It's my life and joy.

I saw the movie a couple of times. It was "a movie of coahing. " Follow your heart and your dream will come true.

Finding our purpose in life and fulfilling your natural intention is our journey of life. Sometimes we trip over obstacles. However, if we keep listening to the heart and enjoy the journey, you will be, do and have what you want!!



At 10:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 11:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow I am amazed! I have watched this movie on a flight back from Thailand to the States. I was so moved by the story I bought copies of it and sent them to my family. I came back with the goal to become a life coach something which I had been delaying for 3 years. The movie's message confirmed in my mind that playing my music to the world, I will attract into my life people, situations, and the magic that allows me to play my music with greater joy and soul. I joined SolutionBox a few months ago to get my life coaching motors running and now after this last email I can say you have my attention and I am looking forward kicking my goal up a notch or 2 in life coaching and making a successful business. Here's to the magic of music can play in our lives!
Thank you!

At 2:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Knowing to Awareness has its own impact. Thank you for the lucid matter.

Ajit Kaikini

At 5:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw August Rush when it first came out at the cinema and found it a deeply moving and spiritual film. I have since bought it on DVD and recommended it to many of my coaching clients.
To me the messages of following ones true intuition, purpose and not giving up despite the odds was a powerful reminder for my own life journey.Listening for the subtle messages from the world around you and believing that your instincts are the true guides.
Also, being the mother of a two year old I found it heartrending and reafirmed my belief of letting my child grow and develop in love and nurturing and to follow his own paths and talents.
watch it..its simply beautiful
Anita Nowinska
Dragonfly- Personal & Executive Coaching

At 6:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are attuned to thinking metaphorically and symbolically these is a message in most good films. However leaving the power of music aside. This film was the biggest load of drivel I have seen in a long time. and before any goes on about me not getting it it is true I did not but there many more films that I do get

At 7:24 AM, Blogger Mandala said...

I hesitated to watch the movie..I knew it would make me sad. It did...but the messages were more powerful than my sadness. I, like August am looking for my family. I’m looking to create my own family. Biologically or trough adoption I really don’t care. My dream is to one day SOON to be a mother. My sadness of the past gets me confused sometimes with my thoughts/intentions and probably with what I communicate to the universe. I will think of August now for inspiration. Practice makes perfect right?

At 9:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I caught this movie on a spur of the moment when it was in the theater - in fact, I went to a different movie which had technical difficulties and was offered my money back or a second pick. So this is how I found August Rush - by accident. There was not another soul in the theater. I had it all to myself and I made the most of it. I watched some of the movie standing in the aisle. I sat in the very back. I sat in the midsection. I sat on the left and then the right.
During points of intensity on screen, I stood and at the scene in the church I stood, swaying and closed my eyes.
I didn't just see this movie, I lived it. Awareness and perception figured very prominent to me as did their impact on belief. Something with the mechanics of the movie was disonant - cast or script perhaps but the message triumphs. David thanks for bringing me back to this. A great way to start the day.

Durham NH USA

At 10:30 AM, Blogger Garuny007 said...

I am intersted be associated for India

At 12:53 PM, Blogger Site PF said...

I wateched the movie two days ago. It is one of the best movies I have seen over the years. The movie has a profound message: Anything is possible if you want it bad enough.

Saba Mokhtari

At 1:04 PM, Blogger Annika Ek said...

I loved the movie! I watched it on the plane on my way home from Hand Analysis training, which incidentally puts people in touch with their life purpose by reading the fingerprints and the rest of the hand!

My experience is that we all have the instruments to "tune" in to our higher purpose in life, unfortunately they are often not used much so they are out of practice and not trusted sufficiently.

Annika Ek DMH, DHHP, RHN, CH - True Health & Life Purpose Coach

At 4:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello ,mr Fargier Frederic Je cherche a avoir ce que j'ai gagner comme argent chez Freelotto.,je ne sais comment l'avoir ,pouvez vous m'aider a avoir ces sommes d'argent ,ces prix ,merci sinkyou very good .a l'orrigine j'avais eu des problèmes d'ordinateur "en panne " 2 fois jusqu'en Fevrier c'est pourquoi je n'est pas pu vous répondre a "Freelotto"tout suite ,merci de votre compréhention .12,rue de trève ;rochetaillée sur saone;69270;France ;a Mr Fargier.frederic .Oui j'acepte tous les prix que j'ai gagner ,sinkyou .Réponder ,moi par courrier comme je vous est écrit pour s'avoir comment faire pour réglé tous cela ,merci beaucoup.

At 4:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I watched this movie when it was out in theatres... here is what I reflected on after I watched it.

I was just going to post about the movie, but I think it would only make sense if I posted about my whole weekend then (Thanksgiving weekend... August Rush is the 2nd and 3rd to last paragraphs...

Today was a fantasically amazing day!!! If you combine it with yesterday... it was really cooly fantastically amazing.

Thanksgiving day for me involved sleeping in until 9:30 or 10 (this rarely happens for me) and getting up to try to spot my cousin on TV who was marching in the Detroit Thanksgiving Day Parade. It turns out we didn't get the station it was on and so I didn't spot him. Then I talked to Ben for quite a while... that was interesting as it always is. He is going to the olympics to play frisbee and he wants some New Balance Running shoes that don't show his clevage. Then, we went to my church to help serve food. First we ate... it was good. Then we served. I was on the buffet line and passed out lumps of hot mashed potatoes to everyone who came through the line. As they walked past me I wanted to ask them to tell me their story, why they were who they are today. But, I had more taters to scoop, so I couldn't. I don't think I would've if I could've. Stupid shyness. I don't like it!!! Anyways, I watched families come through, old people in wheelchairs, some lonely people who wandered in alone. I watched people who were so greatful for a good hot meal, and people who were relieved of their hunger after serving the shift before. I saw people who just wanted to give their kids a good homecooked meal and people who were shown God's love for the very first time.

Lately I've been realizing that people aren't just another face. They have a heart and a life just like me. They have gone through hard times, made tough life decisions, went through a divorce, lost a loved one, they live like I do. They have a family (or wish they had one), they want someone to step out and show they truly care. Every individual is struggling with at least one thing, have at least one thing to be greatful for, and wish they had something else. Each person in this world may not be who they appear to be on the surface. People want someone to step out and show they care and that they love them. Why is this so hard. Why do I continually let my shyness overcome me. I think if I did it just once, I could do it over and over again. Why can't I just let go, just once. Forget about my fears (of the unknown), forget about myself, why can't I do it just once. Everyday people face their fears, why do I have to give in so much? I am me... I love everyone who I come in contact with. I think I'm afraid to show it because I don't want someone else to wish I had done the same to them. So many times I've been the one left out, that I'm afraid to leave someone else out. So afraid that it hurts how much I can be effective.

I need to think about the story of the little girl on the sear shore. You see it was a low tide and the high tides had washed several hundred starfish out of the water. The little girl noticed this and immediately went and threw a starfish back into the ocean. A man asked her why she was doing this, she could never possibly help everysingle one. As she picked up another starfish, she began to grin and once she through it back into the water she replied, no, but I helped that one. I think this story is easy to dismiss because starfish don't get jealous. They aren't human and they don't live through drama. I really need to forget about other people and help one person, that way, once I've helped them, I can go on and help someone else and so can that person. It's like Pay It Forward. Why do I not think about those possibilities when if I stepped out of my comfort zone, just once, they could come true. Why do I always give in and let Satan have the benefit of the doubt. I need to not do that. I heard jr. high week at church camp while I was counseling this past summer "with every opportunity there is fear." But then he went on to say that we need to not think of what might happen, but what could happen. It's so easy to give in, think of all the what ifs and might happens, that we forget about the things that really will happen if we let Christ run our bodies from our hands and lips all the way down to our baby toes. Why do I not trust him enough to do this? I want to so badly, but my fears always give in! Shyness is stupid!!!!!!!

Okay, wow, when I sat down to write this the last two paragraphs weren't even in the plan. They were just a side track of my ever wandering mind. I'm sorry, when I write and when I talk my thoughts go everywhere. I hope you can follow my mind, because sometimes, I can't even do that.

Anyways, the dinner at the church seemed to be well attened. They are thinking 600plus (if I remember right) were served. After that we went to my grandma's house where I got some more good food, got to see all my cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. Well, not all of them, but most. After most people left my cousins and I stayed, we had a cousin party as we periodically do and we were able to help my grandparents clean up a little. We watched movies, played games, gave massages, and talked. In the morning we did the same and eventually my sister, one of my cousins, and I went shopping.

I then came home and relaxed for a little while when one of my friends called and invited me to go see a movie with them. So, I met them at Wendy's and we went to Wal*Mart and then to the theatre. We watched August Rush.... excellent movie.... Thanks Baylie for inviting me to go with you.

August Rush was another movie that helped me realize life isn't always exactly the same as mine. Too often, as humans we get rapped up in our own world to remember other people. The teenage who just got a positive test result, the orphan abandoned, the soldier fighting a war, the couple who just completing their beautiful wedding day. The squirrel that was partially run over by a car and is in pain, the family who just recieved the news of the dying grandpa, another family who is rejoicing over tiny finger and toes that come with a bundle of joy. We forget about the tree that sheds its leaves to prepare for winter, we forget that the cashier at McDonald's has a life of their own. It's so easy to forget that everyone else's lives go on as normal when yours seems like it just ended. We forget to think about the children in third world countries (or even in our own cities) who don't know where thier next meal is coming from. We forget about an orphan who searches fo his/her parents, wanting to know why they were left. We don't realize that the many people we encounter in the halls at school, in the aisles at wal*mart, and the drivers we pass on the road all have a life of their own. We think life should run at our own pace and if we are running late the world should help us get their on time. We think everything should be there to please us and forget that the pleasers just once want someone to please them.

Life is too much of a cycle, of ups and downs and ins and outs. We don't understand that there are so many things going on everywhere. I sometimes look into the car next to me and wonder. I wonder were they are coming from and where they are going. Are they escaping life to relax, or putting on a face to try to forget. One of the lines in August Rush was "Why aren't you happy anymore" "I am happy" "No, why aren't you happen when everyone else goes home?" It really made me think. Does the person sitting next to me at school who falls asleep in class have a home as nice as mine. Do they constantly have to please thier parents for fear of being beaten. It makes me wonder why I am so priveledged. Why am I so lucky to have grown up in Christian home. Why do I get the priveldge of having two parents who love each other? Why did God bless me with such great siblings? I gues, God gives and takes. I may have a good home life, but what if somewhere else my life is messed up. Someone else, may have a huge future in music, but they constantly fight with everyone around them. Does the bully really want to hurt you, or does he just want someone to see his pain. Does he want someone to show him that he really matters and life isn't only the way he sees it. Why does everyone see life through rose colored glasses... their path is the only way. Why can't we changed somethings. Why does life function the way it does. Why am I here? What is my purpose? How does God plan everyone's lives so welll. Why do we continually mess them up? Why do people have to get in the way of doing God's will? Why is it different for so many people?

Sorry, more ramblings, its your choice to read them or not. Right now I'm struggling with what God wants me to do with my life. See, I'm great at making plans. I plan ahead so far in advance I started collecting college mail when I was in 8th grade. I wanted to choose my college and major before my jr. year of high school. God had other plans for me. See, I think before my jr. year of high school I was a different person. I probably would've chosen the wrong school. I've been discovering who I am. Since about May of this year, I've been through so many ups and down and twists and turns if my life was a real roller coaster you would have major whiplash. Some of the times haven't been fun at all, but I'm glad I exprienced them. I lived my life, and I'm sure I've messed up. But, God always takes me back... He welcomes me with open arms and wants to embrace me whenever I choose to come back. You see, I don't even really know who I am, who I was, or who I'm supposed to be right now. But I know God does. Right now I'm trying to trust him to tell me who I am supposed to be and forget about who I was. I have an intense love for everyone I meet and especially those closest to me. Because of my shyness, I have a hard time showing that love, but little by little God is helping that love leak through my pores and into the hearts of everyone around me. I absolutely hate my shyness and my procrastination. Tomorrow I have to write at least 2 essays and finish and art project. All while studying for my college exams. Ewwww grosss! Sorry it was so long... it was just my spaghetti brain in process and my nerves told my fingers to type, so this is what came out!!!

At 6:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for bringing this extraordinary film to more people's attention, David! I have already watched it multiple times with my husband. I am moved by August's faith and tenacity. He is willing to follow his music despite many odds against him. I am also struck by his intuition and trust that his parents were still out there looking for him, and his mother's intuition that he was still alive. It speaks to that wisdom deep inside each of us that we can trust and let guide us. David, I love that you connected this to our work - presencing that with every session, or teleseminar or article, we are bringing our music to anyone that needs to hear it. Thank you for bringing such a heart-felt sentiment to a busy Monday! All the best, Melissa Hall

At 9:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved the movie and yes I would have to agree it was inspirational. It taught me that no matter what you should never give up and persistence pays off...totally! What a great little actor that Freddie Highmore is...
Shelley Aldred
On My Ownn

At 6:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A couple of insights, as follows:
Just how great the Irish accent really is, being an Irishman presently living in New Zealand. Now seriously, if that is appropriate when we consider life to be a symphony of music. There is indeed a wealth of music (opportunity) out there. The problem is that too many of us just listen and focus on the noise aspect, which has many forms. Life is for living and choice is abundant when you search for the solution and leave the problems where they really belong. I wonder what happens when you consider that your 'Map of the World' is your perception of reality, that's all! Go on - SMILE just a bit more! You may even feel a little better already :-)

At 1:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A very inspirational movie to be certain. And I couldn't agree more with you regarding your assessment of it's underlying message.

We all hear the music, in some way, in some fashion the music is that passion that moves us forward. It is what we do with that music that will shape our lives into that which we desire. It is only in the sharing of this music that will bring to us our strongest desires. The boy shared his music, even though it brought the bullies down on him, because he instinctively KNEW that he MUST share his music; his passion. His PERSISTENCE and giving won the day!

Bright blessings ~

At 6:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recall the that a mother is connected to her children forever, no matter what.
I recall that what makes a difference in peoples lives is unconditional love.
Finally remember that in some form we are all connected across our lives, even in passing. Respect one another in each ones journey.

David H

At 5:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks David for the wonderful assignment. It was deeply emotional and I'm sure it speaks to all who watch it about that deep soul need to play their own music, speak in their own true voice and live their lives from the passions of their hearts.

It also gave me more clarity about my own purpose (to be a synapse, to inspire, to bring joy) and the insight that we cannot allow anyone to take away our faith and belief in the truth of our own music.

Thanks! and keep on keeping on!


At 11:18 PM, Blogger Heather said...

Thank you , David, or suggesting that I see this movie. It has impacted me to rediscover the reasons I became a life coach in the first place and to breathe new life into my coaching business.

As a child who actually lived a similar life in some ways to August Rush (I lived in a group home like his and then in foster care til I graduated)I really identified with his vision and his purpose.

Heather Laughter

At 12:20 PM, Blogger David Wood said...

Loving all your comments. Feels good to be sharing such a wonderful movie with people.

Now wait until I start talking about Pay it Forward - and issue the Pay It Forward challenge!


At 9:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My take is this:
1. We all have innate abilities that are readily available if we just look.
2. Everything in the universe is simply energy. In this instance, it took the form of music, however, music is not the only form.
3. The universe is always speaking to us in some way and like a radio, we need to "tune in".
4. Once we are tuned in and accepting of our abilities, the most unbelievable dreams come true, without us doing anything but following the message and pursuing our abilities.


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