
Thursday, October 11, 2007

Create # 50: My Nightmare. My Miracle

1. Offers
Save Thousands on Coach Training

I created a one-of-a-kind training product that can triple the confidence of coaches everywhere, launch their skills to a new level, and help to generate astounding results with their clients. A self-study training product that not even the coaching schools have, and that two past International Coach Federation presidents are impressed with and have endorsed.

Limited Quantity Available
We only have a limited number of these packages available from the initial production run. After these are gone we plan to tweak it, improve it, and raise the price. So you may
save a few hundred dollars here.

If you have any interest at all in being a better coach, or a more confident coach, I highly recommend you grab a copy and get started straight away.

Get your copy of this world's first in coach training here:

Top Coaching Techniques

Relationship R & D Team

If you have an interest in the man-woman game, then I'd love YOU to join the new Relationship Research & Development team!

Some of it may be quite controversial, particularly the title, so be ready to have your buttons pressed ;-)


Simply visit: www.SolutionBox.com/rdteam.htm

P.S. By being on this R&D Team you agree that
we can use your comments and posts and success
stories in the book.

P.P.S. If you're wondering 'what about gay couples?',
gay couples will benefit too from this info, but the
focus is on heterosexual couples.

P.P.P.S. Comments welcome at http://tinyurl.com/25b9te


2. FEATURE: My Nightmare. My Miracle.

This one is deep.

It's personal.

It's a bit more raw and uncensored than what I have written in the past, so you may experience some surprise.

Some of you may not resonate with the experience, and that's OK. Take what's useful, and leave what isn't.

For those of you who might wish to see me as ‘flawless' or perfect, this may be an eye-opener ;-)
I've written it partly because I'm proud of this huge personal achievement, and partly because I'm always sharing with you what I discover is possible.

Some of you may resonate with this…..and see an area in yourself where you are Holding. Contracted. Afraid to go. Afraid to ‘let go'. And perhaps this article will lend you inspiration
and strength to open up that area ;-)

This writing is for you.


My Nightmare. My Miracle.

I was floating in tropical paradise, and 24 hours away from a nervous breakdown.

5 times before in my life I hadn't slept for a couple of days, and each time I'd spun out into an anxiety cycle that took weeks or months of drugs to bring back into line. I'm talking about near panic, and often just worried about how bad the panic might get! Having just finished one of these 6 month rides after India, I was even more worried about some kind of chronic lifetime cycle I'd never break out of.

I looked around at the palm trees, sipped my virgin pina colada, and reflected on Kristina and I swimming in the ocean earlier that day – during a Puerto Rican rain storm! Life seemed so perfect.

Yet…I was exhausted. Tension cramped my belly, my throat was knotted, and the more tired I got, the greater the fear grew - and the less likely sleep was. When it got this bad in the past, I'd broken the cycle and saved myself with sleeping pills . But they just weren't working any more. Things were spinning out of control, and I was running out of options.

I narrowed it down to this: I was afraid of not sleeping, and at some deep level, I was afraid of sleeping. In short – I was f*****.

So…. I set up a phone session with my emergency ‘ coach ' in the UK, Kira Kay . Picture me in the open air lobby of a Puerto Rican resort, speaking into my laptop as bikini-ed women stroll past:

“I think you're ready David, to face this fear once and for all. Take no sleeping pills, whatever happens….after 3 days you're body will probably shut down if you don't sleep. Be willing to face anything – to risk insanity, to risk death….all your fears whatever they may be. A nd I know you can come through the other side. But you've got to WANT it more than life.”

This was one of the most horrible and terrifying things I could imagine – my lifetime Achilles heal. I had no confidence that the result would be a happy healthy David…..it could be much, much worse. And I didn't want it more than life; I like life very much!

But it seemed the entire point was to face these fears…..of nervous breakdown, insanity, and perhaps at some level….death. And again, I was running out of options as the pills just weren't working. I decided YES ; wanting freedom, but not truly believing it was possible.

I faced some of my worst demons that same day. Simply being with the fear and exhaustion. Kristina left to spend time with her Puerto Rican family, and I wandered the resort and beach….alone. This day I discovered I CAN be exhausted, afraid, and alone. And make it through a day. I learned I can feel horrible one minute, and have a profound beautiful experience the next.

A fight with Kristina topped off the day, triggering my deep fear of feeling/being alone and abandoned. In the middle of deep pain, and feeling a gulf between Kristina and I, I called a man who had offered to help me heal if I ever got off the long term anti-anxiety medication. I figured this was a good time to call him – as I was just about to dive back on it!

What followed was profound.

Dr. Jo showed us, over the phone, how I could access my deepest feelings, and release them as I shook and sobbed, or laughed. He showed us how Kristina could sit and hold my hand as I cried, giving me pure love and support. And how this extra attention from a human being (versus feeling the feelings alone) made all the difference.

Kristina and I sat on our quiet balcony and took in the bright stars that framed the palm trees and Caribbean ocean. With Joseph's voice in my ears from my wireless internet skype phone, and Kristina holding my hand, I released 30 year old emotion s .

I went to bed ready to face whatever came up, armed with a couple of quick tips from Joseph, and some cautious optimism.

And promptly fell flat on my face.

After 3 hours in bed, and trying a bunch of techniques, I felt I couldn't take any more. I was exhausted and afraid, and Kristina was asleep. So at 1am I decided to parachute out with 10 mg of Ambien (the maximum recommended dosage). But when I pulled on the rip cord, nothing happened! In fact, half an hour later when an elephant should be comatose, my heart was beating furiously, and I could feel the panic increasing. If the max dosage won't knock me out – what will? What's at the end of the road?

I woke up feeling like crap, and scared that there was no way out. Perhaps I'm not strong enough to handle it.

Joseph was surprised and grateful to find out about my ‘not sleeping' pattern, and the fear around it. He suggested that me feeling terrified and exhausted while ALONE, and while the feelings were keeping me awake, was NOT productive! That it would be better to either take my attention off the feelings until I had support, or…..set up support for the middle of the night!

Thank God! This was MUCH more attractive than what I saw as the full ‘kamikaze-go-insane' approach. So I set up phone calls around the world in case I needed hand holding at 4am. (What a group of friends I have! Friends w ho will take a call in the middle of the night, willing to listen to me shout and sob!)

The result?

At 10pm that night I drifted off to sleep – pill-free! And, while Kristina was up reading ! (I can't remember ever drifting asleep while someone was in the room, and awake!) I cannot think of anything in my life, in this universe, more valuable to me than that experience.

Seeing my success, and that I clearly could handle more challenge s , the universe filled the resort with screaming kids – all part of three weddings scheduled for the weekend. I was HUGELY triggered by the noise, feeling very unsafe and out of control. We nearly left the resort, but I stuck it out to see what I could learn.

If you're curious about what was driving all this – what was at the core of it…..well, it doesn't really matter. And each of us is likely to have different experiences, beliefs or fears stored. Dr. Jo pointed out that understanding was the ‘booby prize'. The important thing was to release the feelings. But here was one glimpse I got into what was really going on for me:

I felt how important control was/is for me, and in the middle of a ‘sobbing session' I heard myself say: “If I'm not in control, things get f***** up, and people die”. Wo w! Talk about releasing deep stuff!

I went to bed, in that ‘unsafe' environment…. …and slept.

The universe p roceed ed to the next level of challenge; the next variable ….

I had to get up at 5am for the flight back to NY. I always take a pill before a big flight (10-24 hours), or an early one, to ensure I'm well rested, and avoid feeling like crap and powerless on the plane.

Well…this night I was willing to go into it. Willing to get no sleep. Willing to feel whatever came up, and to call friends and share it.

I got 3 hours sleep, had perhaps the best sex of my life, and we got a free upgrade to first class. With a 30 min plane doze, I was ready to enjoy the movie, and we had a wonderful trip!


I had a melt-down when I got home alone: “My body is against me and is sabotaging my sleep – will this ever f***** be over!?”. It FELT like I was back to square one.

But….lo and behold…..magic of great magic…..the feelings passed!

And the experience reminded me that the process wasn't done, (may never fully be done) and that resisting things was not going to bring sleep faster. What a lesson!

“Out of great pain, comes great insight”

For the next four nights I slept soundly – wonderfully.

I've now been pill-free for 6 months, through a variety of situations that would normally require a pill to sleep e.g. a weekend residential course, noise from a neighbor, speaking to 1000 people the next day.

What looked like being a lifetime cycle of anxiety and drugs, has opened into an entirely new possibility for me: being with myself, and my feelings….ALL of them. I now have the belief that I can face any feeling or experience.



1) I don't have to face the feelings alone. (In fact, if I'm alone and they are keeping me awake, there's no point in feeling them. Put it off until I have support).

2) I can delay feeling the feelings until I have support. (This let me sleep at night, knowing things would be taken care of. I don't have to be at the mercy of these feelings)

3) I can set up support for when this experience is likely to be triggered. (For me, that's night time – particularly in an unfamiliar environment, and with noise. I had 5 people around the world willing to hold my hand on the phone while I went through the experience).

4) Releasing the emotion. (I did deep work each day on the phone with Joseph, and Kristina holding my hand. I accessed my deepest fears and sobbed my heart out. Check out co-counseling; I'm now a raving fan).

5) Being willing to go there. (Having support PLUS committing to face whatever comes up. The willingness to go dissolved the resistance, which was keeping the ‘thing' in place)

6) Compassion. (I was hating that part of my body, my self, that was stopping me from sleeping. Now I talk to it; have compassion for it…for what it/I have been through in the past that is bringing it up.)


So what does this mean for you? Perhaps you would like to tell me.

Where do you have strong emotions or symptoms triggered?

Where are you controlling your life, so you don't have to feel something?

Is there a situation you are unwilling to face?

Something your partner wants to do that you won't allow?

Scared to quit your job? Scared to commit to a partner? Scared to
break up with a partner? Scared to have kids?

Do you control your sleep environment? Do you control noise around you?

Do you control your partner? Do you control other's behaviour?

What areas of life do you avoid? What has you MOST uncomfortable?

If you're willing to share, I'd love to hear your answers on the blog

Or simply post what this article brings up for you.


You don't have to address ANY of these areas.

You don't have to address ANY of these areas.


You don't have to address ANY of these areas.

You're doing just fine.

And – if you want more freedom in your life, and this article resonates
with you…..perhaps you'll be moved to take a step towards confronting

w hat's happening with you . Perhaps you'll be willing to ‘go there'.

If you do, I recommend support, support, support.

Someone you trust.

The process Dr. Jo used with me is called co-couseling, and I'm sure there are many other support structures that may help.


David Wood

3. The Personal Touch

A year ago I had declared I wanted a monogamous relationship, but it seems my karma with open relationships is not yet done. I love an amazing woman, who also dearly loves her partner of 7 years. After 10 months together, Kristina has now moved in with me, and I feel incredibly blessed to have this play mate in life. And how perfect to trigger old fears of being left! We recently held a Borange ceremony to celebrate how good things are, with our parents and close friends in attendance (Video)

I spoke to 1200 people in Los Angeles, and 1000 people in Orlando; my first speeches in 6 years! The experience and results were stunning, and I'm looking forward to more speeches! ( more ) If you know of any big motivational events (coaching, wealth building, getting clients, business) you think I should speak at, please post it on the blog below, or reach me through the support link below.

Burning Man was intense! The big achievement there was actually falling asleep surrounded by 45,000 people. Yay!

And if you haven't seen ‘ An Inconvenient Truth ', watch it. Really. There's never been anything more important to watch. You'll be hearing more from me soon on this ;-)

Love and fun,


P.S. Comments invited on the blog.


At 5:12 PM, Blogger Frank Butterfield said...

David -- Congratulations! You continue to inspire so many. Thank you for your honesty and for walking through the fire -- and telling us about it. I know your life is only becoming more and more of what you deeply and truly desire. All the best! Frank

At 5:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW - thank you. it is not often that you hear a successful person be so honest about such a personal event to so many people. I am currently facing my own demons and your story gives me courage to keep going and get through it.

Thank you

At 6:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honesty - with yourself and others - great. I have a chronic illness and spent many years fighting my body and the restrictions it places on me. Then I came to a place of quiet acceptance - giving in is NOT giving up! Once I accepted that this is my path I have been able to live at a far higher level of functionality and love myself enough to take time out when I need it. So, I'm not like other people - so what? There's so much I still can't do and want to, but the gifts that have come with the pain have lad to a deep compassion for people and an ability to coach them to do amazing things in their own lives.

At 6:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your story, your honesty gives me hope to keep pursuing my dreams. We all have ghosts to face and it´s amazing how just having the courage to face them makes them weaker or simply go away. I´m facing a paralizyse stage at getting my coaching business on the way. I keep looking for course, programs others ideas, but deep down I know the answers are within myself. Your sotry motivates me to take my dive within my soul. Thanks! Eliane

At 6:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear David,

Thank you so much for sharing your personal story. It meant a great deal to me that you were willing to be so open and honest about what you have been going through. And your experiences deeply resonated with me.

I am also a person who has experienced periods of deep depression in my life. I see a therapist on a regular basis and, at this point, I am taking an anti-depressant and anti-anxiety drugs. Depression and suicide run in my family, so I am very aware of my need to not let things spin out of control.

Last year I was diagnosed with stage 3A breast cancer. I went through a mastectomy and axillary dissection, 6 months of weekly chemo,and 5 and 1/2 weeks of daily radiation treatments. The chemo added to my depression and anxiety. It's now 9 months since I completed treatment. Yet I still experience periods of depression and anxiety. In working to control these emotions, I have learned that I don't need to control them - that makes it worse - or to be afraid of them - I'm not going to die. Just accepting the moments and knowing that I'm not going to feel this way all the time is a huge relief.

The support of my family and friends has been and continues to be a source of enormous help as I face my demons on a daily basis.

I will say a mantra for your continuing good mental and physical health - and I will remember (and practice) the steps you shared with us about how to turn our nightmare into a miracle.

p.s. I don't have a website, but can be reached at whipplepeggy@comcast.net

At 8:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear David,
What a powerful story you so candidly shared. My heart broke as I read how much suffering you experienced both mentally and physically. It's so refreshing to know that other successful people (and you certainly are a success!! in many ways) have their own dragons to slay. I too have experienced panic attacks and anxiety to the point that I have allowed these feelings to become limits on my life. I applaud you for facing your demons! Your a true insperation!

At 8:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


What a touching account of your struggles. I'm happy to hear that you are learning how to heal yourself.

Through my own personal journey I have found yoga (including dimensions such as movement, breathwork, meditation and visualization) and EFT - the Emotional Freedom Techniques (energy psychology techniques for - among other things - rapidly resolving fears, heartaches, anxiety, and the emotional components of pain and diseases).

EFT and visualization are also tremendously useful for performance improvement.

There are many approaches, many of which are relatively new and can work so much faster than traditional counseling. I encourage any of you in traditional counseling to download the EFT manual from Gary Craig's website, read it, and send a copy to your therapist. It will transform their practice and your treatment.

Thank you for sharing your valuable insight into your healing process.


At 9:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being transparent is such a healing and liberating experience within itself. You are courageous to open your life and share. My heart went out to you while reading your account of what you endured while away.
What came to me is this. You are much more powerful than you know. you have both harnessed and accessed this power to build your multi-faceted and million dollar business empire. You can access that same strong part of you that's down on the inside to help you overcome this situation as well. What is the "root"? When you can get to the "nitty gritty" of this and look that thing square in the eye, it will have to bow down to you! The true and authentic part of you is ready to make its grand appearance and no longer content to take the back seat in your life; so you can be congruent on all fronts...business, physical, emotional and personal. This ordeal just tells me that it's time for it to go! Just look deeply within and tell yourself the whole truth and then be willing to accept that and make the necessary changes to your life. Be willing to do things differently to create a different outcome. Break the cycle that sets up this same result to occur over and over again. Be willing to be alone if you must. Stand in your power while alone. I experienced success in many areas of my life and yet in my relationship area, I could not experience that same success no matter how hard I tried. It resulted in me feeling that I was less than and that perhaps I really wasn't successful if I could not make a relationship work. It also resulted in me entering relationships that were wrong for me, that were not "true", that were based on the wrong motivations. I tended to want to develop relationships with people that would make me look better (even though they did not have my best interests at heart and I was working from the wrong motivation). I wanted and felt I needed someone to validate me and the more important the better the validation, but they were not with me in heart and soul, only in appearance. I noticed you made a declaration for monogamy which sounds like you really want in your heart of hearts, yet you have settled for a person who is "with you" but may not truly be with you. No harm or disrespect intended to either of you, but I don't see how this will stand the test of time. Does this play into the issue that causes much pain for you? I don't know, but that's what came to me.You are rock solid on many areas, but building this part of your life on "sinking sand". You seem to love hard and yet connect with women that are committed to other people, you then win them over, which sets up a situation where you can be alone or abandoned later on, which is one of your fears. This situation has great potential to boomerang (she left them, she leaves you). Find someone that is unattached and open and ready for you. In my own experience, I found that the person for me was not with someone else. If you accept that the person in your life has other people in her life, your stomach will continue to knot up. There can be no trust and no commitment that way. There could be sex, but it will be hollow because love is not attached.
I believe that you can easily conquer this situation no matter how high this mountain seems to be for you. I know you can climb it because of where you are and what you have accomplished in other areas of your life. Transfer that power and ability over into this area and you will soar. The medicine only treats the symptoms, not the problem. You are stronger than you know. Believe that from the rock solid place on the inside. Say a sincere prayer to God tonight and ask him to help you with this and to remove this fear/challenge from you once and forever. Then climb in bed and begin a lifetime of peaceful sleep. Continue with your destiny of helping others come forth in their lives.Love and Joy and God speed on your inner healing. Remember the body obeys the mind. Choose a different thought! Here's wishing that you find the love of your life and live happily everafter and that you find inner peace and joy from the inside out.
(FEAR - false evidence appearing real)
If I have overstepped, I'm sorry, but I felt inspired to share with you in hopes that you can be free, once and for all. Blessings and peace.

At 11:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, too, am extremely amazed by your openess. It brought me to tears. I know to be in the field of coach, or in the position of healer that many times not, we are also in need of healing and prefer to defer our needs for others. I actually aplaud you for the steps and the path that you have taken to heal yourself.

Unlike you, I am a divorced mother of two...I nonetheless can feel your pain of being alone.I went into the field of coaching to help myself explore my limitations in terms of being able to manifest what I saw myself being capable of, and yet had not reached my full potential. My resume and accomplishments were of value but I was constantly being asked why I had not made millions, or wasn't famous, or even why I had not become myself....the answer obviously was fear. I really never found out what the causes of my fears were (meaning I felt that exploration was counter-productive for me. I wanted the pain to go away), so I explores through a spiritual outlook by focusing on various traits, petty angers etc that I had thought I had released, but were constants in my life...I honestly had one person do this with me. My stubborness actually sabotaged my actions time and time again, and I would listen to some of the advice and just ignore the rest. My friend kept pushing me to do this; she told me that the only way to build what I am looking for is through a VERY POSITIVE OUTLOOK: PERIOD. She told me it is one thing to be a healer, it is another to be a REAL healer. By this she meant that I had to be brutally honest with myself. Once I was able to do that a little bit, she said I would have a good firm base to start to build my dreams on. I must admit it has taken a couple of years for me to get through the basics, and yes I am still stubborn, but I have a newfoound respect for what we do as coaches/healers/guides/counselors, but more than that, I know that the advice and the help I offer others is real compassion. I have learned to make mistakes (one of my fears) or in other words learn how to use what I know to benefit my family and myself as well.
I know it is a long process(your journey and anyone who commits to self improvement), and some days you will certainly “fall off the wagon”, but I admire your constantly being able to be a REAL inspiration and what I believe to be a real healer. Another poster mentioned that you obviously possess an enourmous amount of strength; I am in total agreeance on that one. I know that you will get stronger by this and if there was ever any doubt of how good you really are, then let these comments left for you be a testimonial to your greatness, love, and comapssion.

Good luck on your journey and G-d should bless you with the peace that you are seeking in your heart. And, may we all be able to read another psot written by you where you will tell us that you have many joyous moments to share!
PS. I recently found out about co-counnseling and EFT. Actually, without knowing the technical name for co-counseling, I have used it all of my life when dealing with others.Your words seem to indicate that you are still searching for someone who can heal you the way you are able to heal others. I believe that you have taken the right path by starting to heal yourself from within.....by going through this vey difficult process, I believe you will attract “the one”who will be a healing force for you.

At 5:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Strange how we can so easily see other people's problems and find solutions for them. When it comes to ourselves however we need a magnifying glass but, we then zone in on the slightest fault we find and move it under the telescope of our lives. Proceeding to study this minute problem in such intricate detail and seeing things as much, much larger than life. The dread and fear we build and nurture in the interim cause much of what you experienced with your inability to sleep.
What if we were to dedicate such passion to a useful cause i.e. each time the fear or self-criticism arises, focus that same energy into a pet project...
Well done David - it is our fears that drive us to succeed. Cathy

At 8:10 AM, Blogger BLumetta said...

Very cool, David. I know this process was very hard on your and Kristina. I have had bouts in my life where I felt the options were go absolutely crazy and be put in a home, or die. And both seemed VERY attractive!!
I found a really valuable tool that I use in my coaching practice that the rest of you may want to take a look at. It's called EFT, which stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. It's stress relief for your thoughts and emotions. And best yet, it's free to learn for everybody just by going to emofree.com and getting the manual. I know I may sound like an advertisement, but that's not my site and there's nothing in it for me to tell you about it. The site was created by the founder of EFT. This is one of those things that you learn and can't keep to yourself. It's just a joy to share helpful info. Otherwise why would I be a coach?
Here's my short story: I was plagued with the traumas of my past and told a friend - screamed it actually - that I was so tired of tripping over my old, emotional baggage! I didn't want to see it, hear it, talk about it or even look at it ever again! AND worse, it was in my way on my personal growth path! So she suggested I learn this EFT. I did. And boy what a difference in me and my clients! I quit my corporate job and began to build my life coach practice in earnest. And now I am so much more at peace in my life. THAT'S the benefit I would love for everyone to enjoy!

At 10:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

David, you are truly an inspiration to those of us who suffer, mainly in silence, as nobody seems to understand what we are going through. I too like many of your readers,I suspect, am going through this feeling of being in polythene and it gives me great hope and comfort to know I am not alone. Bless you for sharing your struggle with us and may you and your lovely Kristina now have peace.

At 1:48 PM, Blogger Lori Smith said...

Agree with all the posts here.

I think a LOT coaches feel that they need to be "above" it is simply not true. We are good coaches because we have made it to the other side, we lived through our issues.

Thanks for sharing.

would love to have you write for our Top Coaches series - it is all about showing our clients and friends our strategies for dealling with live.

Hit me back if you would be interested.


PS Any and all coaches are invited to join our fun.

At 1:50 PM, Blogger Preserve a Natureza said...

AMAZING - It is a very human and inspiring. For those of you lookingh for a good reading I would recommend an interesting book called The Power of Now by Eckart Tolle.

Feel good,

Marcello Gregol - Brazil

At 3:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your Experience with us. I would encourage you to begin or enhance a practice of "energy work", whether Reiki, Pranic Healing, or something else that speaks to you, something that feels good, great to you. I believe it will help you in surprising ways.

My Personal Journey taught me that whatever "it" was, I could always look inside myself to face "it" and work past "it"; I was the common denominator; I could only do something about MYSELF.

I wish you well on your Life Journey. Much Peace, and Many Blessings. ~C

At 10:09 AM, Blogger Eden said...

David - you have certainly come through a very difficult situation and I commend you for your strength not only in succeeding, but in sharing that experience.

However, I am a bit concerned that your "coach" in the UK took it upon herself to treat you for this condition. I am still new to the world of coaching and I am still learning what coaching is all about... and to me, this reeks of coaching where therapy was clearly indicated.

In trying to validate a profession that seems, to many, to be unlicensed therapy, a line must be clearly drawn between the two. At what point do you know that line has been crossed? And what do you do with a coach that crosses it?

I'm sure I'm not the only newbie that reads your blog so while this is a truly heartwarming story, it may blur that line a bit for some. If you should care to clarify, I'm certain we would all be appreciative. :)

At 11:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear David,(and I do mean 'Dear')
Your story inspired me to share my own success this very morning. I have had a very 'bad' week for no external reasons - hating the clients I love, hating the work I love, sabotaging my new, wonderful relationship, feeling desperate and wanting to give up (in the BIG sense - scary)and layed in bed with my negative thoughts grinding until I thought 'enough already!' I imagined casting out an actual demon (my thoughts) and silently recited (shouted)a mantra of "Get out" over and over and over until no other thoughts could come in and when I finally was able to get out of bed, the evil thoughts were gone and I was at peace and actually Happy! I'm feeling loving, compassionate, and filled with grace and expansiveness. This is the first time I have ever done anything like this and wanted to share it for your readers in case it's useful to others.
Bless you,

At 2:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your story David. I too experience anxiety and panic so your experiences have personal meaning. I am striving to accept my anxiety and to get through my own personal fears and barriers. It was truly inspiring to read this - thank you.

At 5:16 PM, Blogger David Wood said...

Thank you all for your overwhelming acknowledgement, support, love, and suggestions.

It feels good to take this risk, and be seen.

EDEN: excellent point. No coach should touch a situation like the one I was in, if they follow the ethics of the International Coach Federation (which I do). That's why I referred to Kira as my 'coach'. She's more of an energy healer/psychic - so not bound by the ICF ethics.

At 5:26 PM, Blogger Sietse Sterrenburg said...

Dear David,
Your story has really hit me, it got me to tears. It touches on the difficulties I have this moment with allowing all my feelings to be. This touches on my own deep belief that I'm not allowed to take any space which I somehow have taken with me all my life. At the moment I'm still struggling to get over this belief. By reading your story I feel supported in my own process.
Thank you!

At 8:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on having the strength to share your story and 'risk' judgement. There are so many people out there that look at others and see them as 'perfect'. You would be one of those. People think the grass is always greener, and others are so much richer, better looking, organised, happier etc than they are. But really we all have our own demons to face, and violins to play. WE ARE ALL REAL! AND WE ARE ALL NORMAL! Thank you so much for showing us your true self, and that just because we are struggling with something does not mean we are not amazing people with a lot to share! Thanks!

At 4:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi David

Thanks for sharing your story - struck a heap of nerves for me and none more so than your honesty, which is rare and can only serve as an inspiration to others. You are one of the few coaches who when you speak, I listen as you never fail to share stuff that can help us all grow, both in ourselves and our businesses. What an amzing feat to speak in front of all those people and do great business. So it just goes to show that if you can do that you can do anything, the secret is to focus on that in the moment the down days hit. My father calls it "trawling for gold" - not always easy to do in the moment, but certainly works in the long run. All the very best to you, and others here who have shared your thoughts.


At 6:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Behind every door there is a story.
Thank you David for opening your door and telling us this story. It is honest, kind and very generous of you to share your experience.
Thank you for keeping the thread that connects us all alive.


At 10:40 AM, Blogger Heather White, Life Skills Coach said...

I always seem to read or stumble upon a helping hand in this life of mine. Thank you David for sharing. When coaches share, it is real and wonderful, even if painful. I am a personal coach that is fearful of my own success and yet can coach others toward wonderful goals. Your sharing has helped me understand that I too, need help and guidence. Which allows me to relax and enjoy my coaching, knowing that there is time for me as well. Once again, thank you for sharing and posting. Heather

At 10:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

david! As a subscriber of MentorMonthly for a year now, i get hudge value each nonth...I listen to you ! AND so thrilled to see the point you'v reached in yourlife! that's what I call: WALK THE TALK" good 4 you !!Applause!
your honesty,courage,authenticity is inspiring!! that is what i call being adult.you "give" me the "okay" to take care of my demoneds! happy new year with your new YOU!!Ilana

At 8:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you David,
I truly appreciate your sharing of this personal challenge and story of personal courage. What a beautiful and eloquent reminder of the struggle one faces when going through the "eye of the needle" situations that the Universe choses to present to us under the guise of growth opportunities. You are an isnpiration to me. Thanks a million for sharing! JY

At 5:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thankyou david you are a very brave and strong person as shown in your success,unfortunatly when we are strong and brave most of the time in our lifes; when something comes along that test our ability to be brave and strong it can take the wind out of us and thats when the fear kicks in, and it is important to remeber that this is a perfectly normal human response; and it is there for a reason to stop us from doing things that will put us in danger or harm us,but once you understand it more and fear it less and except it for what it is it will pass and happen less and less and eventually you will get to a place where you can handle it like a piece of cake like getting up and brushing your teeth in the morning you do this without thinking, and once you accept this as a perfectly normal way for your body to responed then this to will turn back down to a normal level and not feel so intense. I am from Coventry England and i am married mother with eight children 5 of witch are teenagers, me and my husband are both unemployed and i am in the middle of setting up my practice as alife coach, i have come a long way since last year when i had a nervous break down it was then i did a course with what we call share self help and relaxation excersizes, they taught me many different tools to help stress, anxiety and depression and this in turn has helped me not only to help myself but to help my husband through depression without the need for tabelets and also my daughter i had to have antidepressant but through the knowledge i gained through share i was able to help my husband and daughter through it with out them.There is one thing they taught me that i very helpful to me and that is when you succeed at something or you achieve a goal you will experence what they call the aftermathe this is only temporary and passes after aweek or two you wil feel highs and lows tearful very tierd and difficulty sleeping etc, with you having achieved alot of your goals in life then you would have experienced this many time and having suffered from anxiety and other issues in the past you will FEAR that it has returned this is not so david it is just the aftermath and know that it will pass and if you do some relaxation every night before you go to bed it will help it pass quicker. WHAT GOES UP MUST COME DOWN! but dont fear it look at all around you and all the people you helped and loved it matters not when we die only what we do and achieve while we are here and as long as you remeber that you will be fine. god bless to you and your family.


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