
Saturday, June 11, 2005

Your outrageous business results

To achieve a goal, first dream it.

Create it, speak it.

Then proclaim it for the world to hear.

What outrageous results are you going to create for your business, using the power of the internet?

How much traffic? How many clients? How much revenue? How many ezine subscribers? How much media exposure? How many products? Which products? How much passive income?

And by when?

Make it a stretch, but something you still believe possible.

Post your goals in the comments section....

P.S If you're not already subscribed, get my powerful new mini e-Course called 'How to Get 95% of Your Clients From The Internet'. Currently free for my R&D team. You subscribe to the mini e-Course, and then you'll see the page for the full training program.


At 5:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

20,000 ezine subscribers by July 2006!

At 5:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello - my goal is to obtain five paying coaching clients by the end of Sept. 2005! My niche is coaching adults on the hidden effects of childhood victimization. This is my goal for the world to hear!!!

At 1:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I intend developing a full practice of 10 clients by the end of the year earning at least £18,000. My clients will be happy and getting the results they want. I will have developed an ecourse, and have started running workshops and will be earning a passive income.

At 2:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My goal is to become debt free, work part time, have passive income, and help people release their fears to create freedom in their lives.

At 8:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My goal is to have 20 coaching clients by the end of Sept. 2005; to be debt free asap and increase my passive income to $50,000.00 CA per year by 2007, all while striving to make the world a better place.

At 10:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will have 4 leadership development groups running by 9/06 and be earning in excess of $100,000

At 1:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to have full practice with the Spring of 2006. I want to learn to use the internet to benefit me, my clients and connect with more people. I want to be a successful coach and to hold workshops to be able to help adults deal with past issues and baggage and move forward. I want to earn 50,000 to 100,000 income in the next year.

At 7:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

* Speak to at least 20,000 people a year by 2007
* By 2010 speak to an audience of at least 30,000 at one time
* Earn $250,000 a year by 2007 working part time
* Inspire others to "think without boundaries" and achieve THEIR goals!
* Pay off all my debts by December 2006
* Purchase a home of my own again by January 2007
* Have the first book in my "Think Without Boundaries" self published and #1 on Amazon and Barnes/Noble and NY Times by June 2006
* Finish raising my children successfully, so they each have a career they are challenged by, relationships that nurture them, and community involvement that helps others
* Continue to mentor other single moms to help them "believe in themselves"
* Once my youngest child is grown -and on her own - volunteer at least a week a year in place where my skills are useful (overseas or in North America)

At 9:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will have a 'breakthrough' photography assignment that I love within the next 3mos.

I will be leading two International Photo Tours per year that net $25,000.00can profit each by the end of 2006.

Within one year I will be getting at least 1000 new visitors per day on my website.

I will be a sought after lecturer and speaker.in my field within 18 mos.

By Feb. 2006, I will have at least two very lucrative ( 30k each ) photography assignments that fit my talent and style perfectly.

Through the internet, my print sales and instructional DVD sales will generate passive income of $100,000.00 per year by Sept 2007.

Within 1 year I will have enough money to travel wherever and whenever I want.

Today I will continue meeting the best people possible to help me achieve these goals.

I will enjoy this process immensely because it will unfold in a way that is in line with my vision and values.

My enthusiasm and love of life will continue to grow as this process unfolds. This for me is success.

At 1:49 PM, Blogger jj-janet blake said...

I know the answers to everything are 'at our fingertips' and that it's a matter of focus...so...
By the end of 2005 I will have rollerbladed from Buderim to Melbourne to create a grassroots network of people to create "the World", a living art mosaic/wealth exchange of a safe and friendly place. I will begin this epic adventure October 11 at 11:00am.
I will have a min 10m subscribers, have issued 10m 'funtickets'(on the bus of happiness on the highway to heaven...just for fun):built a 10ft organic chocolate 'miracle tree' as a community project (and of course eaten it after); completed 3 (minimum) trial runs of 'cosmic healing bank' gift/thank you cycles...;appointed key overseers/guides to 'download' "the World" and make it accessible via all forms of media during 2006;
I will be preparing for similar rollerblade promotions in New Zealand and UK and will have created a min 100mil for "the World" and 1.5m sponsorship for my first rollerblade trip.
Because it's a project for community I will have full daily support of all media, both in Australia and overseas. I will now ask for and accept all the help I am offered and will give my creative input for solutions whenever asked to do so, give people hope, happiness, pleasure and put the joye and magic back into their lives. I will be accepted in my totality.

At 11:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Outrageouos business results? Wow! At this point I'd be happy with any, but here goes ...

By taking positive action I will have developed products for online sales that supplement and complement my mainstream business of coaching part time, speaking and training people.

At 2:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who said to take the hard road with all the bends and hurdles and dark corners because we learn from difficult times? Who said life is how we make it because we are the producers and the directors and the cast and most of all we are the main actors? Who says we need to be rich to be free from pain and suffering because money buys the best of specialists and health care? Are you one of these people?

At 6:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My outrageous goal is to have paid advertizers on my website, have 10,000 hits on my Enlightenment column by April 1/06 and have tons of subscribers both at home and overseas.


At 8:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Outrageos Buisness Results is 5-10 key players (Kinsmen) NOW September.I am dialoguing 3 mornings a week.I am a sought out COACH of COACHES Midwife of Souls.I am traveling around the world teaching, training, facilitating,making a difference; and our family is in a more than adequate home enviroment with an absolutely heaven sent support system within this following year 2006-2007. The donations and means are accumilated to build the Mojave Wellness Center to be completed within 2 years.The Zions Retreat Wellness Center is in full bloom in 5 years. I am writting Important key works sharing and making a difference world wide in these next 10 years!


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